Really you had to remove it???
Spamming the forums won’t help. I’ve never seen a DX12 game use Exclusive Fullscreen. It always causes problems. When WoW made the switch they abandoned Exclusive Fullscreen because they couldn’t get it to work in DX12. It may have been labeled incorrectly. Also, here’s some info. I hope your situation fixes itself broski. I doubt they will let the resolution problem last all weekend.
Exclusive Fullscreen Instability in Beta - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (
I can not play the game like that. It keeps blacking out in windowed modes. What now? All I can do is refund. Blizzard heard back then when people cried about some alt tab small bug. So if I spam they might hear me out. Anybody who got a rx580 is probably facing the same issue as I do
Your black screen issue sounds like heat. Have you monitored the performance of the card?
After looking into it further, it seems DX12 handles fullscreen and exclusive fullscreen the same way; it just does windowed regardless of a checkbox. I suspect this is why Blizzard gave up on implementing it into their game as it was causing crashes and is kind of useless. DX11 had major differences on input lag between exclusive and windowed fullscreen, but that isn’t the case with DX12.
Probably want to check out hardware troubleshooting and not get too hung up on the fullscreen checkbox
Here is a bit of information on how fullscreen vs exclusive works if you’re interested. Note that this doesn’t include information on DX11 vs 12, but it does give you an idea of what actually happens on windowed vs exclusive fullscreen
The only thing I miss from lack of EFS mode is that it actively prevents losing mouse control. This is rather critical for those that need to maintain a set mouse acceleration curve in a game or app for whatever reason because any time something else steals focus from the game/app, that control is also broken or unlinked.
It’s why I remained on macOS for so long with World of Warcraft - they had a functional EFS mode and when that got removed the platform developer was able to implement a workaround that kept the game in focus no matter what, preventing things like Apple’s Dock from popping up and stealing focus. With borderless windowed mode there is no such protection, so that leaves players vulnerable to loss of control, which in the case of accessibility, is a huge problem.
Now, with DX12 games there is no EFS mode. It’s called “Fullscreen”, and it still is fullscreen, but not exclusive fullscreen. It doesn’t have exclusive control over the display and driver. AFAIK, D4 was using borderless windowed in the last two betas. It had to if it’s running in DX12 mode. It’s just that the naming schemes were never “standardized” between the two types and very few games have a differentiation in the naming. Those that do usually have the following options: Fullscreen, Fullscreen (Windowed), Windowed. Blizzard games have only the latter two options, though naming conventions aren’t always followed for whatever reason.
it was removed in last set because it would crash alt tabbing, my guess, thats either not fixed, or they simply forgot to add it back in
Removing a setting, it not a fix. Its done out of dispair