What I like and dont like about D4 by Zax

I have played a lot of hours of beta so far but mostly just sorceress, but i would like to share my opinions as someone who dont like diablo 3 and love diablo 2.

World boss
I think this is great and its fun to fight them and other world events. I was honestly suprised by difficulty of Ashava as many people were getting one shot, me included.

Game looks great, some dungeons are really cool.

Ehm i mean Challenges which is virtualy the same. I like that i get rewards for completing them which is better than simply achievement system in d3. What i dont like is how pop up thing looks. Its not very appeasing. In diablo 3 achievement pop up looks so much better. I liked that shiny thing with sound effect when you made one.

I dont like some of their effects. For example rubies, when you i use them i get only 5% life. Its almost nothing. I would rather see direct increase like +70 life. Actualy when i was using gems, i pretty much ignored anything except skull, ruby and topaz as didnt find any reason why use rest. And i certainly didnt need the rest. That brings me to resistances.

I feel like they dont matter? I mean i dont even know what they do, i didnt feel like i have to check how much or which ones I have whole game. Not once. I dont even know when i should have some. In diablo 2 when you dont have certain resistances, you are dead and you hsve to choose equip to have them. In d4, i didnt have to. Their are even resist potions but idk when i should use which at all. I certainly didnt have to use them. And it made no difference.

Rings and amulets
Their stats are boring. Their need more different stats on them and wider range of stats also. Non unique ones i mean. Magic find, caster rate, attack rate +mana. I think i didnt see those for example

I need more information about monsters, there are many resistances but idk which ones should i focus against which enemy. I think it would be cool to have monster catalogue where you discover their stats, abilities, resistances and which element their use as you kill them. Diablo 1 had similar thing.

This is just as bad as it is in d3. There is zero player choice how to set your attributes. This limit diversity of builds and options how to evolve your character.

Item stats
I did pretty much everything in beta in term of content for 1 char, killed world boss multiple times, mychar is pretty much maxed with stats i think. And I still have no clue what ultimate, overpower damage or lucky hit is. Yes i didnt bother to investigate, but i think game should do better job to explain function of these stats. I have also hard time to understand some unique or skill powers. I have that sorc skill which summon cold blades and have some power which tells me something with cooldowns and i have yet to figure out what it does.

What worries me is that game have complex dmg mechanics and multiple resistances but not knowing anything about them seems to have no impact on gameplay. Its not like I was forced to care about resistances, to have more life or certain dmg effect on anything.

I dont especialy like itemization in d4. Its too similar to d3. And there its horrible.

Legendary items
I feel like Legendary items drops way too often so after while there isnot that excitement about them dropping. This will be even worse once you extract all their powers.

Skill system
I like skill tree and choices you make there. But i really hate that skills are capped at level 5 for leveling. Why? Also level increase on dmg skills feels rather weak.

I think map should be more detailed, i for example discoveted some special chained chest and it was not on the map. I also certainly hate when you go to undiscovered map part, it gets revealed. This sucks because then you dont know which parts of that map part you searched and which not. Also small dungeons should have something once you search them. Judt like dungeons witch aspects change how they look on map.

They are kind of boring, they look nice but they all looks way too similar. Why have auto generated dungeons when generator makes maps which looks exactly same with just different directions.

I mostly like the quests but waiting period between something happens on screen is often way too long when you engage with events or npcs.

I think thats all for now. Generaly speaking I enjoyed beta and game play looks good. I am worried about itemizatiom and lack of character choices. Its way too similar to d3 which was pretty bad with this.


You have a lot of valid points.BUT…Don’t loose sight that this is the beta and there are probably many things that are not in the game yet. I would reserve judgement until we play the finished product. That seems fair lol. Even after the game goes live in June there will definitely be tweeks and changes. You can bank on that lol.

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Its beta true, but i doubt much will be changed. There simply is not enough time before release to make some big changes. I doubt we will see any radical changes.

I am not saying its bad. Buti am worried about some stuff with items and char limitations.

Realistically, how much will change in the next 2.5 months? The focus over the next week or two for them will be analysing logs and server/performance issues and adjusting. I doubt many of the core mechanics or ‘game’ of what we saw this weekend will change much … its basically polish and tune phase for the next few weeks for them, then prep for go-live.

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Yeah you said it better than me. I think it will be mostly polishing and small changes here and there. If they change radicaly game systems, it would have to be beta tested again.

Missed this. Well at that point it will be too late in my eyes :slight_smile:

3 month till release I guess the beta is pretty much the actual game we will get.

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Your concerns are well founded. However, I am going to play it when it goes live. I can say at least the story line is consistent with the world (they didn’t turn the story line into a raging dumpster fire like in retail wow lol). Anyway…I am kinda enjoying the game. I don’t want to brow beat it too much by making comparisons to POE etc lol. We don’t need to have an over complicated skill and paragon system where you literally need a spreadsheet to make builds. (More lol) I am going to play it and even try to stay away from all the websites and YouTube videos so I can enjoy figuring out stuff and not be spoonfed by some website and mKe cooycat builds. I am a first responder and this game in a lot of ways is very therapeutic to me. (Pretty twisted huh lol). I expect there will be a lot of changes after it goes live. The D4 devs seem to have a pretty good grasp of what should happen. If they don’t I will side with Lilith lol. (Now there is a thought…siding with the demons lol)

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But i dont look for just playing campaign. Diablo games were always about huge replayability and many option what to do and how you develop your character.

Even when d2 had many aspects of game not so great , its amazing game with huge replayability. Then they made D3 which was failure in my eyes. They killed replayability with low diversity of builds, no attributes before paragons, boring items and of no trading. You basicly just do rifts and thats so boring. I dont want to see similar thing in d3 and some game syststems reminds me d3 too much sadly. I will surely play it since i preorderer anyway lol. Nbut it still makes me worried from long term perspective of game.

Sure,i like the skill tree and how it works in d4. I just dont like limitations of maxing skills st level 5, damage skills which doesnt make much sense. Since you can level up frozen orb only 5x, i would expect far better dmg increse. But thats not the case. It almost feels like it doesnt matter if its lvl 4 or 5 as your items have bigger impact on final dmg anyway.

The issue is that game does pretry poor job to explain stuff snd telll you more sbout monsters, stats, resistances… So you will probably have to visit other sources.

They have same issue in overwatch. That game is like 7 years old and they still dont show how much dmg some abilities do dmg lol if you press f1 for help about abilities. Its mindblowing. Not exactly related but i see same patterns in multiple blizzard games.