What do players do on eternal realm?

They gather in small groups in quaint towns off the beaten path and role play as Cain and Leah. It can get really humid in those areas, so be forewarned if you are a weary traveler stumbling into their realms.

Sounds like a real hero.
And if you like it and are happy, it is good.

But we are all different, aren’t we?

Only takes like 6 hours to get to 100.

Nothing eternal realm is just a trophy room for your old unused seasonal characters to sit there until you delete them for new seasonal characters.

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Your comment clearly doesn’t add anything to the conversation.

yes, you do the same thing over and over again in both diablos.

however, you don’t repeat leveling, aspect grinding, temper manual finding, etc - there’s less of the step up repetition…glyph leveling…base equipment farming…which is the spirit and context of the conversation.

But you knew that and decidedly put in a comment that you KNEW was snarky and added little to nothing to the conversation.

You’re welcome for entertaining a response.

What’s this eternal I’m hearing about?

Well dang my bad bro.
But the way I look at it is this:
Either do everything to build out a toon in a seasonal setting or-
Continue doing the same things you were doing.
The draw for me personally for seasonal play is releveling, rebuilding, re farming, and re min/maxing. Sometimes in different ways, taking different paths, with different goals, and different classes.
Seasons also reset the economy. Though D4s economy is only gold and gear at this point.

Right, and if we read the thread title…it isn’t about me asking why you like seasons. I know why “you” like seasons.

My bad bro.
I didn’t realize anyone actually liked playing on Eternal.

Thanks for letting me know what your draw is.

My draw is to perfect my HS rogue.
There is only one best way she can be better.
The perfect path, the best way. Best does not have an alternative until new items exist and changes in skills and paragon were made.
Sometimes you have to change some items to adapt.
Most times you don’t have to.
To finish and fine-tune that char is my draw.

So now we know, what draws us.
I can accept your way and wish you fun.
It does not matter too much, but it would be nice and adult, if you could accept my way I have fun.

Same thing? Just didn’t have to go through the same content for the 20th time, they really should add all content to eternal but that will never happen because they don’t know how to balance a game for seasons let along an eternal realm

How you have fun does not effect me at all, but I will wish you all the fun in the world.
I think I understand where you are coming from now. You want the game to be updated less, so that you have time to finalize the build you enjoy. While I still wish you fun, I still prefer them to keep updating the game rapidly.

They play the game. Some people don’t like playing the game over. Especially those that lack time. Why do you think the devs keep making everything easier? It’s because most people don’t have time to complete every 3 months. They are trying to make it easier to draw those people into seasons for more battlepass sales.

Every season there is still new gear, new aspects, and new content even on eternal. They just don’t get the battlepass or season story/mechanics.

I can get forced to refarm new items after they changed some things.
But sorry, i cannot do the glyph thing again a 4th time.

It’s basically impossible to finish collecting for people who are collectors in seasons in 3 months.

What Kumiko is doing is finding the triple GA full set rogue with quad GA ubers.

This is essenitally impossible for people playing in seasons unless they are fed by others or spend real money.

This type of gearing takes more than a season, but at the same time requires some game stability which we haven’t had. Currently eternal does feel like seasons because we have to refarm our gear all the time because of redesigns, overhauls, bug, fixes, epxloits, nerfs, balancing.

ITs fun to hop on old builds and see what they can do.