Out of curiosity,
What will make you either want to keep playing D4 or come back to D4 for season 7 ?
I have no idea what may be involved in season 7. I was curious to hear from others what S7 will need to bring to the table for you to either keep playing or come back to D4 if you have taken a break.
I’ve played since S2 and leveled every class, ran each boss, legion, IF, NMD, and everything else a million times. One of the main reasons I keep playing, believe it or not is because my wife really enjoys the game. Aside from my wife, the game is kind of a mess and not a lot of signals out there that anything is going to get better anytime soon.
Some things that would excite me a bit. Closing the gap between other classes and spiritborn. If I log in for S7 I want to sit there for a while and have a tough choice which class to pick knowing none are dead on arrival. Tweaks to tempering and masterworking, not just RNG but material and gold costs need to be toned down quite a bit, mainly gold I guess.
Would like to see more tmog options and ability to change colors on weapons. Maybe some sort of enchants for weapons similar to WOW. As well as more in game weapon and armor models to unlock. New mount types like wolves would be welcomed. Stash chests in boss rooms would be great. As far as the next season gimmick hopefully it’s something fun and fresh. New bosses and world bosses would be great. Im sure there’s quite a few ither things that I left out.
Harder content and class balance.
At this point there’s nothing extra they’d need to do as I will be playing in S7. By then I’ll have a nice rotation going between D4 and PoE2.
This will be an unpopular opinion but I hope they continue to increase the imbalance between classes. What I started off disliking has now become my favorite part about S6. All of the classes have a different feel and struggle in different areas of the progression. This keeps rolling alts fresh and engaging.
This is unpopular, but I think the current power curve for non-SBs is quite nice. There is value in designing a system where builds start to struggle above pit 65. If every build starts consistently pushing 100+ easily, then T4 difficulty becomes meaningless and most of the content of the game becomes absolutely trivial. Instead, I think pit 100 should be aspirational with most builds capping out around 80 when not leveraging bugs. To account for this, I’d like to see a change to how glyph leveling works so you can keep push your glyphs to 100 without having to run higher and higher pits. Give builds an opportunity to keep pushing themselves without having to get carried by the most OP builds of the season.
Other than that, I’m actually quite happy with the state of things. I’m expecting the seasonal mechanic will be nice as this one was a bit lackluster in comparison to the new expansion content
Let me TL;DR this… I can’t think of anything that would make me not want to play S7.
Itemization was fine in season 4 and 5, masterworking and tempering definitely needed some tweaks, but the expansion definitely brought to light that we need itemization 3.0 now.
Wait did they say how long the paid beta would last for? Just genuinely curious, figured it would be a couple of weeks to maybe a month, then they’d shut it down to work on the game some more.
Not oneshoting every content of the game after only 3 week of farm…
Auction house so iam not on diablo.trade more than on the game…
Harder content…More i play d4 more i see the huge gap versus d3…In d3 in very high GR you missed one rotation and you were done…D4 i just stay into the middle and i wait to kill not avoiding any mecanic(anyway it a s*** show and we cant see nothing)
My paragon level starting from where I left off in Season 6 (ala the change we drove with Altars of Lilith being one-and-done).
If the grind to 300 is every season I’ll be taking a few off.
They also need to fix duping. It’s ridiculous that every season thus far has had a massive duping problem 1-2 weeks in.
There will be brand new features/challenges/patches…
And then people come back as always
Unofficially, I’ve heard them say at least six months but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned into a year.
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if they add a faster mount.
for the record - i havent played any s6 yet
Tbh iam not sure to understand this thing but i can tell you i bough a lot of thing on on d.trade and never got scam for now
Honestly that would be amazing I think. Really give time to address problems, make the changes, and have players test it all over again. I hope this is true. Not that I’ll be paying for the beta mind you, but I have been interested in PoE 2 ever since they announced it. I’m still skeptical, as I am with all games, but I do look forward to it.
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Two options:
Fix the find and grind loot system so that I want to continue player a character at “end game”. Rather than just finding “good enough” and avoiding the awful tempering and masterworking as much as I can
Fix running alts. Buffing everything not SB would be a start. Although I am still somewhat concerned that alts will still suck even with balance. Again, largely due to the loot system. 1-60 is always meh because I can’t be bothered tempering, applying aspects, etc. when I am going to replace it in 5 minutes. So basically it will be meh to 60, boom 250 ish paragon, and grind glyphes for a few hours. Done.
And, of course, fix the game. Seriously. The entire time I typed this I’ve been trying to login and get the cosmetic. Start with the daily freeze on login. End task. Restart. Crash at character select. Restart, crash at character select. Restart, click shop as soon as I can. Crash. F it, going back to D3 and the stuttering sound.
My expectations are low for the beta. From what I’m hearing the combat is going to play more souls like and I’m not sure that’s what I’m looking for in an ARPG so we shall see.
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