What is going on with the MOUNTS? They SUCK again

The mounts have completely regressed as far as control and functionality…they were GOOD last season and now they are back to the way they were BEFORE you guys fixed them…

My mount gets stuck and tripped up by things ALL THE TIME AGAIN…you guys had this fixed and now it’s broken again.

My mount has a boost which lasts about 2 seconds again…you guys had this fixed last season and now it’s broken again.

Also…please fix TOWN stopping my boost when I am trying to EXIT town. Why am I being stopped when I try to leave town on my horse?

Idk what you guys messed up when you made “mounts boostable in towns” but you definitely made them perform like crap again out in the open world (pre-season 3 mounts).


I recognized the change in mount performance after my horse got stuck on a small pebble stone one day and on a small blade of grass the other day.

And we still only have horses. Camels are looking so fluffy good ingame. Lets ride them. :dromedary_camel:


Yeah it feels like the code reverted back to the old code from like six months ago.

I’d vote for llamas myself.


i don’t even use the mount anymore , just get boots/amulet with proc movespeed and never use that horse ever again :joy:

i wish we could’ve meshif camel from the campaign , i was so sad when he died and the camel stay with him


I run faster than my horse lol. :grinning:


Yes please. I’ve been wanting a camel since I saw Neema in the campaign.

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I would like a small Vespa for my large Druid lol.


Sounds like what I used to do when I played WoW. I would put my druid moonkin on the smallest mounts possible.


It’s class dependent. Sorcerer horses still feel good. Druid horses absolutely suck. I assume it’s a bug.

The mounts have reverted to their true intended purpose - show ponies. They’re in the game so you can buy cosmetics that make them glow or anything else other than look like a horse, which is fine since it doesn’t perform like one either.

Druids should have a Bear Mount!


no they dont, they should just RUN AS A WEREBEAR OR WEREWOLF


I don’t know if it’s all horses though. I had this problem with the Ghostly White Horse from the Battle Pass but eventually switched to one of my older mounts and it’s handling and speed is much faster.

I don’t know why the battle pass horse behaves differently but it most definitely does.

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I said it before “There is no Cow level”,its a camel level :slight_smile:

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S4 Battle Pass Horses have shorter charge distance

2 Bugs I’ve found

  1. The two S4 battle pass horses have shorter charge distance compared with other horses

  2. Both S4 battle pass mount armors disable charge skill when equipped on other non-s4 horses


OMG…I thought it was just me!!

or lag or something, but yea…

They’re reverted back to pre season 2 gallop and cooldown.

I ain’t having it.

guys come on now… be realistic!

you are all mistaken.

Clearly all changes made have all been tested by the bliz devs to ensure quality and smooth gameplay

Pretty sure this is just the new mounts from the battle pass. Try using an older mount and its its working great again for me.


Can confirm. It’s pretty bad when even the cosmetics they are charging extra money for don’t work properly.