What is the "eternal" experience like?

You need to temper and mw gear to anticipate 2.0 nerf, affixes will go down, aswell as dmg, armor and fixed stats but tempers should be the same and uber uniques affixes too…focus on tempers and uber affixes, like if we are going to get way less crit chance better to mw starless sky at max crit chance, same if you are gonna lack attack speed and so on

Need to outsmart this crap in some way

Don’t gear up as it is now, gear up for what it will be after bs nerf

What is the Enternal Realm like? Quiet and dead, A Necromancers Haven.

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Quiet because everyone is busy farming mw materials and doing uber bosses for mythics to salvage…dead, not at all

Last night chat was a constant LF people for uber rotas and IH

Sorry to disappoint but eternal players are here to stay, with all their money and stuff from day 1, we’ll figure this out too, like we always do when blizz drops bs on us

Your trade chat looks very different than mine. How do we know most eternals are hoarders? Suddenly my trade chat is filled with offers to sell epic 3GA items, the the post links 5 items at a time. Everyone is trying to unload before the apocalypse hits, lol.

Before campfire from the exact same people, only 1 GA’s maybe 2 GA’s for sale.

I play on Eternal when the season does not intrest me. I rarely see anyone anywhere.

Items are worthless atm, there is no point buying or selling them. MW materials, gold and sparks are the only things that matter atm

Not even a single reason to look for better gear for our current builds, as long as you can do tormented bosses in 5 secs and IH 7/8 you don’t need anything else until 2.0

Already salvaged all my GA and uniques in stash, not even bothering wasting time trying to sell them, already got a pretty fair number of billions gold so not a big deal

Affix of legacy gear will not change, only the item power, weapon damage, armor, and legendary power will become lower. There is an oversight of Blizzard 2.0 which they forgot to lower the affix of gears like Frostburn and Azurewrath which the affix damage is multi fold of the new weapon damage in gear 2.0. Players use those gear with old affix like frostburn, Azurewrath to speed farm Max PIT in 3 minutes.

So please dont salvage the usually trash frostburn, Azurewrath and many gear with fix affix. Same as Elemental Surge affix, which the affix damage value is much higher than the 2.0 weapon dmg. Finish your tempering, enchantment and masterworking, keep in safe in your stash and consider this is a gift from Blizzard. They can’t do anything on gear affix already dropped. They can only change this in Season realm which the gear not dropped yet. I still keep many Martial Vigor gear in my Eternal Barb :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Current ancestral items affixes look like being lower when nerfed down to 540, not the case for ubers tho, uber affixes still the same with lower dps and armor

Those affix exist in Unique and Uber. Weapon Dps is irrelevant as the 2.0 weapon dmg is so low compare to the Unique affix like Cold damage, Fire damage, elemental surge etc. Those damage will add on top of the skill damage which become trillions in PTR :grimacing:

Lower armor is not concern as armor cap can be achieved easily.

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Yup - my thoughts exactly. /smh

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But dont forget Starless ring’s core skill ranks are affected by the 540 itemization. The max skills you can get when GA is same as non GA, and after masterworking 12/12 a non GA ring still is stuck at +2 core skills.

@oliveshark, interesting thought, thanks for the reminder. What is the current optimal setup on PTR using that route assuming no changes? FoF paired with Azure? Or Frostburns paired with lucky hit rings?

Although on paper I do not fully follow why those tempers would still be strong in live. (But I dont always understand blizz math) But inherenat weapon damage and these affixes on frost burn, etc got divided by 6 or 7. Unless it’s some new bugged interaction to reach 9+ digits.

I used to find playing in Eternal rather satisfying and VERY engaging, especially when I finally achieved 4/4 max-rolled GG gear in all item slots for all my Rogues. I logged on more, played longer, bought out the shop to the point that the game cannot even keep up with new items to offer me until…

Now, with Temper limits, repeated item re-works in rapid succession, the opposite is true for me. If they wanted more of my time and money, I am more than capable and willing to hand it over to them but not in their current course so…my current Eternal experience leaves a lot to be desired.

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Exactly @Urza

It also takes away the mystic and nostalgic sense of having a Mythical item drop.

You will just think not so special as it will be garbage next season.

The most optimized build now in PTR is Frostburn paired with Azure and maximize lucky hit chance. Player use chain lightning in the fastest max PIT clear as it hits many target at the same time.

It’s terrible, just like every other part of the game. Don’t want to start over every season? Play eternal! Just kidding, redid all the gear in the game so you need to refarm all your uniques!

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So FOF + Azure as sorc casting chain lighting outright (rather than through unstable currents)?

What’s the masterwork on? attack speed or the elemental damage?

The build is in the video, is Roxy’s build.


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