In season 1, I don’t remember crashing or locking up. After season 2 launched, the game lock ups all the time and I have to CTRL ALT DELETE and close it down.
Your specs? Maybe try the tech forum. There is a lot of help there. Sometimes they break something when they fix another issue.
Dont play on a patato?
LOL, no i dont play on a potato…the game ran smoothly before.
And now…longer load times, and the lockups…its just crazy.
Do you have the game installed on an SSD? I made that mistake early on when i had it on my hdd
Nope, its on my HDD as it has been since it came out earlier this year.
This all started with season 2.
The only issue I had prior to season 2, was riding on horseback and constantly getting caught up on things.
It doesn’t freeze, but 1st load up always is a slog. After that it goes pretty quick. Keeps memory sinking and making my pc crash after a day or so of running it. Never happened before.
Thats your problem. Get an SSD its part of the minimum requirements.
It will make all the difference in the world.
Never was an issue before. Quick load times and smooth as butter.
I dont think the ssd would fix the lockups
yeah el cheapo hardware problems = your problem.
seriously though, I used to get TONS of disconnects, I blamed the server. Turned out I just had a cheap wireless card. Spent like 30 bucks got something that stays connected lol
Seems, i’m not the only one…
Game FREEZES and LOCKUPS - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (
Have not had any issues with crashes except for the first weekend of the season. Even then it crashed twice, only when I loaded a significant number of players.
Do the issues tend to happen in either higher-density NMDs or Blood Harvest areas?
I’m not having any issues on PC or PS5 with hardware-based lag and this is currently the culprit I’d be focusing on. As density increases more assets are loaded which could mean an issue is occurring here if the crashes are happening in particularly dense areas.
It isn’t the only potential but it’d be a prime candidate imho
Last time I was alone in a blood tide.
It really will i was amazed at the difference my SSD made when i moved it over. Got rid of shuttering, lag, long load times ect.
This is likely why the SSD is a minimum requirement but my viewpoint is if you arnt meeting minimum requirements that are published you dont get to call a foul on performance issues.
The load times arent bothering me…just me noticing it.
The lockups are whats really getting me, and I dont think its a ssd problem.
Due to the fact on another topic in this forums there are many many people with ssd’s having the same issue.
I dont have any of those issues. In fact I havnt crashed or DC’ed a single time in S2 while I did pretty often in S1 and in the Beta.
So no I wouldn’t say its GOING DOWN HILL. Id say they still have more work to do but overall it is GOING UP HILL.