Why do people want more buttons?

In diablo 3 there was only 6 buttons, why is this an complaint now? I get people wanting a button for the ultimate considering its long cooldown however in D3 the cooldown was just as long? We havent seen endgame yet, we have no idea how it will play and how much cd we will get so why are people even complaining about this.


Rule of thumb. If D3 did itā€¦9/10 times that means it was bad.


The same people who want a menu with 3 pages of food at a restaurant , not realizing all of it but 6 items on the menu are going to be filler and mediocre.

To be fair, some builds seem like they need more buttons but itā€™ll prolly get addressed with legendary powers and things of that nature


I want more abilities for the following reasons:

1.) More engaging gameplay. The rogue I played had like 3-4 additional moves I wanted to use that would have fit with my build.

2.) Full creativity/customization. Part of what made d2 a legendary franchise was the ability to make your char however you wanted. Your only limitation was number of keys on the keyboard & the number of levels you had

3.) Skill factor. Better players should be allowed to be better. If I can handle a rotation of 12 moves, but another player can only handle 6, I should be able to perform better than the other player. Instead Iā€™m on the same tier as the casual or the 13 year old.


As a long time d2 player itā€™s nice to have a buff skill without changing in and out. For example I had to give rend up when I got berserker for my Barb would have been nice to 1 shot rend so they and then Beserk. Just preference.


D3 is not a great game bud. it was a disaster on launch and it aint exactly great now either. But to answer the question, it is way too restrictive right now with the way the game is made. You really feel like you donā€™t really get to experiment and have fun with a build because you NEED some key ones in order to actually have something playable. It snuffs out experimentation and fun alike. I think I just need one more button to have it free up so much, or an dedicated ult slot or something.


Because they are either stuck in the diablo 2 past nostalgia or because they want a WoW.


Never felt even on druid that some spells were required, even skipping out on core or abilities sometimes. So far i feel, even im beta, there was huge build diversity and that will only get better as the game launches


Because people want to use the cool ultimate abilities but they have such long CDs are so effin bad that it would take an exclusive slot for them before a sane person would consider use them, no one wants do sacrifice QoL and consistent damage/defenses for something usable every minute or more and does no damage.

And before you say ā€œbut itā€™s beta lvl 25ā€ I will stop you right there, if at any point in any game you unlock something called an ULTIMATE and it does not blow the screen it was done wrong.

Iā€™m not on the hate crew, I loved the betas and I will be playing on launch but this bad beyond words.


I can agree that some ultimates feel lackluster and you did say to not spout about it being beta, but it is a beta, to test these things. We cant build around them yet and therefore the only thing we can judge them at is thier face value as you said, which indeed for some are lacking.

that is not closely the same. that comparison makes no sense at all.


Exactly, they may be fine endgame, but as with many thing in the beta, they feel worthless, most of them at least, the good thing itā€™s mostly a number tuning thing that can be fixed somewhat easily.

Itā€™s really bad design to grind your players will to play the game at early levels, they wonā€™t make it to endgame to see how good it can end up being. I donā€™t care and will power through w/e sh1t they thrown in my way, but most people wonā€™t.

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That is true however in my opinion the game should be balanced around endgame and if that means some classes, for example barb, loosing some power earlier because of how their mechanices work i think that is just a blow we have to take. I mean a class with 4 weapons, eg more legendaries will scale better.

Because itā€™s incredibly limiting compared to the previous games in the series. I had the exact same complaint when D3 launched. Ultimately, itā€™s an easy way for them to be able to keep balance on their game by only allowing a maximum of 6 skill combinations.

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I think more builds with 6 buttons over less builds with 8 or more. My opinion is that the max they should change is allowing an ultimate button and 6 other skills, nothing more.


Because they cant do it.

No one wants to play an ARPG for 4000hrs having to play a piano on their keyboard. I think 4 skills left/right attack is a perfect middle ground, giving you enough skills to have a build but not overdoing it.

Also I think many of the classes feeling underpowered made people want to use all active skills.

It would be horrific for balance, especially in a blizzard game where they can never get balance right and tend to ruin classes to balance versus enhancing underperforming classes.


Iā€™d assume that a lot of players (like me) didnā€™t play D3 but had high hopes for D4 and thus reacting in a logical way by saying 6 is too few to have fun. We didnā€™t suffer the D3 experience.


This is Diablo 4. It sequel.
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There is no good argument against 7, 8 or even 10 buttons.

The game can be balanced around more buttons just fine. The reason we have such few buttons is because of lazy game design. Itā€™s way of creating the illusion of ā€˜choiceā€™ for the player.

There are better ways to do this than keeping the buttons to only 6.


Hahahahahah i guess so