Arc Lash might be able to do decent damage now with the new Vyr’s Mastery and Flickering Arc Lash. 2 multipliers is big.

Mate they hear us! XD Didn’t every sorc want more nerfs?

sorcerer have to wait 3 more seconds to escape from danger.

don’t know how hardcore sorc players feel.

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I wish i could say it was a good run sorc friends but we only ever saw a brief flash of brilliance in one Ball Lightning build in 4 seasons.

Forget playing Sorcerer in this game. I’ve lost hope in D4 for my favorite class, they obviously won’t let it be fun.

Sorry to be cliche, but PoE 2 is what I’m waiting for the Witch looks very good, but I’ll leave it at that.

If you like Barb, welcome to Barbalo 4. You guys are the winners.


i would disagree. its the 2628 boy keep mumbling and nagging to nerf sorc in every episode of his videos because P150 leaderboard is above all of his barb build.

mekuna is just playing his game without harassing other players build.

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As someone who has played some sort of Mage/Wizard/Sorc throughout the life of the Diablo series… i can guarantee as of right now, i will not touch a Sorc for S5… this is abysmal


Mekuna is even harassing his own build. He has made it clear he hates the build, and I don’t blame him, the gameplay is tedious and does not look fun.

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My only hope is that they screw up as usual somewhere and have a bugged interaction somewhere. I’m going to look hard for it in the PTR and if I find one I will keep it a secret until Season 5 launch.


I’ll be keeping an eye out :slight_smile:
I’ll tell ya… this season, I stuck with my frozen orb - despite it’s lack of power after getting the unique stomped on. I had fun, even though I could get NOWHERE near the people I play with (all 3 are playing barbs - of course)

So yesterday, I started a heartseeker rogue. It’s only level 92. It’s been more powerful than any of my sorc’s (except S2) since like 85. I’m doing things on there with eaaaaaaaaaase. Makes me sad.

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They really know how to build hype to make me buy DLC, nope. I have zero will to even continue S4 they killed all my hype.

Someone call a Necromancer.

Sorc corpse available to summon. :skull_and_crossbones:


Just wild how out of touch the D4 team is with their own game. Wow


After this Patch my fresh naked 1 minute old Barb will outperform every BIS late game Sorc build :upside_down_face:


We’ve never recovered since the patch just before Season One. I’m rolling a barb and necro S5. Too bad,so sad. Sorc is my favorite. RIP

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Very bad tone this thread sorry, you could really try to be constructive rather than flat out complain… but the sentiment is something I unfortunately also share :frowning: I really don’t wanna feel like this every season c’mon, I was finally having fun despite missing the third masterwork affix improvement 100% of the time so far xD

Constructive has gotten us nowhere. Complaining has gotten us nowhere. It’s kind of hard not to be demoralized patch after patch and season after season


I had top gear for incinerate in season 4 and it doesnt come even near to the power of barbs and rogues but now with nerf to burning instinct its gonna be useless again. I was getting 181% burning instinct with 3002 intelligence and now my fun with sorcerer is officially over. Im done playing this game until this class gets fixed.


yeh, burning finally felt and looked great! again, shame that what made people happy(seeing that high multiplier in the far away paragon node) is only gonna last a patch :frowning:

daaaaamn 3k int is something you must have invested a lot of time into, seeeee that 181 is gonna be capped now isn’t it?

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Blizzdiots want us to forget about sorc, just buy expansion and play new class.