From someone who bummed all four seasons… I’m absolutely flabbergasted. This will be the first season I’m going to skip. Absolutely in shock by all these horrid heavy nerf Sorc patch notes.

Heavy Teleport cooldown increase
CDR Removal from Focus
LH Removal from Wands, Staff useless dmg over time.
Flameshield useless
Nodes capped, bye fire damage.
Primarily worthless mana regen legendaries.
Minus 30/23%x Ice spike damage. Removing Ice spike %x on Glacial Aspect will literally remove a 30/23% (Staff or amu) multiplier. Insane nerf.
And more nerfs across the board.

This is just insane to me. So enjoy your zero damage, zero mobility and maybe 1 (chain-lightning) possible viable build next season.

You just can’t make this up, feels like a sick joke.


You summed it well, I think it is time to call it quits, surely they notice something when looking at stats and see that a certain class has no players?


Yea it’s a slap in the face. Won’t be playing season 5, just very, very disappointed. Honestly what are they thinking or watching? Why would you do this to fire damage and nerf defense?

Insanity. What else can you call it?

Nerfing Teleport. Wow.


Yeah. I would hope so. I know they have some sort of data, but how they interrupt them is a mystery. I think this one will definitely hit, most Sorc mains are already demoralized. And wait before they try these changes.

I play this game a lot, and I love it. But these notes… for the first time ever all the urge to play is just gone - vanished. It kinda feels like a relieve I suppose. These notes are so out of touch it’s wild, not a single buff for low performing builds either.


Lol to nerf a sorc is wild. the squishiest character in the game right now. Even now, killing a barb is nearly impossible. They one shot me every time, I need to have crazy mobility, barriers, fs and tactics to even attempt winning. Pathetic that sorc is getting crushed like this. Where did you get this info from?


We are now paying for Firekuna being the “strongest build” in the game.

We shoudl crucify that guy, he is responsible for this gigantic nerf we are getting.

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It’s not his fault that blizzard is choosing to nerf bat sorc instead of fixing class balance. The devs deserve to be the target of your frustrations, not content creators.


That Firekuna build is only good for PVM though. Don’t really care about that. I use that build and it’s still very difficult to pvp since a lot of the mechanics for the build are pvm.

Nah, I don’t think so. I mean, all these bait videos of "the strongest build’’ do portray a false perspective for sure. But everybody looking at the charts can see the huge discrepancy between builds.

We have 1 cheese S build, that’s it - meanwhile literally everything else is gutter tier. So much so, its painfully obvious right. Every other build is like 50 tiers below Firebolt if not more. This is just full on incompetence, or the team simply doesn’t have anyone playing or working on Sorc atm.

@Str8Slayin We just had a campfire - The Diablo IV Season 5 PTR: What You Need to Know — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

It’s PTR notes - they could be subject to change. But that hardly ever happens and this paints you a clear picture of what’s to come lol


As an eternal player, at least they saved me the trouble of masterworking some of my gear. And logging in.


this tbh


Bruh…they fixed the class. We can use a mace now.


They nerfed Chain Lightning, the worst skill in the whole game that only like 3 ppl play it. How?

Chain Lightning is so bad, it’s insane. With all great gear all maxed and so, maybe you can do a pit 60. They nerfed this! HAHAHAHA!!!


Er, in what world are they nerfing Chain Lightning? Where are you getting that from? Shock skills in general are like the only things they’re NOT nerfing.

Look again at the Chain Lightning before and after.

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Dude it’s getting a whole unique dedicated to it that has some promise, and the changes to Vyr’s could end up solving that skill’s single target damage problem. The changes to the skill are obviously a reaction to the unique, and I very much doubt that we will miss the current versions of Greater Chain Lightning and the enchantment.

Take a look at the Charged Bolts … has unique, so what if it does. Chain Lightning just doesn’t deal damage. They took about 20x damage from it.

If you look at the unique and how it forces you to change the playstyle, I doubt it’s gonna be good. It does have +x to skill ranks, but it might be one of those cases like Oculus … it’s good on paper.

Vyr does look good. But it will kill your unstable currents that chain lightning is working so well with. We’ll see.

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Chain Lightning now has a 4 second cooldown on its enchant. Why? Because we have to nerf it on principle.

The pants are also a trap. You will see once people start playing with it on Tuesday. The 6 mana drain per CL out is going to kill you, especially since the CLs are gonna waste a lot of time spinning around you. This is not a viable Unique to build around. You are going to have devote a huge amount of your build to generate mana to keep this going, we’re looking at +6 Mana GA affixes on Chest and boots to get this working without fizzing out, and note that if you run out of mana all your chain lightning just disappears in a puff of smoke, not even just gonna finish their life cycle.

Chain Lightning does piss poor damage, the explosion at the end is going to help a little but we still need more multipliers to make it happen, and they already nerfed all the remaining multipliers.

Chain Lightning will be dead on arrival and they are still going to wonder, “Why are those still sorcs so mad we gave them a huge buff!”


The defenses on sorcs is the only thing making them viable at all, and they nerf them? Makes no sense without a massive power upgrade across the board. Meanwhile, my barb doesn’t move, soaks up all damage, and does many times the damage that a sorc does. It would be unbelievable except it’s been going on for so long.


When i read the notes during game play, I stopped playing immediately. The nerfs are absolutely absurd. Blizzard doesn’t want you to play this class anymore. Either the nerfs are removed, or this might be the last DarthTard plays again.