Will the level cap be increased?

I assume it could? What are your thoughts?

Pretty sure they answered that already. It’s a no.
It’s just different (potentially more difficult) content that you can play to get to the same point, there might be more stuff in paragon (such as the Legendary glyphs and new boards they mention), and other systems that you can use to build your character up. You don’t need extra levels for that.

Shouldn’t there also be new skills for the older classes? The Diablo III expansion added more levels for those.

Yes, quite possibly.

I would expect a new class mechanic, or at least variant of it (new minion type or option, new spirit or boon, different option for rogue, extra passive for sorc, and 2 specializations for barb) or something like that.

And then in the skill tree, I’m expecting that we’ll be able to further sub spec a skill by 1 or 2 points, possibly even a new 5pt node, or maybe just get an extra skill in each section, maybe a new ultimate each.

Base Game Updates

At Vessel of Hatred launch, we will also be introducing various updates across the entire game to improve and re-work core systems that have been around since launch. Empower your favorite Classes with new Skills, added Paragon Boards, and Legendary Glyphs. Explore new Dungeon types, added activities and rewards from the Tree of Whispers, and more.


Hopefully no increase. I am not against increasing lvls in expansions, there just arent any reasons to do it here.

Lvl 110 instead of 100? No meaningful difference.
Focus on making lvl 1-100 a better experience instead.


Hopefully not, i would rather get more power for each level and have less levels, than have more levels and less power per level. We all know that is how blizzard would approach it.

They said there would be some new skills for older classes. As well as new paragon boards and legendary glyphs.

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There wouldn’t be an point to raising the level cap. What they need to do is give players more progression options post lvl 100, which could be done via the paragon board system being reworked.

It has been datamined that;

Barbs get weapon throw
Sorcs get a familiar
Rogue riposte
Necros get death onslaught
Druid rockball

It would be immensely sad if each class only get 1 new skill.
So I guess that confirms it.

D4 is based around seasons, and everything scales with player level anyway, outside fixed level content like Pit and NMDs. That means restarting, making new characters, and playing through until the end-game loop is reached. They’ll tune and dial the expansion content, maybe add some features / systems / skills to adjust the power creep, but at the end of the day the expansion is just some new story, and probably a new location for the end-game loop to take place.

40 Paragon points can make a lot of difference, not even counting the passive stats you get just from leveling up without spending those points.

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Oh god. 1 skill per class and Sorc gets a stupid pet? They just have no idea what to do with or how to balance Sorc.