Lacking social system

I’m kinda bothered and surprized diablo 4 lack ANY social system to meet players and make friends .
Why aint there some kind of matchmaking so u can find other players that want to do the same content as u want to do but have no friends playing this game or no friends online?

Like All my friends that i used to play with moved on to other games it seems , and since i have no idea how to find other ppl to play with i’m stuck playing solo , i’l get bored of this pretty soon and might quit asswel even tho i like the state of the game atm …

Having a way to actualy make new friends would only be a GREAT asset to keep ur playerbase !


Maybe not you specifically, but most people’s idea of “socialization” in multiplayer games today is to harass and grief people. There are influential people at Blizzard that understand this.

It’s a thing the team is aware of and we are working on in a future update.


may i suggest a LFG tool for end game bosses, where materials are automatically deducted when you join the fight? i am sick of people leaving when it is their turn to summon.


İs the team aware of the crashes and game becoming unplayable for many people after last fridays patch ???


İs the team aware of the crashes and game becoming unplayable for many people after last fridays patch ???

You need a better PC


Actually for some they need a worse PC. Lot of the problems are due to having beefy cards. Basically being punished for spending more money on your graphics card.

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Yeah my pc was good on thursday and all of sudden had a traffic accident and became crippled with fridays patch :rofl::smiley::rofl:


Why on earth would you wanna play with random people


We were asking for some proper Lobby and private games. imho this will help at least with grouping.

A global chat channel that is slightly unhinghed like G1 in PoE and an in-game trade interface like PoE trade or an AH would be welcome. Not sure that any other grouping or social features is necessary. Without exciting gear or good skill trees I’m not sure that the focus should be on any other systems atm though.

Here here. The general chat keeps people engaged while playing. It takes the monotony out of the game. Please do not make it woke chat like wow. This is an +17 game.

It’s already built. Tell 'em to go rip it out of D3 and shove it in D4 and change the goal categories as needed, ie no bounties but uberbosses need added.

Good to hear it’s being worked on. Would be useful for the handful of group activities we have now.

All the friends i play with til this day , are randoms i met in public diablo 2 games back in the days …

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I noticed the Sanctuary Discord server linked ingame on login.

Given the quietness in Trade and lacking a global chat, it’s good to see a more official statement about where players can connect in the meantime (even if I was already a part of it).

Its honestly not needed. You meet people all the time at legions and I get invites to join clans all the time. Group finders are for people that want social benefits without being social

How would this even work? How can they prevent someone from leaving in the future? Without annoying everyone else.

be honest , have u ever socialy interacted with any player u seen in legions? they might teamup for the fight but once the chests are opened they leave instantly . and just inviting players to ur clan that u seen running in the open world doesn t make sence to me . i at least want to know if that player is fun to play with . like the last 10 players that i randomly invited to clan that actualy joined all play solo the WHOLE time and dont even bother to chat even if u directly message them , exept if u offer free uber spot ofc . then they notice they have a keyboard . its just so difficult to find other players u like playing with atm

A matchmaking or lfg system isnt going to change that. No system is going to make players more social because this isnt the D2 or Vanilla WOW era where players socialed as much as they gamed. Those days are long gone. Most people who play diablo now do it solo. I know when Im on, Im want to play, not chat or meet other people.