Why did you stop playing S6?

Blizzard has successfully broken me. They have managed somehow to make a “game” a job. Something tedious, irritating, mindless, frustrating and with no reward at the end. The uber drop rate is stupidly huge devaluing them even more. Bad stat uniques are so abundent that you no longer need to worry about mats because there’s soooo much trash you salvage. Ancestrals? What are those? Anyone seen any? Oh yeah, Blizzard has also made it so you have to purchase gear from an outside source, which we all know is against the rules but the only way you can get ancestral gear, hence why I do not have any ancestral gear. I refuse to buy it at a Chinese place and Trade site is a joke with everything being in the hundreds of Billions…thanks Blizzard again for continuing to break the economy of the game by raising the cap for the Elites to 99Trillion…yeah that will fix things. In one fail swoop Blizzard has broken everything good about this game. I am following the mass exodus to a better developed game that values it’s players and their feedback. I have no hope they will fix anything so saying I’ll be back remains to be seen. I’m skeptical.