Whoever greenlit this UI needs to be replaced

Someone has greenlit everything in this interface and it’s a problem. It’s like they copied every other games UI with no innovation at all but made it worse. No I’m not talking about the font or the colours on items.

Buffs and debuffs show no detail.

The talent tree is super long. Why?

So many menus require scrolling up and down to read or compare stuff. Even individual legendary items we have to scroll through to read everything.

How is materials and stats related? How are these one button? Why can we not configure in what order we see materials in? Mark them as favorite etc? Why is there only 1 column?

No indicator that a necro has cursed an enemy.

No quick way to see if an item is an upgrade or not. We’re going to spend more time in town reading item text than slaying monsters.

What’s the cap of the obols you can hold? You’re gonna have to click and scroll through some menus to find out.

Party members frames are tiny and doesnt show important buffs and debuffs.

No keybind for leaving a dungeon, only emote wheel.

Reset dungeons button requires 3 clicks. Map, click the button and click ok. 4 if you dont open the map via the journal keybind.

The quest tracking system I dont even know where to start it’s so bad. The questlog aswell. Just copy it from your own game WoW and you’re sorted.

The map is hard to read and has no transparent option. We can’t open the world map without clicking one extra time when inside a dungeon or city.

Animations for no reason. If I hover over an item, I dont want the text to fade in like the textbook taught you in college. I want instant response without delay so I can decide whether to salvage the item or not.

Make a keybind option for skipping dialog so we dont have to reach for esc every 30 seconds when leveling an alt and opening the game menu by mistake when the dialog is over because we are spamming it and now we have to press it one more time.

There is no keybind option for opening the renown window. Sometimes when you want to open the map and you unlocked a new reward you open it by mistake by pressing tab. And it’s also wierd that the only way to get to it is by pressing W when you have the map open.

Elites are hard to notice when going fast. There are many ways so solve this.

Have an option to make a trail that stands out behind our cursor so we dont lose track of it in fights. Also an option to change to colour of the cursor and the trail.

We can’t see playtime on characters or classes.

There is no option for the clock to be 00:00-23:59 instead of AM and PM format.

No communties.

The chat is bad. You can’t click on the tag ”clan” or whatever channel someone messaged in. The same applies if you want to reply to a whisper you can’t click on the players name to reply. I resorted to tabbing out and chatting via the battlenet app. The clan message of the day is not seen in chat when logging in so you can easily miss it. There is no lfg chat. To be able to click an item someone has linked you have to first begin typing a message and then click it which is wierd.

There is no clear indicator that you unlocked your class mechanic after completing the class quest at 15. Or even that the quest rewards it.

I could go on but my point is that these problems are already solved in the games these ideas were taken from and somehow the person in charge of the UI on diablo 4 greenlit this. It’s like walking through a timemachine and going back 30 years, truly baffling. I’m genuinely worried that this person has no idea what they are doing and this needs to be fixed before launch.


Stop repeating streamer talking points

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You posted that comment 5 seconds after the post went up meaning you did not read the post. I don’t care if your favorite streamers have the same opinions. These are my opinions.


I agree. The UI really needs some more work to be more detailed and show us more information that we need.


Considering you probably no absolutely nothing about UI/UX design, you could probably get your point across better without saying someone needs to get replaced or fired. Just makes you sound like an entitled brat and I don’t want to read your post as a result ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Stop defending Blizzard like the game has no flaws.


I would just like to see what buffs / debuffs I have active. Cursing of Enemies has a minimal visual queue sometimes i can’t tell when alot of stuff is going on the screen.

I agree, the UI is awful

Cool? Why comment then? Your comment is useless space taken up here because now I know you didn’t read OP post you just commented…

Anyway noone needs UI/UX experience to understand it. Lol you as a user using the interface is enough. What a bad take.

I remember learning in 5th grade how to design an experiment and write a user manual for it. The whole class had to take the user manual at face value. You could only perform an action if it was written as a step. I bring this up because I thought this was something everyone did in American schooling. Clearly not. In my line of work this convoluted nightmare of a UI would certainly be a fireable offense. And I hope that we can just chalk this up to an older version of the game. I for one think that’s the devs deflecting. But it needs to be addressed.

Why is everyones reaction to anything they don’t like in a game “fire that guy” or “delete this from the game.”

It’s never, “here’s how to fix it.”

Stop it.

The UI from Last Epoch is beautifull… The font also

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I am proposing solutions. The solutions are listed and one key part of that list is replacing the person who made this because they think it’s good.

I’m not doing their job for them.

It’s not “doing their job for them” its about having actual constructive feedback so they know what people are looking for. If you can’t come up with alternatives or suggestions on how to change the UI than you can’t really have that big of a problem with it!

No one asked you to.

Angela Del Priore was the lead UI designer 3 years ago but I’m not sure if she’s still there

Yup this goes far far deeper than “the font is bad and the background isn’t beautiful and gothic like D2” this is I don’t know how or where to find information and the keybinds don’t make sense intuitively.

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Because cancel culture has taught people to go for other people’s heads over something trivial. They are so used to that concept that they think everyone should be fired LOL.

UI was made for consoles and not PCs. This is why it looks like crap.

She is now a lead game designer.


PC has controller support as well thats why the UI is the same. Most people screaming for an overhaul are PvP players that want 40 keybinds and macro’s to have an advantage. The only way for PvP to be a level ground is for all versions of the game to have the same functionality.

It’s legit a Diablo game. Diablo 1 you had one skill and a basic attack. Diablo II was the same but you could cycle through different skills with hotkeys. D2 skills didn’t become instant cast when you hit the hotkey until D2R was released. D3 had the same restrictions and that wasn’t even cross platform. People really need to get over it haha