Why is there not an in-game LFG finder?

I get that some people like to play solo, but holy hell I can’t find a group for the life of me. I’ve spammed Discord. I’ve spammed Local and Trade both in-game for a group. I HATE playing Diablo games solo. I like to have a group and at least in Diablo 3 it was easy to find a group to play with.

I’m finding it hard to keep playing without a group. I’ve gain a level or two and then get off. It was okay up until level 40ish but now that I’m 50, completed the campain, and am doing Helltides in WT3 as a Rogue… I am just not having fun without a group.

Are there ANY plans to make a Group Finder? If not, I guess I’m just gonna have to chalk this game up as money and time not well-spent and I don’t think I’ll be revisiting the Diablo series going forward…


Blizzard knows the gaming community is so toxic it can’t be trusted with a group finder or auction house. They are even chipping away at the importance of grouping in World of Warcraft LOL

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There is a version of one in Diablo Immortal. I don’t think the devs have discovered the technology yet though. It’s NEW stuff. Never been done for in games so they might need some time. Be patient!


No Fido, you don’t get a new ball because you chewed the last one to bits.

I know I know it’s always the players/community’s fault :joy:

It actually is. It’s gotten toxic enough to where they are actually protecting themselves from lawsuits.

Gaslighting on behalf of a billion dollar company sure is a stance to take.


I know I completely agree. Blizzard is perfect and should not improve the game or add any features. I am agreeing with you :slightly_smiling_face: Don’t forget to buy more skins in the in game shop!

I’m an animator, we go together with lawyers like peas and carrots.

Trust me, enough girl gamers get harassed and stalked from people they met in a group finder and the California Attorney General is going to pay another visit to Blizzard HQ.

Yeah, I agree we shouldn’t add anything to the game then. Oh well maybe we can find a game that can add some more features! I will search for one since this is a wrap. :slightly_smiling_face:

Blizzard would love to add a group finder, but they also want to stay out of prison.

Shucks! We’ll have you found any other games that can be updated since this one is finished then (since we can’t add any features or anything anymore)?

You know those convience stores in the inner city with the bulletproof glass around the register? That’s where AAA game companies are right now with their games and the gamer “community”

So, do you have any suggestions for games?

Because they would rather have you auto click purchase your season pass on accident , or hopefully you buy a $20 skin from the store to support their amazing game

Female Diablo gamers file class action lawsuit against Blizzard for knowingly facilitating illegal behavior by a dangerously toxic community.

There will be something:

lol prison it is then

Personally I don’t care, I’m 320lbs my problem is that online harassment and toxic behavior stays online, I’m pretty sure I could beat up 99.999% of gamers with ease.

They stated in a post here last week that they are making one.

come at me bro

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