Why does Diablo 2 feel more enjoyable

Theyre both dead games. 1000 people world wide occasionally playing them doesnt qualify as lively lol.

It’s hilarious to hear someone that’s still butthurt over a game that was released 12 years ago not being what they wanted, accusing others of being toxic.

I’ve got some good news for you, though. Diablo 4 is going to end up much more like Diablo 3 than Diablo 2, and the devs have said as much. It’s going to be that casual game you D2 fanboys never wanted.

So you’ll have a new game to complain about for the next 12 years. You’re all set.

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Damn good post. Completely agree.

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trading + grouping.

thats why. thats the whole reason.

Why would you need to find any of this stuff?

The point is that with a trading economy you can literally save items, tradeup, combine etc to get what you want.

Like what?
I never once made a high end runeword myself self found, it was the culmination of many peoples efforts, luck, and willingness to barter that made it even more special. Holy shhhhh

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D2 itemization was always memorable experience.
Finding that weird unique item and making me want to build a character around it. Back when the journey is about getting the unique or something another class could use.
Stashing it away and reluctant to throw as it “could” always become needed in the future.

You could sort of target farm an area for a higher probability of that something that you want.
People leaped for joy upon getting that extremely rare item/rune. I’ve seen streamers and experienced it myself upon getting that Jah rune and goes like “yooooo whatttt! How did that happened?!” That made my experience with that character through Hell.

People are tied to the game with the kind of emotions they experienced. The highs and the lows. Hence D2 has always been that game that provided the mini jackpots and huge jackpot experience out of nowhere.

D2 Uniques are worth as personal collectibles. I would keep 1 of each because they are really unique.
You can’t even “farm” for something. Most people don’t have multiples of something and keep trying for better rolls.

I’m still waiting for my Tempest Roar in d4. Possibly it will give me the same euphoria as it seemed rare.

But for the other 5x or 10x multiples uniques… it’s just trying to get 1 with higher item power.


Well - just hire back people from years ago when blizzard had those clever guys that knew how to perfectly create a carrot on a stick. Those people would surely ask you with wide open eyes if you are still in your right mind to release a game with such a flawed itemization/loot policy as in diablo 4.

i mean gals and guys … there is basically NO (and i mean NOOOOOOOO) difference between a level 60 and a level 100 item. Both can be 800+ both will have the exact same stats… only difference is that the level 100 dude who gets the item invested possibly 80 more hours in leveling (for no reward AT ALL) - i mean dont come up with paragon points… I (and i really think in this case i talk for many other people) WANT LOOT to mean something… It simply does not in this game. Sad but true.

LOL that’s a good joke.

The 2 things that no other game will ever beat D2 on are 1.) music immersion, and 2.) item art immersion. I’ve just learned to accept that.

Without Matt Uelmen, no other ARPG can ever match D2’s soundtrack. D2 had the best item art immersion. When you click on an item and drag it around, you can really “feel” it. The sound of clicking the item back down is also something you really feel. Seeing weapons, armors, and jewelry be vastly different sizes also adds to the immersion. When they ditched the tetris inventory in D3, they sucked the soul out of the items.

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Not sure about item immersion, as much as I love D2… the need for a space for TP tomes and identification tomes as well as Arrows and Bolts were a little inconvenient.
But nicely done for a RPG since ammunition is indeed a thing.

They should do Act 6

i feel like i can’t gatherup items for an alt char.
items are always my level when they drop. so i cant even find a good weapon to carry my alt.

when i reached lvl 100 there is nothing for me to do. i cant find items to trade because there is no one to trade with.
dont get me wrong there surely are people, but who is lvl 71 and trading for an items which needs lvl 100 to be worn.

to me there is no real way of gaining wealth to trade with and try diffrent builds on diffrent chars. just create the char, gear it yourself. can’t realistically give items to friends because levelrequirement

Objectively speaking, I only played D2R for the first time this current season while waiting for the D4 launch, made a summon mancer and had Beast, Fortitude, Smoke, Lore, Stealth, and still didn’t even use the Jah, Mal, Ohm, Pul,and Gul I found – and I never once traded for any of the High Runes I used – and I wasn’t even speed farming! I guess RNG just hates you??

Because it’s a properly made game and “perfected” the forumla for ARPGS.

-Group Play
-Power progression
-Skill progression

Diablo 2 is obviously outdated as hell, and yeah if it was released today it wouldnt be received well.

Fact is, it did certain things so incredibly well that people still play it over 20 years later.

Finding a rare drop in D2 feels good now just as it did 2 decades ago.


You know, D2R servers are still live, so you could go play that instead of making pointless posts on the forums

Camera is mostly ok. it could a bit back though i agree.

True legendaries aren’t that exciting. When they drop it is just another item which i just see if i need the power or not to keep on the side. Only ones that excite me are uniques but there are far too few of them and the ones that matter never drop (which is fine by me i like the chase). When i see unique helmet on the ground i’ll piss my self for sure.

Trading is garbage for me and cheapens the game. Don’t get me wrong i use it on PoE where it is much harder to get geared but here it is so easy to get the gear you want and there is no point selling any rares besides the absolute best and for what? gold?
Also when you get geared through trading you get bored much faster.

Well the endgame for now is reach lvl 100, farm the best gear, do nightmare dungeon 100 and echo of lilith. Llith and the 100nm dungeon is just for bragging rights since you can’t really farm tier 100 but it is mostly a challenge. PvP is just there for the lolz.
What’s the endgame of d2r? 10000+ baal runs? Why is that exciting there and not here?
I put the blame on gear to be honest, having exciting things to chase for really changes the gameplay no matter what the endgame loop is, cause hey after all arpgs are all about the loot farming.

Now as a closure, those things mentioned here will probably get fixed but bllizard likes to make us suffer every time they release something new till they finally patch it to a nice level sometime later.

Main problem is mob scaling past 80. D2 you can level feel more powerful with each level and past level 80 there is no required grind too 99. In D4 you need to keep grinding to 100 and upgrading to perfect gear to be mediocre in power as mobs scale.

I remember being strong at level 70 in D4 and now at 92 I take so much damage even with Armor cap. Normal mobs in open world chunk my HP. It feels bad haven’t logged in this week. Likely done with D4 and will wait till they fix progression in this game.

Progression in D4 feels so bad…why would I do it again in Season 1. Where it feels great at low level and progressively worse as you go. Along with the plethora of stash and bug problems.

D4 needs a lot of work to be a good ARPG.


Game problems aside it its 100% a loot issue.

Gear was exciting to find in D2. There we’re tons of small things to find even when you weren’t hitting it big with the drops. Charms, Jewels, Rune’s, Uniques/Sets that you could use on alts to level with.

Not to mention how good rare items we’re actually rare to find. All of the extra gear you could find for you merc, all the small things you could pick up for trading.

Nothing in D4 even comes close to that feeling. Why would I EVER farm small % upgrades just to clear content for bragging rights? There’s thousands of better games on the market if I want a real challenge.


Does D2 feel more enjoyable? It doesn’t to me. Missing an attack is the worst feeling, hitstun is worse than any CC, resist stacking is garbage and feels bad, “+X to all skills” is basically every good item, and so forth.