Why press the nuclear option first?

I mean, yeah, don’t get me wrong but since when was this possible ? :slight_smile:

If you can imprint anything whenever you want and wherever you want then tbh Tempering is fine if limited (and is better optimized in S5 also)

Blizzard as always is only giving you half the story. We don’t even had the full patch notes yet and we don’t know what all the new and changed uniques etc will do for our builds either and so forth.

I don’t understand why people complain about something when they don’t have all the facts yet. I guess it’s human nature. To be fair I did not even read your post and I will wait until I’ve played S5 before allowing myself to form an opinion or read someone else’s.

See you all in S5. I think it will be fun to experiment up the best possible build I can come up with that suits my gameplay style.

You are correct that we do not have all the facts yet on the uniques but we do have a lot of examples and direction on what they are doing to uniques. It seems they are going to balance around uniques and make them mandatory for better or worse. I would like to view my post as feedback for upcoming changes based on information we are given and not complaints. The best we can do is use the information we are given and go forward. I think what should have happened is these changes should have been implemented on the ptr first, tested with upcoming unique changes and see where everything ends up. And I too am excited for season 5 and the sorc changes, I just want some stability from our devs. I would encourage you to read the full post if you have time even if you don’t agree with everything I said I am ok with constructive feedback and I appreciate your honesty:)

Because they do the balance every 3 months… (and they do this so as not to ruin the fun of those who are playing with something crazy in season)

Imagine that something is twice as powerful as everything else… it will take you years to balance it with a small change every 3 months. And by then you will have 10 more things in the same state (because expansions, seasons and patches).

If you want moderate changes, then ask for a balance every 2 weeks and ignore all the crying during the season.

If your definition of “well balanced” is “Barb is no longer viable” then sure

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The moment that no build was considered “viable” by some of the people on this forum, might be the moment we achieved a sense of balance.

Well let’s say my definition of viable does not include killing a lvl200 Boss in 10 seconds, that much is certain :slight_smile:

What does level 200 mean? Pit 200? Because Barb’s best season 4 solo clear is like 155. Wanna try that again?

lvl200 = pit 100

Same level as Tormented Boss (which I’d argue was intended peak content and peak performance for at least first half of S4 as well)

You are crying at Barb doing something that every class in the game can do with the right build? What?

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It’s been a year of large buffs and large nerfs. It’s time for some surgical balance. I’m tired of swing meta.


You can argue but you would be wrong. The pit was always the toughest content and always intended to be.
Not saying they shouldn’t be tougher. Just that they were never going to be pit 150+ difficulty. I doubt even 130+. Maybe 120?

Perhaps, but also think the Pit was a failsafe

If everything else has been already completed/conquered ? => the Pit can go higher :clown_face: :smiley:

B.t.w. for the record = monster HP increases every pit level by 17% (meaning over 200 pit levels you get 43 trillion monster HP%)

Think that’s intended to be beaten or just Blizz making sure even the best of us will have “things that are not done” ? :person_shrugging:

I don’t think the pit was intended to be beaten. At least not this season.

Exactly, the super-high pit levels were intended as a “failsafe” mechanism and the intended “pinnacle” were Lillith and Tormented Boss runs

Barb wasn’t even the best class against Uber Lilith in Season 4? Rapid Fire Rogue probably is, why aren’t you demanding that get nerfed by 90%?

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I’m sorry to say that it will always be like this.
The perfect balance does not exist. Especially if you do balance every time you add new things.

Aspects have been able to be re-imprinted since Season 0. Literally Day 1.

I’m quite sure that the Aspect Tutorial (that people seem to skip) even mentions it.

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Well one thing you have to admit though that s/he’s right - the “swing amount” should get reduced and not increased with incoming seasons, i.e. the game should get more and more stable (as opposed to less) with time


I agree 100%. Id like to see every class have at least 3 or 4 viable options that farm pit 101 efficiently, can push to maybe 120 at least, is fun and fast, beats bosses and tormented without perfect gear,and doesnt require 3 uber uniques to do said activities.