When is the forum going to be locked?

After D4 launches I might say goodby to some of the old timers on the D3 forum. I will put D3 to bed after S29. I really have no interest in playing recycled seasons. I will be all in on D4.


How are potential players going to ask questions they may have about the game?

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I think they are babies throwing a tantrum to get their way.
But does not make them any worse than people to try to silence the people actually wanting change in an obviously flawed game.
We all have opinions on what those flaws are but saying it is perfect is d4nial.
And yeah we all troll just to troll sometimes. And in this case the cause is another one of my patented words. D4pression.
But being a white knight is why you get releases like Anthem, Outriders, ff14, D3, fo76 just to name a few of the epic ones. Because people are attacking anyone with any kind of criticism of the game.
Are the “i quit” posts helping? No. But they not hurting either.

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There are legit people asking questions but there are wayyyyy more trolls spamming the boards. I rather if they lock it before launch and open it again during launch day. That way people get to ask questions and trolls get to spam the boards when legit players are no longer here and are in-game playing with clans and friends.

what matters to me is the fact this is not about rights or a public space. it’s a private space, supposedly dedicated to a product interested (and deserving) customers.

not to whiners, trolls and shills on a sabotage agenda who have nothing to do with it and 1 annoy customers, 2 actively disturb and take away time and attention since by opening topics on their idiocies and tantrums they reduce visibility and don’t let customers do what they are interested to and should be agevolated instead of obstructed by producer inaction on intruders.

it’s a private space with specific rules, outsiders who don’t belong nor comply have zero rights here and should be kicked out and not allowed to simply exist, let alone talk. freedom of expression or such has nothing to do with this. opinions of outsiders is irrelevant, unwelcome, obnoxious and should be avoided.

anyone can speak about this as they wish, outside. no reason they should be allowed doing that in a supposed customers only environment.

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I could be wrong, but I thought that forum access was a privilege for people who actually own and play the game.

At least that is how it is with D2R and D3.

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Wait. Entire argument is that these “I refunded” posts are fake. If they are what would closing the forums to customers only do?
And what rules are you talking about? Your own personal ones? This forum is labeled as discussion.

Ah I see, they are potentially removing a much greater evil- fair enough. I won’t be starting my playthrough until Octoberish due to various reasons, so as long as I retain read-only access, I should be able to get plenty of information. Questions can be asked just about anywhere else I suppose. Odd but doable.

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no. the entire argument is about forums being still open to non customers. you addressed a “they may be fake” post only perhaps, but your own answer isn’t related to that only. and you also ask what does it change to others. that i answered and explained to you, since whether you realise or not, there’s an effect indeed, it’s not a matter of white knightning anything. it’s a matter of nuisance from people who shouldn’t be here.

“discussion forum” not open to strangers. discussion between customers. this is not everyone’s place. it’s blizzard’s place, for diablo pc players. and the rules aren’t mine. are of home owner. no pc player? no customer? get. lost. simple.

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Oh noes! They might have to google something instead of ask the same question the last 48 people asked!!

And someone refunding or claiming they refunding ARE customers. Or the would not have the game to refund in the first place.
So again how does restricting it to one of the most notorious community for trolls only help the problem? Diablo community about 1 step above CoD community in terms of troll factor.,

no, again. someone refunding, is not a customer anymore. is a former one, and technically, not one at all. a moment after refunding, they should be out the door and bb. not allowed posting anymore, since they expressed legitimally their opinion til refund click as interested customers, then no more interest in this, they should only interact with bliz by the account page. not allowed to post and interact (ie, disturb) legit customers anymore.

btw. you are insulting diablo community, calling it trolls, mixing legit customers with the idiots. maybe if the trolls were kicked out, it wouldn’t be so trollish. and maybe if real refunders were locked out, that would immediately make clear fake refunders are trolling. and thus enable taking appropriate measures even towards them after all, since trolling infringes house rules, then allow restricting access to them too, and they’d immediately face consequences instead of pretty much being able pestering the place and trolling on unhindered and safe behind the certainty of nobody taking any action.

happened to your mind that would change a bit? or still insisting that changes nothing to anyone? sure. that’s why we are happy here, asking for trolls to be locked out once and for all.

trolls or not, no customers have to go. and customers or not, trolls have to be dealt with accordingly, just the same. wanna go on defending the indefensible? go on being on trolls side then. sure that changes nothing.

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Reddit, post in a blizzard game forum that they own a license for?

keep in mind a lot of them are disenfranchised destiny 2 whiners who are used to getting their way from daddy bungo and silencing anyone like you or me who rightly tells them to shut up and piss off.

Because all of their forced “suggestions” end up making the game unplayable garbage and lets face it, these trolls arent playing this game to begin with.

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Aren’t the forums open to anyone who has a battlenet account?

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A lot of the worst new trolls to come during server slam appear to have already gotten bored and left.

They definitely should make the forums exclusive to people with a license for early access and D4 launch though… to combat spam more than anything. The trolling in itself is nothing that can’t be ignored, but when you have people spamming or spamming the same threads over and over yeah that can’t be ignored.

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The real question is will the Ultimate ATC members have a special section?


we need to get a special code to be able to buy a horn cup for ourselves.

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You wrong again. Someone “refunding” IS a customer. Someone who has already refunded is not and i doubt other then their “i quit” post you would ever seen them again anyway.
Learn you tensees.
And not insulting the diablo community it is just a fact. Anyone that was around back when d2 first started the internet was not like it is today. But Diablo 2 forums were. And sure there were others with small groups of these type of trolls. Like Runescape. But DIablo was really the birth of the troll in any major way.
The customers ARE the trolls. This not some conspiracy of non diablo players coming in and trying to sabotage the game. These are UNHAPPY customers with the same right to their opinion as you.
You want some advice. If you want to silence the other side of the argument and not debate it then YOU are the one in the wrong ALWAYS.

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Only allowing players who have purchased the game to post sounds like a great way for white knights of the game to throw sound into an echo chamber.

Also, who are we calling trolls? The non-constructive ‘I’m refunding’ people, or just anyone offering feedback on how the game could be better? Anyone who disagrees with your opinion?

This forum was basically for beta feedback so censoring non customers makes no sense. I guess we are close enough to launch now that it would be okay, but still I don’t think any other game I play locks out non customers from the forums. Troll posts just get closed by moderators…