Would you request a Diablo 4 refund if it were possible?

I have no doubt. YES.


In a heartbeat.

Even without the 1.1 disaster my game is unplayable on Xbox. DCs so frequent its unplayable for more than 3 weeks now. After 1.1 did nothing to alleviate this issue I’m done.

They as a Company have our money and just don’t give a f—k is all I get from them.


Why stop at D4? I want Blizz to refund me for D1, D2, D2 LOD, D3, D3 ROS, D2R. I didn’t like any of those ex post facto, come to think of it.


Probably not, I usually waste money on games that I never play anyways.

It’ll be good in a few years and I hope by then the back-end tech is not so out of date the game isn’t worth coming back to.


They won’t refund. The only way forward is to not be fooled by blizzard again, by not buying a blizzard product ever again. Fool me once.


As a sorc main that died to a DC at level 80 at end of 2nd week and stopped playing since, waiting for a “decent patch to drop”… Veteran D2 player… paid extra for early access for the “top 1000 race”… What you think? :rofl::rofl:


No I wouldnt refund. Not because I am not happy with the current changes of everything. Nor am I excited about future content. But. I got 400+ hours out of a game I spent 100 on. For me I always try to hit at least 1 hour of play for each dollar I spent. I hit that number and was busy for a few weeks .

So even after all this nonsense that turned me off to the game I still feel that I got my initial purchase worth which is fine. not that iam not salty at the moment mind you because I am


Nah, I enjoyed the campaign well enough. Before the brain rot started seeping into the story at the end, that is. And who knows, maybe the game will be worth playing again in 6 years.


I would ban you and write LUL to your pathetic email asking for a refund.

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They have just write a big LUL to all of us.

Anyway, based on how you write, I feel some emotional disorder. Are you okay? Remember, you are no less than anyone. Value yourself.



I am A-ok. Thanks. Still, refer to my first response

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Eh, I got my $70 worth.

I did the same thing with Diablo 3. I played it for a couple weeks at release when it was a disaster, waited a few years for them to fix all the issues, then came back with the Reaper of Souls expansion when the game was in a much better place and enjoyed it immensely.

I’ll probably come back around season 5 or 6 when the beta test is over.


Yes and in general I never ask for refunds, if I end up not liking a game I just move on. But this case is a complete travesty as we are talking about an AAA 70-100$ / EUR game which huge pedigree, years in development and endless potential that just got flushed down the drain with our money.


If it were offered? Sure, I think I’ve played enough

Eh, probably not? While I’ve lost a lot of my interest in continuing the game, I did get a lot of enjoyment out of D4 over the past month or so. I’d say probably right around the baseline amount I expect for my money’s worth. Not enough to really recommend the game to others, but also not so little as to really fight for a refund. But who knows, their fireside chat on Friday could change my mind for better or worse.

Absolutely. I wish I could go back in time and prevent myself from buying this crap.


They already greenlit my refund in Jun but for some reason they didnt refund and i can still play the game :upside_down_face:

hey you could write the patch notes!

Yes i would even tho i had some fun with it, it doesn’t have the depth and content a lot of us expect from a Diablo game to stay engaged for a long time. And the patches, especially the last one, just shows the game design / directors incompetence, they just don’t know where they are going and it simply shows in a brutal manner.

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nah i won’t. I’ll probably play it for couple of seasons.

I hate D3 and consider it the worst ARPG ever made but i even got 2 copies of it and won’t refund even it.