What's the point of having astronomically rare unique items?

whats a lifetime drop in poe?

The lottery analogy is so freaking dumb. Think about what winning the lottery allows the winner to do. First & foremost, quit their job, and enjoy an immense amount of increased free time. Second, acquire a whole bunch of stuff the winner has always wanted: big new house with a pool, couple badass cars, take vacations to exotic locations, the list goes on. Third, take care of their loved ones and making sure they are set financially.

Finding one of these “won the lottery” items in D4 doesn’t allow you to do any of those sorts of things. You don’t start acquiring all the other rare stuff immediately. You can’t hook your friends up with anything in this game besides helping them, which you could do already. You can’t give it to an alt and level with it, because you aren’t going to find this before you hit lvl 100. And even in the very unlikely event you do, you have AT BEST, 15 levels with it before max.

The only thing finding one of these “I won the lottery” items lets you do is “quit your job” in the sense that game is your job, and enjoy your free time doing something else. In essence, you’ve won nothing. That ought to speak to how dumb the rarity is.

I disagree with u. I think it would be really cool that each month u r supposed to get paid u first have to roll shaco lvl of drop chance before ur employeer pays u. Uk what, I will be really kind and I will let u throw the dice infinitive amount of times until u get it. Oh boy, do I wonder will u die out of hunger before u hit it.

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I literally just told you. Whatever content gives you the most unique drop rates, that’s where you do it. Adam Jackson confirmed this on Twitter.

I’m not that far into the game yet so I couldn’t tell you what that is, but I’m sure someone out there has devised a route/pinpointed a dungeon that drops a high rate of uniques. I suggest looking for it.

Oh I sure hope I do :pray: And I’m not talking about hitting it

as long as that item is not build enabling i dont care, maybe will boost your build and whatever…but what concerns me a lot is locking a build behind a unique item, if the item is too rare and you cant trade it a build cant work or cant do well without that item what’s the point? and yeah im talking about tempest roar locking a build behind such hard to find item that you cant trade doesnt make sense, and making ultra rare uniques is kinda senseless too since an economy, if i get a grandfather or whatever, what am i going to do with it? stash it? lol

I know, but it should. If you get one of those, you should just be able to run around naked with just that item in one shot everything in the game including players in PvP.

The current items they have at that rarity are not justified being that rare. But they should have that kind of rarity in the game; just items deserving of it.

I can agree with this take.

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But is it a good “part of the genre”? The reward for playing a game should be the time well spent.

in that case, ur wish will come true (:

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Because even blizzard realizes their endgame is a flop and the only thing to keep around the try hards are super uniques they will probably never get anyway. To bad nobody cares. These items are good but not absolutely game shattering good.

If they really are items that any single player could play 200 years straight and never see, I suspect that will be changed as they add more WT levels. Unless they legitimately don’t actually want the items in the game, but I don’t hardly see the point of wasting the resources then.

I figure I have at most 10 years to play this game at the very most averaging less than an hour a day. A few hours some days, none others, you get it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sweaty over finding any of this stuff (it’s good sure but none of it is busted good), I just also don’t see the point of making something so rare that only a few lottery winners will ever even see it. Especially when you can’t even trade it. Ooh, someone might inspect you though! And what, throw a parade?

I mean I fully expect at some point power will creep and then they’ll either be more common, or just disregarded as no longer very good at all. Kind of what happened to a lot of the rare gold items in d2 once runewords were kickin. Still rare, but literally useless unless you counted flexing and flexing a video game is so 30 years ago at least for me.

So I simultaneously don’t see the point yet don’t really care, is I guess what I’m saying.

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Extremely rare uniques only work if either:
You can Incrementaly work towards them by farming other items and building up economy to trade.


You can target farm them with an extremely low (but obtainable) chance to get them.

Having build defining uniques as just rng lottery tickets is bad design and just unfun especially considering the brain dead design of having gear drop as the same level as your character even though the items don’t get more powerful when they have higher level requirements.(This is actually just the worst part of the game finding a yellow item at 70 that has a level 70 requirement and the same exact item with the same exact stats at level 100 that has 100 requirement is just actually completely horrible and whoever thought of it should be fired and not work on arpgs ever again.)

that chest that gives +4 in all skills should be equivalent of mirrors of kalandra but the rest are just trash to be at unique category of rare.

Unique should be powerful, impactful, and highest value, when u get it, it should gives u that feeling of “WOOOOOOOOW this will change everything in my build,” but in this game when u gotten them, it was like “oh another salvage.” not worth it.

^ that’s just tell you the quality of this game.

You know, I see this complaint a lot.

And I have to say I don’t really agree with it.

Is it harder to level up than in D3? Yes, and it needed to be.
Is it harder to level up than in PoE? I’d argue no. I think PoE is tougher. Plus you lose experience when you die.
Is it harder to level up than in Grim Dawn? I don’t think so. Grim Dawn gets pretty grindy. And, again, you lose experience when you die.
Is it harder than in MMOs? Definitely not.

Even where I am at level 89, I don’t feel like it takes a lot of time to level, if that’s what your goal is. I pop a potion, run a few Nightmares, and viola a new Paragon point. Honestly, it feels faster than I thought it would at higher levels.

Oh, yeah I don’t really agree with it either. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for the leveling to be slower than D3. Though, apparently a lot of people do :person_shrugging:

I do think the end of the game feels weird, but that’s not due to the speed of the leveling, moreso the mechanics behind the game

But these aren’t build defining Uniques we’re talking about. Harlequin Crest is a freaking awesome Unique, but it’s not necessary for anyone’s build.

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it is easy to level up in poe b/c it allows u to craft gear but yea, if u don’t careful u lose a lot, it is high stakes high reward gameplay, unlike this. playing hard in this game doesn’t do anything + it is not fun.

you certainly don’t know what a chase item is and certainly have no clue what you are talking about.

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Andariel’s mask is absolutely a build defining unique if you wanna use poison on the druid. Shako isn’t the only mega rare item and some people like try other builds to see if they work .