Where is the End Game?

The only thing brainddead is looking at NMD, the Gauntlet, Pit, World Bosses, Uber bosses, Infernal, and PvP and still going durr where da endgame.

It’s more the design behind these activities that lack imagination and longevity.
Hence people want proper endgame because the current mindless activities grows stale rather quickly.


So what should we have? Should they make us repeat the campaign over and over, farm areas like D2? We basically already have D3 endgame. Or should they do as PoE does, take from the Torchlight franchise and have maps and delve? Or are we expecting Blizzard to invent new endgame that no one has seen before?

In other words, how would you reinvent isometric arpg? Because that’s what you’re asking to be done.

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D4 already has had that since launch (WTs 1, 2, 3, 4)

The only reason why this didn’t work is there was no WT4 monster evolutions and WT4 gear

Not entirely certain but probably correct as didn’t play GRs that much… I believe the bigger issue is the invested effort and development into something that has basically no chance to work right (talking about D4 time invested/wasted here of attempting to make highly-efficient lvl100 work at the cost of stagnating the rest of the game tbh)

Whatever it is, the first thing to do is make sure it’s something that’s probably gonna be beaten/completed at best few times a season rather than something that’s gonna be beaten 500 times

LE for example has something interesting (give or take) for an “Endgame”. The good news is that meaningful progress can be done in low amounts of attempts (5-6 echoes a timeline and 3 more to finish and progress to new one). The bad one is that it is required to repeat it 500 times to properly level up (therefore the same issue/problem that D4 had)

IDK about PoE though, feels like changing from season to season from patch to patch to me a bit too much :thinking:

Sort of. It’s not quite the same. PoE and D2/D2R don’t have adventure modes, so you’re doing campaign completely over every character. Then the farming is just opening maps and doing that area or boss ad nauseum. Well, in the case of D2/D2R. After a year or so, PoE began adding all sorts of other types of endgame.

Yeah, I can’t argue there. Blizzard is obsessed with time played and finds all these different ways to extend it. Like doubling quest objectives yet keeping the rewards the same.

They’re bringing LE to consoles, right? Kind of want to try that out. Hear mixed things, but I’ve completely abandoned PC gaming. Way more comfortable firing up the PS5 and laying on my couch while playing.

Blizz did try some things that would take a long time to beat like Uber Lilith. That hasn’t gone over well. Would be interested to see something like you described play out.

I personally keep hoping for a rogulite, randomized endless dungeon through Hell, but I won’t hold my breath. This could actually be similar to what you described, slowly progressing like in Hades.

PoE does change a lot, or has through the years. A lot of what they do is taken from other games. They seem to really like what Torchlight and FF do lol

Buy a Controller

That’s what I did and works just fine

Sometimes prefer KBM still (with ranged Rogue for example where targeting is more important in general) but Controller on PC works, you can try :slight_smile:

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The only thing I haven’t got tired of yet is Helltide. Now, with this 2nd Alt, I’m ready to do Glyph XP and I’m already bored and I haven’t done my first Ancestral NMD yet…

Personally, I play only the “D4 Forum Game”. It’s a fun, social, creative game, without violence. :slight_smile:

Except for D2. There are always chase items.

There’s always chase items in every one of these games, including D4. The grind never ends my friend, that’s the whole point. Getting BiS in almost every single slot is damn near impossible, yes even in D2.

Oh, the stupid stat thing isn’t my cup of tea. I just get the items and end the game. That crap is boring and doesn’t change my build. I still play D2.

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Exactly, and there’s a stopping point for everyone. I also don’t grind my brains out looking for the perfect items. Just as I’ve never farmed for Mythic/Uber Uniques. That grind just bores me to tears.

I’ll admit some games keep you hooked longer, but ultimately we’re all doing the same thing, killing enemies and searching for items.

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Endgame is farming tormented chose Mats and grinding ubers
Until the Pit has a leaderboard this is the endgame
Welcome to D4

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I’m already done, lol. There isn’t much content here. Back to D2r for me.


If they copied the full poe map system with the ability to customize your maps with currency and to influence the type, amount, difficulty and rewards of random events therein in some way, it would be an improvement.

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I think this doesn’t sound bad actually. My Alt is about to be 100 and I’m getting plenty in Infernal to keep me going. Then go Max my boring Glyphs and try and get a Mythic.

Probly going to take a break to Master Work at some point.

I’m regarding all my uniques in eternal that were changed and fixing up those build. There infinitely stuff to do. Ppl are just precious and ignore there’s content there. They just don’t Wana do it

You said that the leveling process is boring and then you say that you don’t care about it; to me that is contradictory/hypocritical; why mentioning something you don’t care about? :joy:

pit is farming not end-game. same Infernal Hordes, is farming.
we need Greater Rifts with leaderboards and Group play support.

How is this not farming ?

I mean hey, big difference really :stuck_out_tongue: