What this patch really is

People were just leveling and finishing content faster than they intended.

This entire release period has basically just existed as a way to get data and patch for season 1. They’re just moving the game closer to where they want it.

i thought blizzard was smart for giving themselves a month between shipping the game and the first season

boy howdy was I dumb and wrong

blizz needs at least 6 months, first season is looking like hot garbage and I’m not remotely optimistic for s2 based on the changes in the s1 notes rofl

it’s like d3 all over again in many ways, just without jay wilson to blame for it

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Anyone remember when Blizzard said “Its time for buffs?” What happened to that?


rofl did they? where did they say that because I wanna spam that on their channels and laugh a lot


They’ve been saying for 3 years power is in the character and that the leveling should matter and be fun…and you’re complaining you can’t afk at the door of the dungeon to get to lvl 60 in 38 minutes?

Most of the other stuff is (or can be) true.

I keep saying we are not supposed to to NM tiers 70+ at this point. Now you probably really can’t.

The only problems I have are the grindier helltides, the CDR (which was not mandatory unless you ran a CD heavy build), and that they apparently don’t want you to THAT rewarded for being a good player (which is actually in line with morons asking for WW / one button builds to compete at endgame - or to not be much worse than the rest of well thought out ones).

Never have understood why they do what they do in a PVE game.

They already stated that PVP will never be balanced. Cool, then why are you always killing fun, Blizzard?

I believe that was said at this campfire lol oh and don’t worry, I already called them out for their hypocrisy

solution: refund everyone who wants a refund ASAP, they are just pissing off what little fans they have left


these patchnotes were the last nail in the coffin

Yes, and they were having rather fun.

Better slow it down to a place where it s slow and boring, im sure it s a perfect marketing choiche. :rofl:

Some people were having fun. I thought it was all WAAY too easy.

I’m glad Blizzard listened to me. :wink:

Literally 99% of any diablo build any class any game edition ever has been 1 base 1 core + support skills for that core skill. EVER. It s always been a one button meta since at least d2.

Did you start playing tomorrow?


You would seem more mature if you did not feel the need to insult people over not liking the path a game you like is taking. Even your insult manner evokes an image of a teenager trying act like she is more of an adult than her peers.

They should have started that cycle with buff.

This one hasn’t (meaning you can do other stuff and be better than some that do that). And that’s why combat is the best it’s even been.

And it doesn’t get worse as you get into higher tiers…it gets better.
It’s not “and now I have best items in the game and I don’t care about resource or what I fight because I screen clear from the other side of the screen” you actually have to play it better.

Can you provide me some insight then. What build/class isnt “spam one skill” meta?

Arc lash!
Ice shards?

Im curious.

The patch contains an insane amount of bug fixes, which is great. :+1:
The patch introduces 6 new Unique Items, of which I really want to try out one or two, which is great. :+1:
The patch introduces 7 new Legendary Aspects that might make new builds viable, which is great. :+1:

The balancing changes are a step back in terms of character power and I hope it will be followed soon by one or two steps forward. :pleading_face: :pray:

Still hoping Fire and Lightning Sorcerer will be a thing in Season 1. :fire: :zap:


I didn’t say anything about meta.
But there are builds where you need to perfect what you do as you go along…and it’s not a 1 button build…and you have a million things you care about doing and each rewards you for doing it right.

Stunned ppl, more dmg?
No unstoppable, you have more dmg but care more about preventing yourself from being CC’d.
Don’t weapon swap? Terrible dmg.
Don’t DB when it kills something? You’re done gotta wait for CDs.
Didn’t apply vulnerable? YOu do 15% of the dmg.

What does WW care about? Pressing shouts during fights and not between. And spinning away with no care in the world.

WW should not be meta.

The gap between WW and what I linked is now smaller. That is a bad thing.

The fact that NO one and nothing can do NM tier 80 (or I don’t know new numbers) anymore is a separate thing. More of a (un)intended consequence because they want you to HAVE to play season to get the extra power to clear that (which is a scum move).

Probably should rephrase the previous reply. WHen I said it gets better I don’t mean the build…I mean the combat…you have to care more about playing it right (which is hard) to do well/the same in higher tier content.

People just want to get more gear to be able even set foot in higher NM tiers AND they want to overscale it eventually and just WW through highest tier.

This patch was one step closer to making that a reality THEN 1.5 BACK for everyone because of less dmg reduction and CD reduction and ARMOR while not fixing resistances and not decresing monster HP and dmg in high tiers.

My problem is the 1st part…not that everyone is setback by 50% in tier numbers now (accounting only for 50-100 at player lvl 100).

never had problem with mount but then again I am playing on PC so it looks like most of the complaints are from console peasants

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Anyone remember when Blizzard said “Its time for buffs?” What happened to that?

They said it’s less complex to first nerf what stands out and bring it all to an even ground before buffing it again.