Where is the End Game?

The Horde is fun. Liking it more than i expected.

The Pit is THE PITS. :laughing: Roll back the code to s4!!!

Other than that id settle for leaderboards on everything & call it a wrap.

in D3 is also farming, but I played greater Rifts push in group for years not even looking at drops 90% of the time - that means end-game, pooving and enjoyng your hard farmed build.

No, they are the end game. If there was no rewards for doing them, no one would run them.

Take another well known Blizzard game for example, WoW, now I haven’t played it in nearly 2 decades, but end game at the time was farming raids to get new and better gear.

And now you know why I loved the infinite paragons in D3

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I try to make a suggestion for an endgame activity, I think that’ll be nice we have something to do with the Strongholds:

I said I don’t care if it is slightly faster than it used to be. That is in no way contradictory to saying that levelling is boring compared to the end game. 2 different points entirely.

Stop grasping at straws.

That’s not what you wrote unfortunately in the last posts, write better the next time;

It’s not my fault if you write something that makes you look hypocritical/contradictory; blame yourself :joy:

It’s what I have been saying since my very first comment, it’s not my fault your comprehension skills are lacking.

You don’t know what the word hypocrite means btw.

Not sure why you are so obsessed with me. Kinda weird tbh.

You can try all you want to deny it, i’m sorry for you

Funny you wrote that, since you keep replying; again another hypocrite statement; looks like it’s your habit :joy:

Keep proving what you are, you are doing a good job, i must admit it that :joy:

Learn to read troll :clown_face:

It is too late to try to deviate; everybody can see who you are, too late now; you should have thought of that before :joy:


Your bait is so bad. My statement has remained the same since the beginning. You have another account silence action incoming for spam and trolling.

I know, it’s the only thing left for you to do once all is clear; the victim; trolls are good at that ngl :joy:

Raids and PvP. That’s what this game lacks. Raids and PvP give people something to ‘best’ others in. Competition.

Your ego is so big and you think did something… You’re not him…

Your ego is even bigger that you think you know everything about me :joy: another hypocritical sentence; you are really good you know :joy:

When did I say I know everything about you? Judging by your attitude on one would want to …

Putting words in other peoples mouths and gaslighting seems to be a habit of yours.

Your argument is a moot point so you resort to gaslighting. My words are still there for everyone to see and have been saying the same thing since the start. No one else had an issue except for you… sooooo maybe you are the problem? Huh? Just looking for attention maybe?

No more attention for you then.

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Niether of this belongs to aRPG. And especially to D4.

D4 is for uber casuals.
Raids would be either trival so it would lost its purpose as competetive content. Or hard so there will be river of tears bcs 95% players would not be able to do them.

did you play lately (that mean since release)? Balance is something nonexistant… like at all. And in decent pvp balance is crucial. + again 99% in this case would not participate at all.

There is only ONE Ultimate end-game, in a combat game: PvP. That’s it. That’s because PvP, challenge is infinite, and you will ALWAYS have some room to grow, and improve your build and skill. In D4, I would also add endless dungeons everywhere.