What's the point of having astronomically rare unique items?

Headhunter, PoE. Enough said. games work well with rare uniques. thats why the fanbase keep returning to games like PoE.

Now we are gonna have to listen to all the mobile noobs, who needs a dopamin fix - I WANT MY UNIQUE I CANT FIND IT, IT MAKES ME SAD.

please stop acting like kindergarden children, and go play pokemon go.

I don’t think you quite grasp how low the drop rates for Shako etc. are

They are a bonus to those of us that like the gameplay loop and gives us that little shred of man wouldn’t it be cool if “I” got one.
Don’t even really need them. My barb is running amazing without a grandfather but boy I sure would not mind to see that baby drop.

i dont think you know what headhunter in PoE is

forget it , looking clearly through the comments you notice that the community is toxic and does not want to be helped , they only know how to criticize those who care about the game and push decent people away , let the game die and they play alone…

there is no point of those items in D4. And even open trading won’t save it.

if you somehow thinking that those drop rates are good for the game - this is clearly lack of ARPG knowledge.

They are literally meant to be mythological basically.
There are purely Nostalgia items from older games.

Also the dev confirmed in a comment the higher NM dungeon tier the easier to get them. They have the highest chance from NM dungeon rewards.

It is on his twitter relpies

I wdomt know about that. It seems that even on higher NM dungeons, the drop rate aint great.

There is no number posted by blizzard, but so far only 1 shako world has been confirmed. That means that over the thousand hours people have in upper WT4 , only 1 person had it. Seems very low

I remember playing WWE Slam for years opening thousands of card packs and by sheer luck got one rare Limited Edition card with only 50 in existence, worth hundreds of dollars. Great feeling, sure, but it also makes it less exciting if you happen to be unlucky and miss out.

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Ok OP how about we just hand you the best items the very moment you log in for the first time. Then you’ll be happy right? You know… you don’t HAVE To be this stupid… you’re just choosing to be stupid.

Blizz is just going for the world record for terrible design decisions…to the point where if one drops and you dont RMT it, then youre a fool.

2 Shaco, 1 doombringer (found on NA stream) and 1 Selig are found.
That is fast than any of those were found in previous diablo games tbh

I like the concept of having a super rare items, but i’m against having a very very low - almost not existing prob to drop, too extreme

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D2 had Tyrael’s might which official drop rate was 1:414861 with max magic find and the boss with the best drop rate lol

I see people making comparison to POE mirrors or D2 tyriel’s might. There is no comparison here.
Both poe and d4 have muiltiple times lower player base compared to what diablo 4 has right now. (yes im aware that the player base will drop by 90%… but in general d4 is more casual game and it will retain more players than the other 2 games with its seasons).

Official information from blizzard is that D4 has been played for over 400 million hours since launch. By millions of people. Even if only 5 million of those hours to be played at lvl85 and above… the fact we have only 3 confirmed drops… well those items are basically non existant and they may as well just not have them in the game.

The other major problem for me is … the fact we have so little unique items in the game. even if those 6 start dropping once a month, its still extremely boring finding the same unique over and over again. THere are like 10 uniques per class … everyone that has lvl80+ character has found them already multiple times.
Season 1 better have like 20 more for each class so we have fun and interesting options for more builds and customisation. (but i doubt it… more like 1-2 max for each class :frowning: )

No trading frankly makes it even worse.

I could see it being ok with trading so if you wanted you could trade it for a character’s worth of stuff, or trade for a more useful super rare for your build. Instead you might end up with a useless one for your build and just… never see another one again statistically.

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you realise that the d2r aconomy is flooded with the rarest items in the game, in just one week. Even if we talking about exesive botting. Its still dosnt come close to the amount of time spend there, to 400million hours in here.

Official information is that that many have played but also that over 80%(70?) have not beat the story…

Also this many uniques per class is higher than most games. I do with we could choose to get all loot though. I wouldn’t mind getting them all

70% of which are not done with story and less than 10% which are even high enough in Nightmare dungeons to get them as drops.

Also it was confirmed on his twitter under the same post he talked about them. The higher the NM the higher the chance as the reward at the end.

Also D2R is flooded with them because console players hacked them all in and then switched and sold them on PC… Since it is crossave.

Many people on PS4 were level 100 with all of them in their stash in 2 days of launch.

again. they take her game too serious. they are completely out of touch with reality.