What's the point of having astronomically rare unique items?

Extremely rare uniques only work if either:
You can Incrementaly work towards them by farming other items and building up economy to trade.


You can target farm them with an extremely low (but obtainable) chance to get them.

Having build defining uniques as just rng lottery tickets is bad design and just unfun especially considering the brain dead design of having gear drop as the same level as your character even though the items don’t get more powerful when they have higher level requirements.(This is actually just the worst part of the game finding a yellow item at 70 that has a level 70 requirement and the same exact item with the same exact stats at level 100 that has 100 requirement is just actually completely horrible and whoever thought of it should be fired and not work on arpgs ever again.)

that chest that gives +4 in all skills should be equivalent of mirrors of kalandra but the rest are just trash to be at unique category of rare.

Unique should be powerful, impactful, and highest value, when u get it, it should gives u that feeling of “WOOOOOOOOW this will change everything in my build,” but in this game when u gotten them, it was like “oh another salvage.” not worth it.

^ that’s just tell you the quality of this game.

You know, I see this complaint a lot.

And I have to say I don’t really agree with it.

Is it harder to level up than in D3? Yes, and it needed to be.
Is it harder to level up than in PoE? I’d argue no. I think PoE is tougher. Plus you lose experience when you die.
Is it harder to level up than in Grim Dawn? I don’t think so. Grim Dawn gets pretty grindy. And, again, you lose experience when you die.
Is it harder than in MMOs? Definitely not.

Even where I am at level 89, I don’t feel like it takes a lot of time to level, if that’s what your goal is. I pop a potion, run a few Nightmares, and viola a new Paragon point. Honestly, it feels faster than I thought it would at higher levels.

Oh, yeah I don’t really agree with it either. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for the leveling to be slower than D3. Though, apparently a lot of people do :person_shrugging:

I do think the end of the game feels weird, but that’s not due to the speed of the leveling, moreso the mechanics behind the game

But these aren’t build defining Uniques we’re talking about. Harlequin Crest is a freaking awesome Unique, but it’s not necessary for anyone’s build.

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it is easy to level up in poe b/c it allows u to craft gear but yea, if u don’t careful u lose a lot, it is high stakes high reward gameplay, unlike this. playing hard in this game doesn’t do anything + it is not fun.

you certainly don’t know what a chase item is and certainly have no clue what you are talking about.

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Andariel’s mask is absolutely a build defining unique if you wanna use poison on the druid. Shako isn’t the only mega rare item and some people like try other builds to see if they work .

I wouldn’t call it build defining. Poison druid works without the unique. Poison druid should be balanced on the understanding that you likely won’t get the unique (Balance in general right now is far from perfect - not just for druids)

It’s build enhancing, not defining. Build defining would be a unique that has something like… “Replaces summon skeleton with summon fallen shaman, fallen shaman can summon 8 minions of its own” - that would be build defining

It’s part of the cancerous bad game design prevalent in this current clown era. Drops like that are silly and those drops should be at absolute most 1 in a two or three hundred hours of play time. Joe Schmo that plays a total of 60 hours and quits shouldn’t necessarily see everything a game in this genre has to offer, but Soe Jchmo that plays 600 hours should have seen it all, maybe even a couple of times and Eoj Omhcs that plays 250 hours should see at least 90% of it or more. What’s the point of adding it if people can’t access it and utilize it? That’s not what people play these games for unless they have the addictive gambler’s gene.

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So, super rare drops are a new thing? Was I just so unlucky that I never got the tempest keep mount after farming it on multiple characters for over 4 years. How about the Diablo II players that farm for years to get a particular unique. Not a new thing. Been around for decades by my reckoning.

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And what’s your point? Those games weren’t perfection either and those super rare drops were just as tedious. It makes more sense in a game with trade, or with an economy system like PoE to some degree, but in this you’re just limiting the fun factor for 90% of the people that buy and play your game. A few hundred hours is feasible for most over months or a couple years, thousands isn’t. I never did the farming bs in Diablo 2, there were other games to play or other activities all together that had a better time/reward ratio. I’d wager there are more people in that category than people that think its fun and normal to waste a thousand hours on repetitive content.

I’d say the point is that some people enjoy it

It’s kind of like me with SSF. I love SSF, but I highly doubt it will ever get an official optional mode within the game. I’m accepting that, and am just going to have to deal with the trading as it currently is, and the huge group advantages as they are. But I’m not going out of my way to say “We should force the entire game as SSF, no trading, no grouping” - forcing your own preference of gameplay onto other people generally isn’t a great idea. But… an optional SSF mode? Yes please

If people like super rare items that you might never find - then why do you not just ignore it? You don’t have to try and participate in it if you don’t want to. Instead of doing that, you’re asking for them to remove something that some people enjoy, which shouldn’t really take away from your own enjoyment of the game

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You’d still have it. I’d get one roll on it in 200 hours. Might be perfect, but probably not. You’d get as many rolls on it as you want, 5 every thousand hours on average, give or take a couple dozen. You’d get the perfect roll eventually. I’d be happy playing around with the concept, and it would be plenty good for the short time I’d use it. Why please one group when you can please them all except those unreasonable all or nothing people.

I dunno I feel like your side is already covered there? There’s already posts from people about “I’ve put in 200 hours and haven’t found X unique” (not talking about the 6 super rare uniques)

It’s just a variety of rarity. Let’s just use some fake numbers (these are not realistic numbers I am just using examples):

Unique group A: 1/100 drop chance
Unique group B: 1/1000 drop chance
Unique group C: 1/10000 drop chance

Unique group Z: 1/1000000000000000000000000000 drop chance

You already have the semi-rare ones, the pretty rare ones… what’s wrong with also having the “astronomically” rare ones?

The only issue imo would be if those items were 100% required to make a build. So for example… if you wanted to make a necromancer build where your damage purely came from your golem, and there was a chest piece that said “Golems damage is increased by 10000% and he gains a new AoE attack” - then it would suck if that unique was so rare that you’d never find it and therefore couldn’t ever play golem necro (Ignore the fact that the example unique isn’t well designed - it’s just an example)

But so far… none of the “insanely rare” items are like that. They’re all decent items, but they’re just “stat increase” type items. More damage reduction, more skill bonuses, etc.

1 week / 1 month / 3 months / 1 year “enhanced magic find” boosts for super unique items in the RMT shop when?

I think 5 million played hours equals 5707 years. So, a single player has to play more thant 5000 years continuously to have a valid chance of getting one of those rares.

1 Doombringer and 2 Shako’s in the ENTIRE WORLD. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired immediately. And whoever approved this as a thing should be fired too.

Why do you feel the need to gate keep the intersting but not required items? There is no pride in spending 2000 hours to get one, its shameful to everyone else except you.

I don’t think they’re all that interesting, is kind of my point? At least personally

They’re all just… larger stat sticks. Larger stat sticks which aren’t required, too

If the end-game content was balanced around needing these larger stat sticks, I think it’d be a real issue. But you don’t really need to push higher nightmare dungeons, at least currently there’s no huge gain from doing so. Unless maybe there’s secretly higher ilvl drops at higher tiers that we aren’t aware of?

I mean, I don’t think it’s entirely game breaking either way. Whether they exist or not. But there should definitely be some pretty rare ones imo

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