What the game is missing, after playing a lot, on both beta weekends

I played lots of hours both beta weekends, experienced all the content, here’s what I gathered. Outside of bugs which are expected, and not seeing end game content/systems. The game sorely needs some of these features.

-UI Needs LOTS of work.
Map / Minimap. Need completely redesigned, map needs an overlay that you can see through. Minimap needs to be able to be zoomed in and out.
Need to be able to set keybinds for certain actions like elixers and scrolls of escape, etc etc, NOT on the emote wheel. Need to be able to zoom out the camera more, UI is too mobile/console-like. This is a PC game Franchise. Please.

-Abilities and Skill trees.
Feel Pretty bland, need more synergies between certain abilities to create more playstyle options. Not sure if this changes with any endgame systems but it NEEDS to. Ultimate needs its own keybind/button, feels worthless in most scenarios.
Also need a Quick swap ability keybind, maybe 2 slots. 6 slots is BORING.

is a little bland, but I have faith end game systems, items, and crafting will make up for this. For example, we can’t even reforge/change properties on legendaries, because you can’t get the mats in beta. So that will help slightly. As will more item types and systems opening up later.

-Character select screen/lobby.
Needs work. You should be able to see your friends list, message capability and join/request from this page, before entering game. Need some more options here. also - The statues of Lilith having to be selected on every character is absurd. Account wide please.


The PvP MUST be good, engaging, rewarding. They turned this game into a half mmo, there HAS to be multiple forms of pvp for it to thrive. Test your hard earned gear and builds on other players.

-Why are there no duels in game? I surely hope that PvP zones aren’t the ONLY pvp planned for the game.

-Battlegrounds/objective base pvp content?

-Arenas? Scrapped in D3, they owe us big time.

-World pvp? Duels? some of the most fun had in diablo history? (d2/d2lod/d2r)

-PvP Leaderboards? Since this is an mmo now, need some competitive pvp tracking/objective leaderboards/stats. Would be HUGE.

There will be ZERO hardcore pvp if there is only PVP zones that result in permadeath, for the only pvp content. Hardcore is for the Hardcore players, and lots of us are PvPers. we need hardcore PvP options.


It won’t. If you wanted this kind of itemization you could just be playing D3 right now. It’s identical to what that game does. They won’t be able to improve it at all. They’ve been stuck the past decade trying to fix it’s problems and have failed every time.

Have you experienced all end game systems? closed beta ended a couple months ago, systems weren’t even final then. The customization is heavily limited in beta, which is to be expected.

You know just from seeing the betas so far pvp is going to be an absolute trainwreck

i believe so also, which is why ladder wont release with release, but they should allow some pvp testing in beta before release i believe… it doesn’t make sense why they wouldnt.

Camera needs to be zoomed out more


I don’t think they will be able to balance PVP at all, the new overpower-stat thingy like what? Do we need protection vs that as well or is it in the game so that any casual can oneshot a god?

if you look at the character stat screen, it says overpower deals max 150% dmg to players.

Ah thats good to know thanks, wanted to check myself but uninstalled it earlier today.

yeah this was one of my points of interest under UI