What this patch really is

This is literally ONE out of all the remaining options and i ll let you know wont even be viable most likely after this patch.

Thus, when i say 99% of builds are one button mash, intending the game has ALWAYS been meant to be that, i dont see where it fails as statement.

You can still take a bunch of skills and toss them on your bar and run world tier 3, not being meta. That means nothing.

Because bonus damage to slowed, stunned, frozen, chilled and whatever the hell is out there donā€™t work on unstoppables and bosses everyone is stacking cc/chd and vulnerable and in stead of trying to balance those other multipliers they just nerf the most used ones. So now all the blizzard ice spike fast staggering BS will be all that is left.
a simple 1/10th effect of slow and chill would on bosses would already make those viable whithout bosses being permaslowed. And surely the seasoned players here can find other was to make the others viable.

Define viable.
Very little has changed in NM 55.

It was never going to work over NM70 probablyā€¦never got to test it cuz I played other stuff in the last 3 days since I got to 100.
Now no one can do NM85 or whatever (because you take more dmg).

They are different problems.

I like the armor nerf and what it does to the difficilty of the game.

The crit/vuln nerf makes sense.

I wish the buffs were more impactful, donā€™t really see how my necro is ever pushing NM dungeons now- since Im made of paper - but, maybe in a few days ill have a workable build.

As far as I can tell, from theory-crafting, NM dubgeans are probably impossible , or absursly obnoxious to play. But, itā€™s hard to tell rn.

I donā€™t really care what it was anymore, whether it was ordered from the top down to make it suck for whatever reason or if theyā€™re just trying to prop-up playtime numbers for metrics. They killed the only character Iā€™ve ever cared about in any diablo and they did it right when I was outside the refund window. Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity but this is beyond stupid. Far, far, faaaaaaaar beyond it.


Actually, what was asked, was to bring other CC damage up to par with Vulnerability. So that other specs that didnā€™t have alot of vulnerable; chances to be more viable.

Instead they nerfed not only vulnerable, but also damage to CCā€™d targets.

Nerfing overall damage, but still making vulnerable better than any other status affects.

They made the good stuff bad, and the bad stuff worse.

feels weird that this patch is essentially a middle finger to anyone who bought the game before season 1

like this patch takes away player power only to maybe give it back with season 1 mechanic, its like buying an item on discount but it was marked up originally, with the discount being an illusion

i would suggest to skip this season if you already played the game tbh

feels bad that they got 600 mil atleast from people and their response was to pretty much betray any goodwill that might have existed, is this how it goes for people playing blizzard games? like you are in an abusive relationship where you let the other just walk all over you and you keep going back?


my 98 rogue was TANKING and slaughtering lvl 50-60 nightmares now gets 2 shot by quill fiends MY LEVEL. WTF IS THAT S***. all item level 800+ unique ancestral BEAUTIFUL BUILD, literally having to spam potions on tier 48? what the hell? IM DONE. not playing any more until they fix thisā€¦sorry season 1

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being one shot in NM 60 instead of NM 80+ isnā€™t challenging, itā€™s just dumb


bro nobody likes watching their near invincible character get cut down by non elites like paper. its ridiculous, we can kill lilith but a quill fiend gonna 2 shot my a**? gtfoh


Actually, no. Itā€™s mostly PC related. Mouse distance from horse causes variable speed problems, they trip over every little thing and will come full stop randomly when trying to run past enemies or catch certain terrain. Itā€™s pretty bad.

They delivered :))))

Iā€™m calling it right now. This game will remain in a bad state until right before the next expansion releases. This is Shadowlands all over again. They have learned nothing.

Stop playing the game until they fix it. Make their engagement metrics tank.


Thatā€™s fine and dandy but they couldā€™ve just buffed the damage and health of monsters in WT3 and WT4, all they did was make nightmares the only viable way to gain XP and gold, they also made way harder with less reward. Running nightmares in a party is going to be pointless.

The open world isnā€™t hard, the monster also cap at lvl 70 and then are always 5 lvls lower than you, so pointlessā€¦

yea. no wonder. they didnt want to give themselves time to fix it. " its to close to season release"

its all arbitrary like this game.

postpone the season and fix it.
who cares if the season doesnt come out on the 20th. the game will be fun when it does. THATS what matters. not deadlines. self imposed problems.

Ya no. A lot of people were waiting for the patch notes to see if it would be worth suffering through the leveling process in this game a 2nd time.

These patch notes have shown that they are just going to make it even worse to do it a 2nd time.

If I wanted to play an ARPG where the devs are hard set on making the game feel awful to play I would just keep playing PoE.

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Necessary? Are you on drugs?

In three words.

It is sh!t.

My build, while not very strong, as I am a casual gamer as I have a 9-5 day job, is dead. Vulnerable for Rend build is critical. Fortify is useless now. Hereā€™s my barbarian, running away from a few snakes in fear of his life. Sorry I spent a penny on this game, much less pre-ordering it. I believe that for me, Blizzard has lost me as a customer; and these cowboys who call them selves developersā€¦give me a break. They got our money, they could give a crap nowā€¦

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Welcome everyone to the Diablo 4 beta phase that will last for at least a year! And you better play it because you paid for it!