What do players do on eternal realm?

I am just asking.
Can someone explain or can someone who really plays eternal what they do in the game?

I usually start a season, blast to 100, max my gear (not even that sometimes) and twink 2-3 other chars up to 100 and make a few builds and quit after week 3.

My progression I quit relatively quick. I am not like 20 years ago in D2 LoD searching for the last +Stat possible or considering Sorc Torch 19/20 bad if 20/20 was max.

Now I just play to T100 and did a Pit 116 and called it a week.

I would never ever log back on to those characters. Really, I wouldn’t care if they get deleted. The only thing I sometimes do is at the end of a season try Uber Lilith - I play hardcore - and just die. So thats about it.

What motivates you guys to play eternal characters?


Trick question. Eternal is just a graveyard for characters, it feels pointless and sad to even log on to them.

I wish we could sacrifice them to get some benefit for the seasonal characters. Even if it was just something small. Hell, it wouldn’t even need to be a gameplay benefit; even just letting me ‘resurrect’ an Eternal character on the Seasonal realm (starting from level 1 again) would be great, just copy the look and the name over, so I don’t have to sit there trying to match accessories and skin tones if I want it to look the same. :joy:


I collect sparks on eternal so when there’s a new Uber I craft it and salvage for the transmog lol


That’s just it though, they don’t play Hardcore. I do the same. i make my seasonal character, play the character, if she lives great if she dies… Oh well. I start all over and play until the season ends. I don’t touch the character that lives once they go to eternal realm.

Maybe if there was downtime in between seasons? But then were waiting longer for new content.

Is this some sort of passive aggressive humble brag?

You know the type of people who would play eternal and why they do it.

The real question is why do some seasonal players want to take that away from them?


What do players do on eternal realm?

Some of them come to the forum and cry about seasons.


I didn’t play S3.
Since S4 I play eternal.
The difference is only that helltide faction.
I like minmaxing and testing out interaction of sick rolled items.
And i love trading.
There are many players on eternal.
Not as many as on seasonal server, but there is not such a decline.

I can understand, that some ppl want to restart sometimes in season.

But i will never understand why those seasoners care so much about us eternals, if we have fun, if we should be allowed to have fun and if we should be forced to play season.


We polish our staves until the knob at the end starts casting disintegrate.


I don’t play my eternal chars. I went back and deleted 5 of them because they are trash compared to the S4 chars I’ve made this season.

I keep 3 currently to remember the season with: they wear the season armor reward, but I think I will most likely be deleting them unless we get a lot more char slots.

I have a guy in my clan that only plays eternal and its because he doesn’t have time to finish a season. Does maybe 2hrs of play a week if that. In a year he still hasn’t hit 100. I can see why a casual like that wouldn’t touch seasons.

last time i logged on eternal, all my items were red and unsuable : )))))))

so yeah, eternal sucks

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They do the same things, they just don’t have as much time as you to play long sessions.

So kill WB
Feed Child #3

Sell all loot from WB and evaluate changes needed to skill tree
Go to grocery store and get food.

Look in shop for new cosmetics
Pick up Child #1 from music lessons

Look for Duriel Rotation
walk the dog

Fight Duriel
Move laundry from washer to dryer.


I’m on Eternal Realm. I mainly put together meme builds. I have terrible RNG so it’s going to take me more than 3 months just to find adequate gear. Let’s not talk about Mythic Uniques either. Those are still out of my reach.

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I play the game, no brainer.


I play only eternal cause I hate having to relevel. It’s not just getting to lvl 100, it’s doing all your glyphs to 21 that’s so boring, I don’t see how people think that’s fun to do every season. I’m a perfect world blizz would just let us upload our char to seasonal realm. It would be win win for everyone. Nothing stops u from resetting but it would allow a large portion of people to also enjoy seasonal content. I play PvP though as well which to me is proper end game. With PvP there will always be something to chase and improve unlike pve where if you can bet pit 100 there’s no reason to go higher.



What mode though? Softcore or Hardcore?

The helltide faction? From my understanding, both Loot Reborn season 4 and Season 5’s end game activity Infernal Hoard was and is being added to both eternal and seasonal. After that, the expansion releases which will again add to both seasonal and eternal.

So do seasonal players only we have a time limit. This time limit is needed for balance reasons. Trading is also on seasonal.

Okay. But is this because you play eternal? Or is this because you play on console or steam? I would argue the platform you play on has more reasons to why there would be more players and not so much that they prefer Eternal over Seasonal.

It’s not much of a want more of a need. How else will Blizzard balance the classes and the recent Item rework with new uniques, legendaries and Mythic uniques not to mention additional content without resets?

You have it backwards. Seasonal players only care when Eternal players are asking to get rid of seasons. Otherwise it doesn’t matter. Play what you want.

I have one character on Eternal… I actually logged in just the other day to see.

Every piece of gear and weapon is labelled LEGACY… all my stash and whatever my character has.

I logged out and went back to S4

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If the current PTR is how all PTR’s will move going forward, there’s a strong case to keeping some good loot, crafting materials etc to be able to just jump right into PTR with everything. And of course this is stuff you already have leftover but instead of hard deleting you just let it lie around.

Also, I generally find the casual pace quiet nice amongst the other eternal players. We don’t need to re-grind ubers, they are already upgraded to close enough specs. If season looks good enough we can always swap. It’s pure additional options.

On day one of season without PTR before hand it allows you to test a few things real quick before investing into a build as well.

First rule of Eternal Relm is you do not talk about Eternal Relm.


Geee i dont know maybe some longevity with the game?

All of you people who only play seasons?

I dont get it. Seems like a complete waste of time to redo something every 3 months and have no real longitudinal value at all.

Heck, you value the experience more than the outcome since outcome is not saved for you.

While playing games as a whole is technically a waste of time, there is a lack of any perceived value to the game when nothing is accrued.

Granted we played arcade games and they are episodic but a lot of old timers played bards tale, ultima, wizardry , might and magic (not heroes), zork, aphshai chronicals, dragon warrior, etc

Long games not this 3 week stuff.


Wizardry and Bards Tale, oh man, talk about nostalgia. Great games.