Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

… 10 years, 28 seasons later…

… oh wait you’re talking about D4…


The way vendors have made people equate “live service” with “OK to be dodgy at launch” truly is a masterful piece of marketing manipulation.

It’s like rebranding ‘early access’ as ‘full release’ and having people be happy about it.


“Game was clearly not finished.”

Does not give any kind of actual feedback as to why it’s unfinished.

This is why the official forums are a cesspool right here.


Totally agree with that.


Why do people accept this for a fully priced game?

Because it’s fine, I promise, the world isn’t ending.

Just like every other online game that you pay for.

Have you ever played an online game at release? They’re always buggy. There’s a countless number of variables that can’t be tested for until they have millions of people all messing with every aspect of the game. This is old and well known stuff. Like, cmon.


Now the zoomers can finish 1-100 in 40 hours in total! to then find out, that people who said there was no end game content was right.
Sometime it blows my mind how blind people are, they are yelling to complete a game faster to do nothing, instead of yelling to have more stuff to do!
Most of these buzzard enablers probably havent even finished the campaign yet.


I guess people are scarred from D3 :laughing:

Look at all these crudaders
" go touch grass"
" go back in your cave"
" dont like it then quit"
Look at yrself in the mirror lol
The fact that this is an online game missing all the BASIC FEATURES of an “online game” let alone balance, bugs, end game etc…“play the way you want!” Lol


If this is what you consider to be an Alpha stage game release, then you are seriously misinformed about what an Alpha development release is.

Been there and seen how badly the people trying to play it suffer.

You think the two DDoS attacks were bad, imagine a game that crashes every 5 mins for every player, blue screens of death on computer, requires rebuilds multiple times a week, not just patches.

All these and more when you participate as an Alpha tester.

The numbers of players having serious problems with this game is very small. Sucks to be them but most of their problems are on their end, not the game itself.

Now the end game for this game is not finished because they weren’t expecting players to get there so bloody fast. That’s all on the devs.

But the game is not this wreck you think it is. It has problems sure, but every game does.


If the devs did not expect gamers to power level to the endgame within days if not hours of release they are completely incompetent and do not understand gaming.


Did you watch the “campfire video”? 350 MILLION hours played 10 days in. What studio can do that many QA hours on a game?
Answer: None. So, obviously things will pop up that need to be fixed.

Before commenting on the state of the game people should need to point out how far into the game they are.

lots of people should up in “force awakens” did majority of people likes it?

Bruh, I wish it was only D3, Blizz is that like that dirty ex-gf that everyone keeps telling you to stay away from because of all the past disappointments, but she’s hot so you simp away.

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I do, and don’t?

I had a ton of fun for the first 80 hours or so, taken outside of the context of expecting a new Diablo to sink months of lifespan into, it was worth the money (except for the server issues). I’m going to pick a different class to play through at least one more time. This is literally fine. Not the most amazing game I’ve ever played, but enjoyable enough.

The don’t part comes from that “Diablo longevity”… Yeah… It isn’t really there right now…

They seem to want more money out of me with the cash shop and expansions coming up, at this point I’m not upset about the original price tag, but I’m going to need to see some serious improvement before wanting to give out any more money.

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Because people have gotten too used to being sold crap.


If you dont have 70€ for a game then why are you crying here. Nowdays i see this moneycry at all new games. I can belive it. Dude this not a free thing. Nowdays gamers want everything free and instant. This industry did a 180grad flip. 20 years before we was happy for everything, but look at now.
You forget this " gaming thing " is a HOBBY! And every hobby COST A LOT OF MONEY! Like a modelling or collecting something or if you love your car and try keep clean and perfect condition. THIS HOBBYS IS EXPENSIVE as hell. So what is your point with your post? The Battlefield have 2 hours storyline and total trash servers with full cheaters, BUT THE 80€ STARTING price was fine for you?

Im not complaining about the price of games in general, I’m complaining about the price of this half baked game.

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way to offer any sense of usefulness to the already atrocious forums… your post means nothing.do us a favor, quit the game and stop posting.

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Why do people paid for fully priced game then 3 weeks later posted on a forum to whine about it?? There are mystery in the world that I guess no one will have an answer to.