What level of the expansion will you get?

I will most likely get the base level for $39.99.


Honestly for me depends. 90 for ultimate seems steep, but in all honesty you are paying t he 39.99 still for the game, 30 dollars for 3k plat, and 20 for cosmetics.

They look cool, but I’d right now leaning at 39.99, but could change. Or if a work vendor throws me a another 200 dollar giftcard to listen about their product.

Got the ultimate. I’m much better off paying for expensive games with all the bells and whistles than getting mods for my car or going to the pub lol.

So its worth it imo, plus I basically get the first few season packs for free as a result - that more than pays for the additional price.

I just couldn’t refuse the furry pets though. I always wanted a pet tiger lol


What a question. I’m still sitting here with a season pass I got cause I wanted to play the game a few days early (silly me), a completed S4 journey and an “don’t need anything of this crap” attitude.
So why would I pay 50€ for useless cosmetics?
And still undecided about the exp. Waiting for announcements regarding gameplay and mechanics updates before deciding. Don’t need a new class, still haven’t played two classes after the beta and got only one to 100.



And yeah. If I get VoH it will be the standard edition.

I’m leaning toward Deluxe, but may still go for Ultimate.

Standard edition for me.

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Probably none, they didn’t improve the game enough, it’s a bit better yeah, but it’s still not good enough for it’s pricing, i’ll just wait.

I did the early release pre-order for D4 (first time I bought a Blizz game on release). Honestly, not going to go for any of the expansions on release. The standard one’s gonna have to wait until it drops in price to like $20 or less. This way, I can follow the patches, reviews, and criticism until I can see that they’ve figured it out. They killed any excitement I had for new releases.

Where do u guys see the price tags? I can see the list of different versions for the expansions but that list doesn’t show the price difference.

Diablo IV | Battle.net

  1. Diablo® IV: Vessel of Hatred™ - Ultimate Edition


  1. Diablo® IV: Vessel of Hatred™ - Deluxe Edition


  1. Diablo® IV: Vessel of Hatred™ - Standard Edition


  1. Diablo® IV Expansion Bundle



Contrast it with the Elden Ring DLC, which is $40. The xpacs are not a good price imo, but everyone is free to part with their cash as they want.

thanks! 20 characters

it’s called 40$ dude, typing out 39,99 just makes you look like a macintosh user

i’ll be getting the 50% off edition, when it goes on sale, if that
anyone who pays more than the base game is full our out of his mind

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Waiting myself, I want to see exactly what’s coming in the expansion first. I may even wait for a sale in all honesty. I get the feeling a lot of the features that should’ve been in since launch will be added alongside the expansion, which just feels bad. I know I won’t stop these practices, but I can at least save some money.

Granted if I’m gifted the game I won’t turn it down, but I’m a patient man, I can wait.


Hoping they fix the game first. As is might not be playing D4 in Oct… Sad this is supposed to be an improvement on D3 and DI, yet both of those games have way more options and things to do.

Nightmare sigils, the pit - is just rifts and elder rifts. Nothing new there.

The gauntlet thing, who cares… and almost seems just like that DI thing you did for towers…

This new loot system is almost more broken then last, having to spend 3 times as much time salvagin and going thru trash armor then I did before.

Stop makong us beta testers. Fix this game before making us pay to beta test new class and area… Please

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Standard edition for sure.

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Got the Ultimate Edition and gifted a friend the Standard Edition.

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Yeah I ended up going with Ultimate also. Basically just prepaying for the plat I will need for future battle passes and get free stuff thrown in.

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Well, I have pre-ordered the 90.
Mainly because of the following.
I save the season pass.
New cosmetics + portal.
3000 platinum which isn’t bad at all.
The pets are cool.
The mount (I was already tired of the horse).