Why is this noisy minority so toxic?

The last game I played that was in fact bad was Division 2 which was free on Steam and I played about 15 minutes and then uninstalled.

How does someone have the nerve to play around 50-100 hours and have the audacity to lie that the game sucks?

The Diablo 4 campaign alone is worth $70 as a single player experience (even thou story is bad, they ruined Inarius and Lilith)


They’re chasing a feeling they had when they were younger but can never grasp it, so they lash out and project their lack of fulfillment in a cycle of hate-consuming. This is the cycle of buying product after product and hating on them, blaming them for their unfulfilled life.


How do you have the audacity to make up a bunch of idiotic, false claims?

It’s so hard for you to accept that other people have a different opinion than yours that you have to come up with all these mental gymnastics as to why their opinions are wrong but only yours is right?


Get out of here, the minority is the casual gamers who ruin aRPGs to be more complex and long term games. The fact you think Diablo should be a good campaign and makes it a good games speaks volumes.

aRPG is about loot hunt, trading, community, min maxing, customizing builds.


Minority has written 90% of posts on the forum? The game is undercooked and lackluster, why would anyone praise it?


This topic is literally an invitation to stirring the pot even more, which is your initial complaint.

Mods, please close it.


I’m not sure I exactly agree with you valuation of video games, I suspect you recognize that’s subjective!

I enjoyed the campaign alright, though it felt pretty familiar (with respect to structure, not content). I’m trying to actually suggest constructive criticisms.

I think the problems comes when a person with one opinion resorts to ad hominins against people with a different one. You know, the whole “being a human” thing.

It’s hard to find calm, rational discussion, no matter what “side” you’re on. We all might try to avoid explicit generalizations.


I agree and imagine the same, the worst part is that they have difficulty putting into objective values ​​what really bothers them, maybe not even they know.

no one objectively plays a game that sucks for more than 50 hours, this is an fact, not an opinion.

I never said otherwise, i said campaign is good enough to worth 70 dolars.

different opinions from yours hurt you to the point of asking for censure?


OP has no clue what people wanted from this game.

You absolutely can play an arpg for 50 hours and think it sucks, this a genre that needs to be played a good chunk of time before you can tell if its good or not.


Play a good ARPG and then play this. Night and day difference. This game is absolute trash. The only thing it has going for it are the graphics.


That’s a lot of assumptions, sounds like you took a deep look at yourself and just projected your feelings. I am sorry you are alone, with no fulfillment in your life :frowning:

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Here, I fixed it for ya.


Again another clown take.

Having fun in the game is not wrong, and its great people are having fun.

Disliking some aspects in the game is fine, Feedback is good, Imagine how you could have more fun in the game?

Dont understand how people think criticism of the game is such a horrible thing you should uninstall, its crazy.

The game is fun, and could be more fun, needs some changes.


Metacritic has D4 at around a 5/10, the forums, reddit, twitter, pretty much any non paid source has the game around a 5/10.

D4 is bad, you need to accept it.


Division 2 was good at a certain point but updates killed it. Also a lot of bad raids and catering to pvp players. They also left out division 1 best feature and that was survival mode


name a game in the same genre that is better than Diablo 4, i’m waiting.

They have no clue, they can’t even objectively elaborate what bothers them, what game of the same genre suits more than diablo 4?

Name it, i’m waiting, which game you talking about?

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OP: You kicked the hornets nest.

If you are enjoying the game then play it, stay away from this troll cave and stop winding up the forums.

You are just trolling the community, sewing more hatred and bad feelings as you go, doing nothing good for anyone.


Stop being weird and reasonable.

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If you play for 15 mins and review it, you “don’t know what you are talking about”

if you play for 50 hours and review it, you “clearly enjoyed it or else you would have quit long ago”



And what exactly are you doing here? Spreading light and joy? Are you always this pleased with yourself?

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