Wondering about paragon carry over after the season

No I am not playing but my godson and his parents are and they usually ask me questions about diablo 4 stuff so…

if you have let say 100 paragon and the season ends - will those 100 paragon go to the non-seasonal characters and next season happens and you get 100 paragons before the season ends will it add the 100 paragons from the currenty season (of xps worth) to the old season on the non-seasonal realm? so you get 100+19 or whever the math is and go on from there?

on that same line of questioning… if you somehow grind out 300 paragon in this season, will all your characters on the nonseason realm have 300 paragons and all future characters that get moved there? of if you only get 100 paragons next season will it wipe out your old non-seasonal characters paragons and only have 100 on the non-seasonal realm until the very next season ends


im not sure if blizzard has said anything about this. but i think i read somewhere that you just get to keep the highest paragon level?

really unsure that being said. i just think i remember having seen something along these lines.

so does that mean if this season ends today and you are at 287 paragons - all your non-seasonal characters will have 287 paragons until you can beat it and get 288+ paragons maybe the following season? and what if you played non-seasonal next season and grinding to 299 paragons from 287 but only get 288 paragons in season, when your characters move from seaons to non-season will they just gain to 299 automagically since that is techinally the higher paragon?


I believe it will work like it does on seasonal where all your characters receive the highest paragon lvl you have attained.

But as Nyurei pointed out, I don’t think Blizz has made an official statement about this yet so it’s only speculation until then.

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thats how i understood it so far, but yea. absolutely no guarantee on that information ^^

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My guess is paragon from season moves to eternal on a 1 to 1 basis of points and the new eternal paragon is the sum of the two…

I am sure it won’t be 100 paragon gained in the season means 100 paragon added to eternal.

My expectation is that season paragon xp will be added to eternal paragon xp and capped at 300.


Being it that seasons lvl a bit faster, they probably have some special maff to do a conversion, but the para’s should carry over, just not at a 1:1 paragon ratio.

thanks everyone. Hopefully bliz will have some official info, or i can just check back in 2 seasons from now :slight_smile:

My understanding is that Season transfers to Eternal… and New Season is New Season when it starts; so all zeroed out.

That’s how I understand it too. It’s based on the experience you gain each season, which gets added to your eternal experience pool. For example, my eternal characters are around Paragon 205 right now. The Paragon XP I earn this season will transfer to eternal, so if I stop playing at around Paragon 275, I could still hit 300 in eternal because of the existing experience in my eternal pool.

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This is how it worked in D3. You carry the XP, not the resulting levels. I’d be surprised if they did it differently in D4, and if they did the following season we’d probably see them do it the D3 way anyway. :sweat_smile:


I would assume that it carry’s over based on total exp like it does in d3 since there coping so many other things from d3

you mean max paragon you get this season will be moved to next? if the rumors are correct…

i wasnt hoping for rumors or hearsay, i was just wondering how it was going to be and it almost sounds ike bliz didnt think that far ahead.

in d3 (since someone mentioned that in this topic) the old way was you are fresh new, get to max level grind out all season and have 1,000 paragon (roughly 1billion xps worth* -made up number).

season ends and your seasonal characters move to non season (normal realm) - you now have 1,000 paragons to play with even on fresh new level 1 guys.

Next season starts, again you start at level 1 with 0 paragons. This time you finish the season with 1,000 paragons again (again 1billion xps total *made up a 2nd time just for explaining).

now the 1,000 paragons (1billion xps worth*) get added to the normal realm that you already have 1,000 paragons (made up 1billion again) get added together giving you 1,337 total paragons (taking the 1billion xps worth and applying (adding) to the previous balance). This worked great as d3 had an unlimited amount of paragons.

However as I read from the forums, it appears 300 is going to be the max hard cap of paragons so my question was when you get 300 paragons worth of (xps) and the season ends, will all your future characters that area on the eternal realm (non season one) have cap paragons and basically be max level for life

this would be great! Thanks, i dont follow all the videos of news and figured someone was really in the know

Whatever your highest paragon is, is what you will have. Its not going to be additive.

perfect so if someone played a ton this season is at 288 paragons (12 away from cap) and next season comes out and they dont play as much and only get 220 paragon but end up playing more on eternal realm to grind to 300 paragon on eternal realm, they will never get over written by the seasonal paragon dump (since 300 is the current max)

If Eternal Characters earn a higher paragon than seasonal they will just retain that paragon level.

Bugs could happen I suppose but the intention is not to overwrite greater paragon levels with lesser ones. Paragons are intended to be cumulative not punitive.

Right so if you have 280 on eternal and then you play a seasonal realm but only make it to 250 that season, your eternal characters will still have 280. If your seasonal realm characters have 250 but then you make it to 280 on seasonal realm then your eternal characters will have 280.

On seasonal realms this will reset on the seasonal realm every season but your eternal characters will always stay the highest you have gotten on either realm.