Why the Spiritborn is not able to wielding 2 1H Sowrds or Axes?

Why the Spiritborn is not able to wielding 2 1H Swords or Axes?

It makes no sense, he looks like a martial arts master but can handle only cleaves and quarterstaff. Why not 1H Swords and Axes or a Polearm or Daggers?
2H Swords, 2H Maces or 2H Axes i could understand, because they are too heavy, but why not 2 1H Versions of them? Is the Spiritborn too weak to hold them?


For the same reason Barbarians cannot use shilds anymore.

It is less work for Blizzard.


They can wield polearms.


Perhaps it’s not their style?

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They solely wield staffs and gleves, so that you can complain about it here now.
Some ppl have always something to cry about.


It is a little surprising on the limited weapons. They will be the only class that will not be able to use uber unique weapons. Maybe they will add the spear.


They use staff so… Lycander? Lmao

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That’s a spear… so… yeah maybe.

I’m sure they’ll get their own. Should be interesting.

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IMO, it’s simply the style of the SpiritBorn class. Just like you can’t force all classes to carry a shield…

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Lycander is a staff. It says spear in title but Nobody knows why. Spear - Staff?

I stab you with my pointy stick?

Yah its weird.

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I’m not sure if staff and quarterstaff are the same in terms of classes.

No they are not, if i trust d4builds build planner.
Quarterstaff effect is chance to block.
Staff is damage over time.

same reason as why the earth rotate take 24hr.

cuz this game is build on stupid D3 engine

Now that’s just stupid… like having sword/short sword and saying short sword can’t have crit damage so it gets chance to dodge. Stupid and lazy as hell.

Edit: oh! And your sword class can’t use short sword… for reasons.

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You give the option to use it. Or in the case of d4 deny a lot of these options.

BTW barbarians should use a shield even one of the ancients on mount arreat has a shild.

It’s stupid.


They probably want to have lots of cool combat animations and each new weapon type needs separate animations, which is complex and costly to make. If you limit weapon types for a class, its possible to have more sophisticated combat animations.

Because we already have that with 2 classes(Dual Swords) and 1 class(Dual axes/maxes).

Also - fantasy archetypes?
Trying to keep it ‘real-ish’ with weapon proficiency and mastery?

Meme-ishly: Eh we’ve probably had enough Drizzt by now haven’t we?

Optimistically: It’s a sign Balance will be or has been achieved between a Class wielding a single 2h Weapon along side a Class wielding 2x 2h and 2x 1h Weapons, at long last. :crossed_fingers:

Why don’t we just have stat requirements for all gear… And gear requirement for certain skills…
Enable everything for everyone (kind of).

  • A barb would still not use wand (high int requirement, int won’t benefit barb dmg).
  • A sorc would still not use bow (high dex requirement, dex won’t benefit sorc dmg).
  • A dagger can’t be used with a bow skill.
  • A wand can’t be used to bash someone’s face.


I can’t see how it would be too complex animation-wise…

For a company of this size these animations are peanut’s in the cost department.

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