What is the "eternal" experience like?

I only played non-season during D4 pre-season and never touched my eternal characters again. Are there actual “pure” eternal players out there? What’s that experience been like? I think the idea of not losing character progression each season seems fun, and maybe I’ll actually perfect gear a build someday… but with all the changes… doesn’t it feel like a season anyways??

Open wound, meet salt.

Edit: More serious answer, it’s nice to keep glpyh progression. I hate re-doing glpyhs. The huge jump in power for S5 on things like Tyreals means that having ubers day 1 is also nice. Spiritborn leveling will be amusing with ubers in all avaliable slots. But at the end of the day, it feels like season.

The dark secret though is the real reason to play seasons is because of trade and a semi more functional economy that is supported by many server farms worth of bots. Anyone that has ever sold a simple stack of mats for hundreds of millions to resolve gold issues in season benefits from the bot economy directly or indirectly. The fact that there are many many bots farming 4GA uniques means you actually see them in Season to trade and may never see one on the open market in eternal.

So beyond everything else, the ultimate difference is trading.


There’s plenty of topics on this very subject right now. All you have to do is look below the first 10 posts, if that. They aren’t hard to find.

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ethernals love it when they don’t have to start the game, the char was perfectly finished 6 months ago and that should still be the case in 5 years!


I can´t understand why anyone play eternal tbh. I am bored with new class in two weeks anyway… And doing thousands of hordes/nmd/HT/ whatever without any progression to weeks seems boring for me.

I mean I finished S4/5 without a single good 3GA… spent at least 100 hours in each seasson.

How anyway can enjoy this for long period?

“Fun people find something to do when they’re bored. While boring people just sit there complaining how boring it is.”

I’m on Eternal because my RNG is bad. Like terrible bad. It takes 10 hours for me to find a useable GA. And then I’ll brick 9 out of 10 GA just to get the right tempered affix. I’m not even looking for perfect rolls either. I just want the proper affix. That’s just one slot. Got to do it to all other slots. At least now we’re more dependent on Unique so there’s less RNG involved. Not to mention it’s way easier to farm unique because of summon bosses.


Because some people don’t have 8 hours a day to play the game. Some are lucky enough to get 8 hours a week. So when you have less time to play the game, Eternal makes sense. Others just like the idea they don’t have their characters wiped every 3 months. You don’t have to understand it, just keep playing as you always do.


Everything is maxxed if youve played a couple seasons. Like D3. Kinda boring imo

I only play non-season in any aRPG, e.g. 5000+ hours in D3 over 10years and only non-season, not even ever started a seasonsl char.
you have time to actually min-max a build. e.g. seasons are ok for no-lifers, no job, no friends, no famility, no vacations…
after min-maxing a build you can switch to another build/class.

if people write stuff like that…who have a real life…no thanks…then i don’t want to be like that too :nauseated_face:

It feels like… I don’t know… Ethernal…

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From S4 its been the same as seasonal with the evolution of systems. S6 is the xpac so its somewhat of a fresh start but eternal just crafts new ubers on day 1.

The game is heavily geared towards season. Even if gear didnt change D4 has adopted D3s flavor of the month.

Personally i see no purpose of eternal with how easy the game is but some dont want to spend the 5-8 hours leveling or looking for new gear.

It’s an extremely convenient experience as you have tons of mats accumulated up from all the seasonal play.

You can craft mythics from the get go if you have sparks etc

A lot less farming, more enjoying. You just get in, do what you came to do and no grindium to do as a formality (or not as much as usual).

/facepalm gem fragments. We need a higher cap for gem fragments. They’re all over the floor.


You should seriously consider making some royal gems now and consuming stash space. Because if the new gems cost 100k fragments, you can only make 10 of them, which may not be enough to support every class of character you have in eternal. So it’s better to make the royal gems now as a storage method of gem fragments while you accumulate more fragments. We also know fragments have other uses in the expansion so this allows you to expand your cap (albeit not optimally).

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On PTR I made gems and sold them to the vendor just so I didn’t have to look at them laying on the ground everywhere.

It will continue to be that way until we and they feel like itemization, etc is in a stable enough state. Then Eternal won’t need to change every time seasonal does. I can understand wanting to hurry up and get to that point so you can keep meaningful progression on Eternal but I also wouldn’t want them to leave Eternal broken/frozen now or months back. They gonna anger people either way.

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I did do that. I was at the gem fragment cap at the middle of Season 4. Got a full stack of each Royal gem color in the stash. Just hopefully blizzard lower the cost of Grand gems to 5mill instead of 10mil.

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This is true. I don’t mind the changes. I welcome them for the sake of the future.

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playing both realms and eternal is quiet fun to play and to build up a longterm character with perfect gear.

seasonal is for testing build variety and othert playstyles, but im not into starting from scratch every other season.
I just try stuff when its sounds interesting but eternal is the better solution for longterm players and people with less freetime.