Will my so far collected GA unique items become useless with start of season 5? Will I get a replacement for my old then maybe useless uniques?

I play Eternal realm and wonder if all the time I have spent on collecting my unique items with greater affixes will be for nothing when you completely rework all unique items that are already in the game.

Will my 4 GA butcher’s axe automatically transform into the new 4 GA butcher’s axe version of season 5? Or will it get a “legacy item” mark and will be useless and untradable from then on?

Will it be like what you already did from season 3 to season 4, when you basically made all items useless that players have spent much time on to collect up to including season 3, when at the beginning of season 4 everyone found their so far collected items marked as untradable, unchangable useless “legacy items” (compared to the much more powerful new items that were introduced in season 4)?

I just want to know what will happen with all my unique items at the point of time when you, Blizzard, introduce the completely reworked unique items. It would be sad if all uniques of all players, especially those with greater affixes, will become useless, because players have spent so much time on getting them.

If your current plan is to mark all by players so far collected unique items as “legacy items”, then that would be sad and I would like to make a suggestion then for the alternative to at least give those players the option to turn their legacy unique items into a respective new unique item in the new version of that item. Either by automatically transforming the old uniques into the new ones (which seems difficult if not impossible) or by giving players the concrete option for each of their so far collected uniques to transform it into the new version of that unique item with the same quality, especially the same number of greater affixes and the same value of the unique aspect in the range of the unique aspect and the same overall quality of the values of the normal affixes. E. g. when the old unique item had a maxroll in the unique aspect, the player can chose to change the unique item into a new version of that unique item where the new unique item also has a maxroll in the unique aspect.

I simply think that it would lead to a major collective frustration of players if all of their so far collected unique items become useless without getting an appropriate replacement in form of a new version of the respective unique item.

Thank you for your answer!

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no, there is no reason to play eternal.


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Can you please list all the differences between Eternal Realm in season 4 and Seasonal Realm in season 4. And then, based on your list, argue why there is no reason to play eternal, please. I am looking forward to your answer.


I think there is a good chance your existing 4GA Butcher’s Axe is going to stay the same. For example, my eternal stash still has a Temerity with +All Stats (dropped back in season 1 or 2).

But not all stats on gear is snapshotted into your account. The “Unique effect” (the gold-colored paragraph on the unique) will change with the latest patch if future seasons updates those effects.

Also I don’t know if your Butcher’s axe will remain tradable. But I don’t think it’ll be marked “Legacy” because “Legacy” is to distinguish items dropped under previous loot drop systems instead of the latest (aka “Loot2.0”)… Some of the previous affixes and upgraded weapon damage are too powerful if allowed to be masterworked, that’s why they marked them to prevent them from getting masterworked.

I see no reason they’ll mark your Butcher’s axe as long as Loot2.0 is the latest version.

Yep it will be useless legacy… Suck to be eternal players.

Oh that does really hurt.

I have 2 azurewrath, 2 frostburn, fists of fate, xfal, Saboteur Signet, ashearas khanjar, condemnation all with highest effect roll and 4GA.

To lose them all means a very big loss in gold and fun expectation.

But it does not hold me back.

Jesus crist how many hours you played?
I sunk over 200 hours in this seasson and got like 5 uniques with 1GA.

500 hours play and 100 hours diablo.trade :muscle::rofl:


It’s all down to luck really. I rarely play and have a stash tab full of 1 2 and 3 star gas unique or otherwise. I probably Playa maximum of a few hours a week due to work.

Rng is fun!

I have something like 36 Resplendent Sparks sitting unused in Eternal because frankly there’s no point of playing there. There’s only so many times that anyone can keep doing the same thing over and over. As frustrating as it can be, the only real juice in this game is creating a new character.
Btw I’ve got more than 3000 hrs in game since launch so I obviously play a lot and zero 4GA or even 3GA uniques this season so anyone who claims to have multiple of them is likely buying them so I suggest to that person just go ahead and buy them again next season.

That is correct.
Everything bought on trade site.
Only 4GA unique I ever looted myself was a Razorplate which I sold.

If uniques go legacy, I will be pissed for 15 minutes.
After that I’m making offers again :wink:

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It’s really not. Just like doing harder content for no greater reward isn’t fun.

Blizzard doesn’t understand the challenge - reward relationship.

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It is possible, we don’t know yet, we’ll know as soon as all the unique re-work is finished and announced. On the other hand, it will keep you busy if you do have to replace some gear, especially on Eternal Real where not a whole lot is happening typically.

Well, I have several 4GAs and I also have quite a few 3GAs with choice stats, all drops; I’m just not interested in buying items, I like to grind for them.

Since Tempering has been introduced, I’ve stopped trading IN-GAME altogether; I want to have several back-up items in case I brick the ones I’m trying to upgrade.

The gear my Rogues are currently using are actually just mediocre (1/2GAs and some just plain legendaries), which is very unusual for me since I’ve always gone for perfectly-rolled GG items but they’re enough to use for all content for now. I’m still farming for mats so when I pull the trigger and Temper/Enchant/MW my choice replacements, I’ll have a bunch of mats, gold and similar items of equal quality to compensate for all the bricking coming my way :laughing:

I would certainly hope that any changes to the Uniques will be retro-active, if not, oh well…back to the grind!

why dont you give me your reason of wantin to play eternal?

I’ll let you know why its a waste of time.

Unique affix will automatically change to new server side update.

The first four stats will remain fixed. No automatic update. This is the same way every time they change the unique from Temerity to Windforce in all prior seasons.

They are not ‘Legacy’, you can continue to masterwork them.

Actually, prior to Loot Reborn one of Temerity’s stats was changed, I believe it was originally All Stats then a patch changed it to Maximum Life.

Also, Melted Heart of Selig used to have %Core Damage ( I still have this Legacy item :slightly_smiling_face:) then a patch changed it to %Movement Speed.

I’m just hoping that after Loot Reborn they will retro-actively change all Uniques and Uber Uniques every time they decide to re-work them…

They should all change but they wont. All unique gear that they are changing will become useless legacy trash just like it did before.

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I was bored, so I played my HC in eternal tonight. It’s the single player mode people were asking for. Having so much fun now.

Never understand folks that dump all over Eternal players. Many people have you know, real world responsibilities like jobs, family and kids. Whilst the vast vast majority play seasons, there are others that value permanence in things.

Regarding the original question - unfortunately the current unique items would likely simply roll over as they are without any updates to the new “buffed” status. The unique stat might change but the affixes is unlikely too.

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