Wonder how Bobby feels about devs saying ‘go play something else”?

That’s not the fault of the game but the person with an underlying condition that needs treatment.


Did you mean to say ‘diapers’ instead but couldn’t think of the right word?

I played d2 at launch, so no.

If you played d2 from the beginning, you’d also remember how little itemization there was at launch.

Runes, charms, jewels, elite items, exceptional uniques/sets. None of that existed in vanilla d2. Added in LoD. Skill synergies, partial set bonuses. All added later.

There were about 30 unique items, all normal items. Highest level req I think might’ve been 29 or maybe low 30s.

So you say you played D2 early on? What was the endgame back then, do you think?

Duping sojs?


I’m glad that you can expand on my point and provide a contrast to an extremist pov.*

Those were slaves in 3rd world countries being forced to play D3 to make money on the RMAH lol.

No one willingly played the snoozefest D3 until they died.

But good attempt trying to spin one of blizz’s old blunders to try to defend one of their new blunders.

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People that are gonna no-life the game and get to 100 in a week, then complain they’re out of stuff to do, need to be forced outside so they might actually touch grass.

Lots of people still enjoying the game, making alts, messing with builds, leveling, and excited for Season 1 to start. But the forums are a very vocal minority of the people actually playing the game.

So yeah if you’ve already burnt yourself out, then you need to go do something else, 100%. Maybe shower, or clean the basement so you can sleep better.


Taiwan and UK are “3rd world” now? I wonder how they feel about that. South Korea even had a law proposed to limit gaming for children under 16 to 4 hours a day. South Korea already has a law setting a curfew for online gaming.

If you actually read the rest of my comment (or some of the other comments here), you’d realize it’s in no way exclusive to Blizzard. Blizzard just has a number of highly popular games.

I got his 155 million. He couldn’t give less of a hoot.

Bobby is a corporate slimeball who hates gamers and wouldn’t have to work for the next ten lifetimes if he didn’t want to. I doubt he gives a crap.

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They probably tried to explain to him that the game wasn’t ready, but he forced them to release it.
Now he should be thinking about how to fix the game quickly.

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Not even no lifing per se, but exploiting. The various XP exploiters out themselves daily. They skipped over 90% of the game and then wonder why they feel like there’s something missing… like duh they skipped over most of it lol.

He could have at least provided the game to employees for free during the testing phase.
It might have helped to catch and address many of the bugs.
I don’t quite understand such greedy people. They are completely blind to the consequences of their actions.

The game isn’t supposed to last for 5, 7 or 10 years for an individual player, people that play arpgs for thousands of hours are outliers. Most people will play 60 to 400 hours or less over the 5 to 10 years. The expectation that a game should provide anyone other than the most obsessive compulsive and addictive personalities thousands of hours of entertainment is an impossibly tall order. This isn’t the game i wanted, and i find it overly simplistic with minimal replay value, I got my one playthrough out of it so it hits the bare minimum of my expectations. Procedurally generated maps with random events, interesting things to find in dungeons, multiple floor dungeons/cellars in dungeons, hidden passages and random mob sets would have doubled my time spent in this at least, probably more. The rng is excessive in all the wrong places/ways.


Do you really wonder how Bobby feels?

doesn’t seem interesting at all.

I would like to know some interesting things, some of which I can’t say here because we no longer have those freedoms.

But for example, I am curious what the campfire crew is thinking when they have to answer questions they already know the answers to but have to pretend and lie.
Like, what is it like to have your franchise turn on you for selling them a BETA turd, and how do you remain calm and tell lies without giving away your genuine concerns, like, where am I going to be working a year from now?
Or will they sell enough cosmetics to save my job and call this thing a success?

They are afraid of losing their jobs. That’s what they are thinking about.
They know who they work for and what consequences await them for telling the truth.

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A job at a company notorious for paying way under the average and for sexually assaulting its employees and then paying to keep it quiet and keep them out of jail. Imagine worrying about being fired from a company like that even matters anymore, lolololol

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Gamer Dies While Playing Diablo 4

Reads the article, had underlying heart condition - consumed too much caffeine - ate too many McDonalds Chicken Nuggets, didn’t drink any water. Diabetic.

yeah, it’s the game’s fault


Bad press is bad press.

That’s unfortunate. The poor guy probably didn’t even get the shako.
They changed the name from KFC to McDonald’s because Bobby threw some money around.

That’s just not realistic.

And I feel kinda bad for anyone who plays any game all day every day for the next decade. Just doing the same thing over and over and over… yikes.

Taking a break and mixing things up is just common sense.

There are other activities out there.

D4 is hoping Seasons will mix things up every few months and give players something to do for several weeks. But even then, I bet they know very few players will play every season and play every day of every season.


They’re perfectly healthy and doing what they like. You on the other hand are a dimwit with a superiority complex based on your mediocrity.

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