Why press the nuclear option first?

Then you have to do what I say:
Balance every two weeks and ignore the constant crying.

(more balance patches, more crying comments.)

Only once

When your item says “Imprinted” you’re done (no more imprinting), that’s how it was

Now the question is - when did they decide to change this and make imprinting unlimited now… :slight_smile:

Like the Bunker build time :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

jk, I know what you mean but that’s first of all inefficient, and secondly probably not wise cause people are gonna get fed up

Think of re-balance as a price change, every now and then tbh

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No, never. You could ALWAYS Imprint another Aspect, just like any other Legendary.

What you CAN’T do is EXTRACT an Imprinted Aspect. But you can 100% overwrite the one that is present. It’s been like that since Day 1.


I would say maybe the pinnacle for the masses, not pinnacle for the hard core few. They aren’t going to lock out the majority from basically the only chance at Uber uniques. This is a casual marketed game. No way would blizz do that.

I don’t expect perfect balance. Never have. There is a huge gap between meta and a lot of non meta. That should be no more than 10% between non busted builds. By busted I mean like Infinite invulnerability. Things not intended to happen.

What I’m getting at is I’m tired of only 1-2 specs per class (at best) being top tier while most other builds are unreasonably behind that. Then those specs are utterly gutted next season.

There is no reason they can’t be more surgical in balancing unless they are just bad at their jobs.


These idiots just don’t understand how to make a good ARPG.

Still struggling HARD AF 1 year later.

It is efficient to maintain balance, because it is easier to balance something that is already balanced. After a couple of iterations (a couple of months) a very good point of balance will be reached.

And I know it’s not a good idea, but people want to be upset more often for some reason.

Well, I’m lying, I know the reason. They believe that if the game is balanced well they will have more power than they have, they will no longer feel envious of anyone because no one will be better, and they will not feel forced to play a new class just because it is the best. People are selfish and envious and they hide behind the flag of balance to hide it.

You do not need to do that. They can have actual test servers instead of one week marketing campaign servers. They can also not butcher previous season builds and put actual thought into their nerfs and buffs. It still may take some time but we are a year+ in already. They should have long ago been at the point of only having to make small tweaks between seasons and mid season patches.


And people cry constantly about what reaches the test server…
And they will cry later because of what comes out of the testing server. Double cry.

Look… I think crying is good… but you have to eat it if you want to make changes.

It’s not about ego necessarily or a comparison, it’s just a matter of you wanna know how far you can get with something you like

And if that something you like is 500x worse than something else ?, yeah, it’s gonna lag behind… Now the problem isn’t that you’ll do 500x less damage, the problem is when there is a content that is designed to be beaten by stuff that does 500x better (Lillith or Tormented Boss)

It’s fine to feel underequipped or underpowered, what is not fine is literally fighting a boss for 10 minutes and “shave off” 15% HP and you realize that (BY DESIGN even if your build is 90% or even 99% optimized) you never even had the chance

Items have always been re-imprintable. It use to require a new aspect to do it but you could imprint an item as much as you wanted always.

This season they changed it so once you had the aspect it went into codex and it usable as much as you want.


Lol, yeah got it, imprinted aspects could not be extracted (never realized imprinting can be done multiple times though :smiley: )

I mean this test server was in an alpha state and pathetic but yeah… there will always be people that don’t like something about something

Yes, but the moment you start to compare, that’s when things go wrong.

You don’t usually want more if you think it’s the furthest you can go… if you know you can go further if you use what others use, that’s when you want what others want.

You see that the grass is greener next door and you want yours to be just as green.
It is selfish.

And to be honest, I have no problem with someone crying for being selfish. What bothers me is that they lie to themselves about wanting balance. (And the proof is that almost no one has problems when the neighbor’s grass is less green.)

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I think people are just asking a simple question of: Is a chainsaw the only tool in your toolbox?
If I am making a handcrafted rocking chair for example, I start with the saw and get the basic building blocks of the design then move on to smaller, more precise instruments to shave away the rough points with carving tools. It feels like the devs are fine tuning class balance with dynamite and the Stihl 881 Magnum.


Anyone that played a Barb plus any other class this season AND cares about balance understands that these nerf values arent completely out of line.
If youre complaining, its because youre truly unaware of the disparity or its because you dont care.

Nerfs happen and are healthy for the life of the game.

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and anyone that played barb since the game launch and cares about fair balance knows that nerfing unconstrained and umbridled rage was unnecesary. Making builds that are not meta worthless is not healthy for the game. Gushing wounds still the best passive and bleed meta still the way to go with barbarian. It doesn’t make sense.

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Barb can do billions damage without the nerf, bring other class to the level of Barb means everyone is doing billions damage. This is called power creep, and should be prevented in the first place. Nerf barb and moderately buff other class is the right approach. I don’t want to see 10 zeros damage number constantly pop up on my screen.


S5 is gonna be a season of Lucion+Locran, any nerfed builds will be shine with these 2 uniques. Even the latest patch note from Wowhead (a leaked info again) didn’t say any fixes on these two items.

I agree with the “nuclear option” item issue (it’s Heart of Barber all over again), I was talking about build diversity would probably be in the range of appropriate

I also expect that the Lucion + Axial stacking (i.e. bugs, and other issues similar to that one) will be fixed

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