Wow did you Destroy Nerco

your comment is very trollish and kind of a joke as the only “right” way to play necro right now is no pets. lol


Yep, nerfed into utter worthlessness in boss fights for Server Slam. They go down in one hit to AoE attacks that they have no ability to dodge.

Such a stupid, bonehead move. At least the WoW team recognizes that pets can’t be directly controlled by the player and gave them strong resistance to AoE attacks that makes them all but immune to this nonsense.

I’d argue the Necro pets were probably a bit too resilient in the previous betas because you never really needed to heal them with the Priest at all, but this is just stupid and ridiculous and way too far in the opposite direction.


Again, you need the passives to play the minionmaster style. previously no investment minions was too strong, you need to dedicate for it.

Play caster until you can.

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Explain to me please how a 10% heal brings a minion back from a one-shot death.


Good luck getting OP to understand this. I don’t think they played much of D2 when u had to wait until level 30 for a lot of builds to be considered “viable” or that server slam is not endgame.

“Hey this build you want to play isn’t at all viable until much later in the game due to the way skill trees are built” is crappy design.


If that is the direction they are going ot go sure but as is Necro minion is usless … i would be fine with investing points into Minions and minions gaining more than 20 % of your stats to scale them… Right now the only “correct” answer is no minion necro which is still as overpowered as it was prior. I am still one hitting elites on world tier 2 with bonespear


If this goes live I will have to wait until it is eventually balanced properly. What a dealbreaker, seeing this on streams now, really disheartening.


I think they only saving grace is that 2 of the 4 devs said they were going to “play necro”

The most dis-heartening thing about this … This is proof that Bliz does not playtest their game at all. 10 min of play testing and i could tell you how terrible the changes where … 10 min … what dumb dumbs do they have coding this stuff ?! Why isn’t this stuff being play tested !?!


Zero point in playing minion-mancer, they utterly destroyed this build, almost laughable if it wasn’t so bloody sad!


I made a Sorc and killed the first boss with out a single potion using spark and chain lighting … It’s laughable that they though Necro’s are overpowered.

Fun police had their way with the necro’s … they they are back of the bus!


Yup, you are better off not even worrying about trying to keep them up, way easier to just do damage and kite as they are utterly useless. The game’s balance went downhill in one fell swoop, absurd.


Agreed with OP :confused: Who will enjoy constantly having to raise skeletons?


Like it always was, Blizz destroynerfs when a few PPL complain. Yes he was maybe to strong till Lvl 25, but now Skells are useless.


For bosses you pretty much have to use the defenders and rush the skeleton warrior passive or they just get decimated. Even with those they still die, but it’s manageable.

This is what I was afraid would happen. You have no counterplay because so much is tied to the raise skeleton button. Once you start losing minions in a boss fight, or sometimes even an elite, the Priest can’t come out. The whole idea of active gameplay by actively buffing your minions becomes completely lost.

I said when this was announced that I feel it will be reverted, and I double down on that here. This wasnt how to solve the issue of Necro being OP, in fact against things that don’t one shot you, you still feel about as strong as the earlier betas.


Not to mention how WoW already solved for this problem, like, 18 years ago.

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i noticed that as well the necromancer pets they die way too fast and you kind of need them up to hold threat so you can distance yourself while you cast…with them gutting necromancer i can see alot of people all playing a rogue now…id say sorc but they nerfed thier pets as well rip hydra builds.


Came to the forums exactly for this. Played last beta with necro and I can say that the minions were quite overpowered, but right now they die after 2 hits. The healing is underwhelming and it should definitely stack in multiple casts. You simply do not see the HP going up and you are fighting alone because you just do not have corpses anymore, and you also do not generate enough corpses to keep the 4 up.

Not even using the talents for increased hp, or setting the skeletons in the most defensive mode AND using decrepify (-20% damage taken) helps at all, you just destroyed the whole thing. Please take a look into it…


Whilst i agree and this statement will only become more true as you play it’s evident that skellys fighting any enemy above elite anywhere from lvl 1to 15 is actual garbage gameplay. If you don’t grab the skill that auto summons a corpse you are basically swinging a scythe around hoping not to die. Not the most enjoyable gameplay loop but one you can indeed level out of.

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Got to level 12, you can forget using the warriors for anything. You might as well spec into thorns. I had like 120 thorns and my pets hit for 4 damage and the thorns hits for like 40-60. They are literally useless. The playstyle isn’t fun. You can’t even notice the skeletal priest heal. Literally had to step away from the game just now because I was getting so pissed off it was unreal. This might be a deal breaker for me as somebody who was planning on maining necro. I’m gonna try a companion druid but if I can’t play a fun pet class I’m out.