Who is still rolling barb season 1

If the bleed/rupture builds are solid, I will play Barb I think. I haven’t found any vids showing off those improvements yet, might have to try and make one and see for myself. I don’t want to play rogue. I’m burnt out on it. Would rather play sorc or barb. That said if both suck badly, I will just skip this season.

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I will be running a barbarian (as usual). Most likely going with a bleed-brawl-berserker - very satisfying to play and would appear to be a reasonable fit with the S1 patch.

If I play I’ll probably roll a Druid. They were a lot of fun in the beta.

Barbs had dealt with worse in D3 (morticks). And we always found a way to still have fun. Barb for life.

Going to play barb again. I’ll likely complete the season journey, kill Uber Lilith again and call it a league.

Good luck to all S1 barb. Going to roll a druid where it is how barb should have been.

I am a masochist for pain so am rolling barb S1. Flies against the face of logic but here I am.

druid main here

druids got hit hardest with these latest updates

Druid still better than Barb even after nerfs.

druid main here. druids got hit hardest with these latest updates

Not even remotely close, dude. Pure fantasy. Druid and Rogue are still the best 2 classes in the game by a wide margin. It’s not even close.

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I have a ton of eternal left so no season for me

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I absolutely am not logging in. It’s just in bad taste now.

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I’d like to to support my friends with shouts, but will go with Eogue or Necro if another friend wants to take barb.

Maybe a solo HC barb to tinker with.

shouts dont last long enough to be considered support.

thats yesterdays thinking. 7 seconds aint diddly my guy

Sadly, while I WANT to roll a barb for this season, I think I’m going to go druid. There’s really zero point in slamming your head into a brick wall for “Moral victory” points; The dev’s aren’t going to just stop and go “Dang, that person is still playing barb out of love for it despite my incompetence, I AM HUMBLED AND ASHAMED, I will now go do my job”, they’re just going to go “See, people are STILL playing barbs, that mean’s we’re not wrong!”.

Best thing to do for getting things fixed is roll another class while continuing to offer constructive feedback/requests on the forums, so that complaints will be backed up by low barb population numbers AND you’re able to still have fun with another functional class.
That or just stop playing for a while so maybe loss of players will spook the devs into getting their rears in gear.

season 1 lvl50 all tier 1, cant do any damage in tier 2, struggling to find out why

Just saw this and hope able to find the Azurewrath Sword and try this out in Season play

Might adjust the build abit to go with WW since i prefer WW more.

Barb still going strong. Should get to 80 this week. I have been taking it slow since the season is 12 weeks long. Rend to 40=> WW currently => DS for final push once I’m 100. I hope other barbs are still doing well. Patch today should help a little bit.


I made a DS barb in preseason and am now playing an upheaval barb. In season 2 I’ll try HOTA barb. In season 3 I’ll try a bleed barb. In season 4 I’ll try ww barb. In season 5 I’ll try leap barb.

So barb all the way and only use a single build all throughout just to see how far I can take them whether they are sucky or not! Oh, and never use triple shout because I find that to be dumb.

in season 2 I’ll be playing the OP
