Why is this noisy minority so toxic?

Games have different value for people, I usually consider that 1hour = 1€ is the break even point but it also depends on the genre, I have more affinities with certain type of games. In this case the ARPG genre is one that I like the most. I don’t know how much hours I’ve put into D4, surely more than 120hours but in terms of its genre, it’s pretty low to my standards and can’t be bothered to replay it again atm.

We’re in this together fam!


Troll response incoming in 1…2…


People play this genre for thousands of hours over years of time, 50 hours is a drop in the bucket for a good arpg.


Why? You just nailed it.

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How is your opinion about him is right and people who agrees with him being questioned?

There is no way anyone with the right mind would say this ENTIRE game SUCKS. Also those who complain about the game also have things they like about it, but a minority from the “I’m having a blast” mob completely ignore that and paint that complainer as a complete hater.


Are you trying to say there are shades of grey? Are you a crazy person?

Thats not a good metric, i’m definitely not fine paying 400$ for D4, Fallout, Elder Scrolls…

thats how it is in everything involving people. Take even political and religious extremists for example.

Where ever people might be found to have an opinion, or dare I say, belief, extremists will almost always be found among them.

It’s like YouTube comments in here sometimes. Meanwhile, I’ll be called a shill and a snowflake at the same time for trying to get some productive conversations over actual feedback started. Bonkers how unreasonable “grown adults” can be, isn’t it?

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What is a shill?

“How does someone have the nerve to play around 50-100 hours and have the audacity to lie that the game sucks?”
You haven’t played a game, so you can’t criticize it. You have played it less, so you don’t understand it well, and therefore, you can’t criticize it. You have played it more, but just because you have played it for so long, what gives you the right to criticize it? This is what we call a three-dimensional defense.


Okay, you’re just a troll… Cutting my sentence in half. Cya

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Yea that’s like you’re opinion man.

A lot of us wouldn’t pay 10$ for a single player campaign experience, why would I buy diablo for that?


Factually incorrect their are many more casual gamers than people who’s life is playing a video game 12+ hours a day.

Most people have lives, jobs, families, etc.

There in lies the rub, people for whom gaming is their life tend to become toxic if a game can’t be played 12+ hours a day 7 days a week without you becoming bored.


A “tool”, a conviction-less puppet of the forces that be, a person willing to sell their values for a buck. That’s what the word means.

What D4 forums think it is, is someone who likes D4 even though they believe it sucks in order to con more people into buying it. Even though we are on the forums where everyone has already purchased it.

What a shill ACTUALLY is, is it’s a plant in an actual product in order to get people to purchase it. Think Placebo.

Look at that, proved my point! People use words and don’t even know what they mean :slight_smile:

Hell yeah Dude. You tell 'em Dude.

are you saying there are spies among us?


This is why PoE is a meme and Diablo is a household name?
