What NEEDS to change!

The beta has been a mix of fun and disaster. However, it’s important to recognize that it is a BETA! People also may need to drop their expecations with regards to cerain things, such as:

new skills be added
new dungeon designs
new bosses
new systems

All of that is done, that part of the game is finished and is going to be released at lauch.

What they might and should change is some balancing issues,

base numbers (movement speed, HP, resouce generation etc…)
skill cost and cast times
bugs and exploits
map overlay in transparent mode in the background
dedicated slot for gems
better char UI to show resistances and stats
and hopefully some visual/cosmetic issues (give more character options for both druids and necros… or even all chars)… In fact why is the chracter design so basic? for a game launching in 2023…

How the game will feel at end game or PvP remains to be seen. What’s important is how receptive and quick the devs are to make necessary adjustments. I sincerely hope they listen to the feedback.


TBH anyone who makes a post like this when there are already a page full shows their lack of situational awareness which most likely speaks to why the game was so hard for them or they didnt enjoy it.

Your post has poor structure and provides no feedback other than complaints. “New bosses” OK so what do you mean? What do you want, what does “new bosses” mean?

These are just incoherent thoughts that make little sense. Best of luck to you on launch.


Then the games not worth considering if they wont add dungeon varity, if they won’t rework skills, add bosses and fix models to meet player expectation, if they wont add new systems to fix obvious flaws then this game is already dead on arrival.

I fully expect them to do a full rework of the druid, changing werebear and werewolf to long term transformations which will let them use a non obese druid model since they no l longer have to account for rapid bear transformation.

I alsoexpect them to add a few systems to fix major problems before release and add more boss variety before release and add new dungeon paths before release.

This is a 70$ game it should have features.

Uniques and legendary changes how the skills work in some cases, as do paragon boards. New skills are not needed and won’t be added at this point (some may change because of tuning).

There are already other dungeon designs. There’s over 100 dungeons in game and you’re seeing 22 of them. 22 from the same zone, which means that they’re all following 1 of a few different templates, which none of the other zones use.

There are more bosses, but bosses are ‘typically’ located in a particular zone (this may or may not change), so you’ll see other bosses in other zones dungeons, or when they allow more than the 3 or 4 bosses in beta to appear in your dungeon.

What new systems? Why would you ask for new systems when you haven’t even seen the plethora of systems that are coming?

Basically, you’re asking them to do what they’re already doing or have already done. So just wait for the game to launch.

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Now you’re just trolling… right? lmao

Am i wrong for being upset that this 70$ has less features and content then diablo immortal on release? do you find that acceptable?

You’re wrong for being upset that a game that hasn’t released yet that you don’t know what it comes, what features it has, or why it’s worth $70, should have more features than what you don’t know it already has… yes.

It’s fine to not be happy with the beta, but the beta is not the final product, and it’s free.
Also, Diablo Immortal is a COMPLETELY different game model. People have literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on that game to get geared up for end-game, but you’ll be paying $70 once for D4, and that’s it.

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they hid the free open beta and only advertised the paid version of it though, we can see the entire skill tree already what features don’t we see? you cannot hide core design mechanics and it needs more work.

For a successful release:
Expanded skill trees
More impactful loot
Less meaningless stats
Complete UI rework
Character model body mass sliders
Damage coefficients fixed for druid and barbarian
Mobility issues fixed for necro barb and druid
Dungeon rework to be less repetitive
More dungeon bosses
WAY more mob diversity and density
Aspect/upgrade gold cost reduction
Nerf legendaries and buff skill trees
Stat point allocation
Addition of magic find
Offline mode
Optional level scaling vs fixed level areas

There’s tons more but this is just off the top of my head what needs to be fixed before release.


What NEEDS to change!

Basically the entire game.

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