Why is barb so bad early game ( And weapon leveling is bad )

I really wanna make a barb and have tried like 11 times or so.
But I always give up before level 50, once i got near 60.
What I find bad is the insane fury cost of all abilities, and then on top of that the Unbridled rage that is needed for more damage that makes this fury cost even worse.
I also find the class weak early on compared to like the druid.
And the fact most builds needs 3 shouts running. I think the hole design of the class is odd.
I liked barb in d2 and d3. But here in D4 i simply can not enjoy it even tho I really want to.
I have seen what they can late level but the way there is just bad.
If any have some suggestions that do not require uniques you can not get I am willing to maybe try again.
I specially need some advice from 1-50, since that is really frustrating.
I have tried level with Hota, that is to little aoe to be fun. WW seems to do no damage without unbridled rage which cost to much fury to be fun at all.
Upheaval is slow but decent damage. I also tried rend, but the radius of the skill is simply to small to be at any use.
Maybe I compare to much to the older barbs, but this class just feels like a downtuned version with less of everything.
I also do know a lot enjoy the barb, but it can not only be me that think the class is very weak early on.
I really think the class need a rework and be more forgiving in fury costs. And rely less on shouts.
If you have suggestions or some things i do not know i would like to hear it.

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I had absolutely no issues while leveling.
The level process is the most flexible of the whole barb life. Stick to the build you are able to obtain aspects for from either codex (including seasonal aspects) or what you get dropped and adjust your build accordingly. Its cheap anyway.
To be fair, the shouts are fairly helpful and if I think back to D3 barbs, they were running several too, based on the build. In D4 its about the same. You take 3 shouts, a generator if needed, a spender or another defense/utility skill and finally your ult. Gameplay wise there isnt that much difference, besides having the weapon swap mechanic for some skills.
Also leveling the weapon passives is only tedious early on. Once you have an established build, you can cap them quite fast in NMD, if you just use that type of weapon on trash mobs XD

You dont need any ubers for any barb build. Just go target farming at some point for them. Simple as that.

Leveling is easy, like really easy, on a barb. Especially with the new xp changes.

Leveling weapon skills takes too long, I agree.

But I was in world tier 3 at 40, and world tier 4 at 55. This season especially with blood powers you can make insane barbarian builds just out of a basic.

Maybe Barb is just not for you, not saying this to be mean, but CC melee style of play may not be for everyone. Stop looking to other people to tell you how to build it and you will have few problems. Barb played fine early game for me, in fact it was one of the most fun classes to play.
This is the build I played…it evolved a little, but the core is still the same. By that I mean I went back and forth between frenzy and flare, I tried all the core skills but double swing is what was fun for me.

This is the build I played solo ssf to 100 and it was a lot of fun. But I honestly think you should just play it and make your own build, that way it plays the way you play. Barb unlike other classes, is strong no matter what. I mostly posted this so you can see that it does not need to be 3 shouts and upheaval, HOTA or WW.

I did just tried again without looking on any form of build and just did my own take on a ww leveling build without unbridled rage and so far I am 43 and have been a smooth and quite powerful leveling, kinda soft survival wise, but the kill speed makes up for it, might be a problem later but then I also begin to get the paragon points.

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