What class are you feeling for season 1?

Mate you’ve got 2k posts on a forum that’s been around for less than a month. You’ve got way too much free time that you just spend complaining about a game you hate to claim to be that intelligent. Let alone have any sort of job or responsibilities outside of dusting the cheeto dust out of your keyboard.


I’m having a super hard time choosing. I wanna try out a few builds before s1 launches to make the final decision. kinda on the fence between rogue druid and necro, tho I’ve had a lot of fun on barb and sorc too lately


I was set on Rogue but right now I can’t decide between Sorc, Barb and Rogue.

I’m one of a long list of Druids who can’t get a Tempest Roar to drop, so basically all of the fun builds on Druid are completely inaccessible to me.

So, I’m abandoning my Druid and rolling a Rogue for season 1.

I’ll probably give blood magic necro a shot. I tried it during the beta and it seemed fun. I’m curious to see how it fares after the most recent patches.

Spoiler alert: Bloodlance is doing amazingly well right now when build right, I am curious what new uniques/aspects it is going to get.

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I’m playing an ice sorc to finish the renown grind for the eternal realm. I started out as necro, but i stopped playing him even though he wasn’t having any power issues. So, I’ll be playing necro again in season 1. BCE is quite funny if you run minions that generate corpses. Bone Spear for vuln, but a lot of my dmg ends up being BCE.

Thats gonna take few seasons of uniques being added.

Thinking of trying sorcerer for season 1. Or necromancer.

Prolly bow rogue but maybe Druid

Played arc lash sorc for pre season. Was a lot of fun

Definitely going barbarian. I was originally planning to run necromancer, but the current state of the class has absolutely destroyed any will I had to play it.

Probably the class everyone is crying about being too weak.

Fire Elemental Druid, Fire Arrow Rogue, or Poison Necro

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Barb is currently tough to play early on depending on your build, but it gets better as you climb up. It works better for single damage in many cases so packs of mobs can be an issue in general.

I really only say that because other classes seem to have a much easier time quickly wiping out packs of mobs when I group up.

Bro is so salty but sits on the forums all day lmao




Quoted wrong person.

Undecided, I have a Bonespear Necro (60) and a WW Barb (80). It will most likely be one of these two classes.
I’m very interested in the druid but have no motivation to level another character to try him out.

I was thinking barb, But the leveling experience is atrocious and it was not addressed in the “Buffs”. So probably just gonna go bonespear necro like everyone else.