Wow did you Destroy Nerco

They need to look into WHOS decision it was to gut a class THEY made a big spectacle out of when they launched it last test. They then take a sledge hammer to the class and we get this… MOST old time necro players did not come to d4 to play this watered down version/vision of a hollow necro. ( Again young devs refer to d2 skill tree and synergies since you have no ideas of your own.)

These ‘young devs’ vision/version is not why I came to play a necro in d4. If you are keeping pace with other businesses in these backward times then pushing away your old customers for these ’ New Generation of gamers’ makes more sense with this version.

I can see my type of gamer is no longer welcome in these here parts.

Personally i am not looking to play Lost Ark or a nock off of it where i have to be pushing a button every GCD … I want to relax and play the game.

Currently It is practiaclly impossible to heal your skeletons. Priest ability officialy works but doesn’t do a knoticable amount of healing. Skeletons have enough HP now …

It is supper awkward to be more efficient by just letting the skeleton die just to resummon a new one … It’s completely against the idea of the kit.

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The heal doesn’t even seem to work. After testing by clearing out a bunch of corpses to heal my skeletons that barely survived, their health bars didn’t even move beyond natural healing. 10% of max health, times twelve corpses, should be fully healed, not “slightly less dead”.


It does. it’s a HOT which is TERRIBLE design… if it healed maybe 50 % of their life over the durration … Sure but 10% … it’s TERRIBLE


Even worse, it’s a HoT which doesn’t stack with itself.

If it were 5% immediately, and another 10% over a 2 or 3 seconds, it would actually be useful IMO.

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Blizzard in last 5-10 years act like a abusive parents, which dont want they kids having fun. If we find something good in their games, they destroy it. Very toxic moves from their side. Maybe they want us to accept it and just play, because we are fans, but summoner necro is so classic and popular thing, and need to try very hard to make it bad. Its like make a superman game, where superman cant beat robber in one hit :))) I dont know anymore what balance they want to reach. Its looks like they know nothing about their games.

Necro’s pets were already getting wipe on several bosses and Ashava before they nerfed them and this is only low level, low difficulty…
the witch doctor’s pet were perfectly fine at low level at the release of D3, but still they were dying instantly at high level and were unplayable.
I’ll start the release with a sorc and see if the necro’s pet are playable HL

the blood mist did work out better then summon

I would like to apologize for losing my cool, its just i was soo upset and i cancelled my pre-order and now i bought it again and i got to level 20 and beat AhChava with a Non-Summoner blood mist necro. i have come to the terms of playing with a broken necro. im just gonna have to live with the dying inside. i really love the necro class its my type of style. i got to 20 with other classes the sorcerer is cool and OP but i want my necromancer.

The build so Op it could solo raid bosses, used a really stupid example to try and prove your stupid point.

I seemed to do ok with the Necro and was mainly the lack of gear compared to the beta that made the most difference. Using debuffs helped me get closer to the DPS from beta (minus the buffs from legendaries) so comparing to decent gear as opposed to all legendary’d out.

Also the Necro nerf (my usual go to) made me want to try the Rogue instead and had fun with the class!

Irrelevant. The fact I main’d it still establishes my “played pet classes a lot” credentials quite nicely. Also, I said that was my first MM. Not my only one. I rolled him on Day One, with the full intent of being “nothing but pets, all day long”.

Nor was that an AFK class to play. You needed to pay attention, and direct your minions (of whatever sort) to be effective. Poorly-played MMs of any powersets - including Robo/FF - were Debt magnets, nothing more.

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Been playing a pet Necro on launch till lvl 40…

The little buff we got has made a difference although picking up the minion health/dmg nodes early on is a big help. Some of the dungeon Aspects help with dmg as well early on until u get a big hitter.

Ultimately I’ve found the pet necro works with a very specific build tree, which sux if youre keen to experiment with other skills or build types.

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Even the very first boss, which is Level like THREE can one shot them. It’s meant to be a summoning class and they weren’t kidding as that’s what you’ll be doing most of the time. Though I still do like the class as ‘I’ll see how it goes’ and it’s VERY early days yet.

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Well ‘pet necro’ means for me: pets are doing the dmg, are tanky, your job is to buff them, heal them, summon a few if they ‘die’, debuff enemies, let them attack different mobs tactically, and sometimes do some damage yourself. So it worked in D3, partially in D2 and all the other ARPG.

I can’t find it here in D4. There is no pet necro, only dmg necro with pets as dot.


What level were you tho? If you were also level THREE then that seems pretty fair? You can’t expect minions to be incredibly strong with little to no investment. If they were strong with no investment, then they would be an auto-include in any build, because they’d just be literally free tanks

Minions should only be strong if you actually invest into them, and doing that at level 3 isn’t particularly possible. Iirc your skeletons would get absolutely demolished against Blood Raven back in D2 at low levels too (though to be fair it’s been a long time since I played a necro in D2, so I could be misremembering)

I appreciate everyone’s definition of “pet necro” will differ.

I imagine a summoner archetype uses minions either as a DoT buff or an active army they control. Either playstyle is technically a pet class and I maintain there is enough passive skills and legendary affixes for a pet necro build to be viable in endgame.

I do relish the challenge of making it work and encourage my fellow summoners to do the same in whatever playstyle you enjoy.

Except that if you do any action, like cast a set of bone splinters, which is a BASIC ATTACK, the enemy will ignore your skeletons and chase you. They aren’t tanks in ANY sense of the word, and they definitely aren’t free.

Blizz should add a series of 3/3 skills you can take to buff them this will also balance well when taking none minion builds so you don’t become too OP.

Man… okay, you’ve convinced me I am going to play a summoner next so that I can actually speak from experience on this topic :+1:

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