What changes/suggestions do you have for the PC UI?

  • Searching all aspects of the UI (stash/bags/talents/paragon/etc)
  • Fix the console/mobile looking UI on the PC
  • Need more scaling options
  • Give us more useful tooltip info
  • Give us more useful info in the character panel on what stats do and how the interact with each other
  • Give us more info on the talent/paragon trees and how they work, what things do, and how they affect each other. Some of the keywords yall have underlined in the tooltips are never really explained.
  • Map overlay like older Diablo games have
  • Moveable mini map
  • Make it easier to bind more keys
  • Camera zoomed out a bit more
  • Better tooltip info
  • Better explanation of how stats work and their interaction with each other
  • Character journal that has quests (completed and active) and has an activity feed of anything that pops up on the screen and goes away too fast.
  • An in-game wiki that explains the key words we will find on the character sheet, items, skill tree, and paragon boards (and anywhere else Blizzard may add keywords)
  • Better explained resistances
  • Less tooltip scrolling
  • Diablo font fix
  • More info on how summons/pets/conjured/companion damage/def work with stuff like on hit, on kill, what spells affect them, if something says “your damage is increased” does that mean it also increases the pet’s damage as well???
  • Option to auto skip cutscenes
  • Ability to move different parts of the UI
  • Better and more centralized buff and debuffs
  • More skill slots
  • Ability to scale font and scrolling combat text
  • Less mobile/console look/feel
  • The cracked glass over hps makes it hard to tell what my hps are when I am vulnerable.
  • Loading screen tips in a easy to find place in game, they can go by too fast
  • Can we get a vendor all Junk/common/magic/etc like we have on the BS? Instead of the game just assuming that I want to vendor everything marked junk to the vendor?
  • The UI in general but this is focused on the Challenges UI. What does it mean? What does the skulls mean under the icons? There is nothing that tells us. What does the little loot box in the upper right hand corner mean? Please just have a better and more informative UI in general. We shouldn’t have to Google everything and hope someone has guessed right.
  • Needs to be something on the Occultist screen when extracting/imprinting an aspect that lets you know that once you imprint the aspect it cannot be extracted again.
  • Option to Lock gear that I want to keep. Just in case I accidently right click an item in my inventory while looking over gear and that leads me to salvaging everything (since I didn’t want anything I had in my inventory at that time) and losing an item I was using for my build.
  • Ability to search stash, bank, skill tree, paragon on PC and not just use the limit number of keywords they give us.
  • Spaces in clan names
  • Would love to see a breakdown of the damage/healing/etc on the World Boss, instances, boss fights, etc. Would help me see how I stack up against others and just review my build in general even if I am solo.
    • Not a damage meter, just something after the fight/instance is over.
  • We can’t see buff or debuff timers. Most of the UI doesn’t show us important info we need. Are we cced for 2 seconds or 20 seconds? Do we have 30 minutes or 20 seconds left on a buff? Should we use a spell to break this extra long cc or is it a short one we can wait out? Show us some info please.
  • A lot of skills have us needing to stay above 80% of health or mana, can we can both percent number and actual numbers on the hp/resource bars?
  • An option to auto repair when visiting a vendor that can repair. I would pay gold to unlock this feature.
    • If not this then please put the repair button on the default tab the vendor opens up to.
  • When I am trying to complete an event with the mastery, if I am really close on the timer, when it completes it doesn’t show me if I completed the mastery in time or not, should be put in an activity journal in the UI somewhere so I can review it, like a lot of other stuff in the game.
  • Skill tree and moving around points
    • Edit Mode
      • This would allow us to move around points freely. Once we are done it would look at what all we moved and charge us the correct amount of gold if we accept the changes.
  • WASD movement on keyboard please please
  • Change sorting (or give us options to change how it works)
    • Right now I just sorted my full inventory.
      • Helms.
        • Blue helm first ilvl 281, next yellow glyph plate helm ilvl 280, next yellow glory passage helm ilvl 320
    • Why isn’t it just sorting by item slot and then item level? All helms should be grouped and then go from the helm with the highest item level to the lowest.
    • Not by item slot, then helm type, then item level. I don’t care if it is a glyph plate helm or a glory passage helm, I am looking at ilvl and what it rolled with.
  • Give us item filters for both our inventory and stash
    • Let us type what we want to filter by
      • Like: Ice Shards, barrier, conjuration, frenzy, life, resistance, etc
      • Just let us type it or have an extensive list of every thing that can roll on gear in the game for us to pick from.
  • Marking items as Junk
    • Great feature!
    • The Junk icon covers up the items icon too much. Would be helpful when trying to look through your junk items for any reason if the icon was smaller and in a corner.
    • However, it would be very helpful if items would keep their Junk marking when dropped on the ground. Would help people like me with short memories from picking up the same item again when their bags are full.
  • Need a Lock feature for items
    • I could lock an item in the UI and that would keep me from selling/salvaging/destroying it without unlocking it first.
    • Not sure if I am the only one but sometimes I am tired/not thinking and sell or otherwise destroy an item I wanted to keep, or I forget I wanted to keep the item.
  • Health Globes
    • Either I missed the tutorial explaining that health globes only are used if you are not full charges on your potion. But if I didn’t there needs to be one.
  • Comparing offhands needs to show the main hand also you have equipped.
    • Helps when trying to see if a staff is better than a one hander and offhand.
  • Bug likely when comparing Sorc offhands
    • Pic: https://ibb.co/0njp7Fh
    • Why the +2?
  • Messages that pop up on screen need to last longer and have a place we can find them later (news feed?)
    • Messages that pop up on the screen while playing go away way too fast. They also can’t be found easily to review because even if you get these while fighting I couldn’t read most of them.
    • Things like the messages from the statues of Lilith, whatever the first class unlock was for barb at level 4ish, and so on. Make these stay on the screen longer or put them in an activity journal where we can find these events.
  • See no option to show player hps and shield amounts without having to hover over them
  • Would be nice to have a fast + or - next to the item power level when comparing two items… Not hard to tell the difference but it would keep me from having to look at the item in my bag’s power level and then at the one I have equipped.
  • Better tooltip info. Like what is “Barrier Generation” on a diamond do? The tooltip doesn’t tell me. Does that mean I will generate that much more of a barrier even if I don’t have a barrier skill/passive?

What else am I missing here?

Update #1


Thats already built in, but hidden in the game options.

I agree with the rest. If I remember correctly they said they would do a deep dive into the end game systems after the open beta.

I had advanced tooltips turned on

map / overlay. mini map. 6 skill buttons with no swap keybinds… zoom out further on character camera. the list goes on


As long as they make it an option. People are already trembling in fear at the thought of learning how new stats work or having to make any decisions about their build.

I think an “easy to learn, difficult to master” system works best for game longevity. I’m a stat nerd, but my brother just wants to smash monsters and get cool loot.

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Sir…sir…would you be kind enough to tell me where I find my resistances at? So I may see them?


Yea this UI is a p.o.s.


Resistances… oh boy. They realllly made these confusing. Fire resist: 50%, tooltip: reduces fire damage by 25%. Ok is it 50% or 25%? Why does the number on my gear not add the number it says? Why not reduce enemy elemental damage by 50% instead of complicating everything with Armor giving resistances? It’s ridiculous and so complicated, when it really doesn’t need to be

  • Stats panel should pop up before, …plants. No one cares about plants.
  • Shouldn’t have to scroll down for ages in said Stats panel to see relevant information, Items as well require scrolling. Why?
  • Give our Diablo font back. It just doesn’t feel right, the text is too clean
  • Huge damage multipliers tied to Legendaries is a problem. Well screw this build, I just got a 400% damage bonus to this other skill I don’t wanna use. That’s cool for 30 seconds, but it sucks long term. No one wants more D3 item sets. Skills should all be relatively viable, but they aren’t, because of these legendaries.
  • Hand designed Dungeons. Everything is samey; Corridor with a few rooms.

The game is fun, but it has some unrealized potential


Having more info about summon/conjured/companion damage and what it scales with would be nice as well. Not sure if advanced tooltips already do that, I didn’t look through options or turn it on.

I’d also like to see all events/world bosses on the world map without having to look all over it to see if any are up or coming up soon. Like just showing the info at the top, possibly letting you click on it to zoom right to the event/boss. It wasn’t much of an issue in open beta since we just had a small area available, but it was very annoying in closed beta and there didn’t seem to be any changes to event/boss indicators in open beta.

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100% more info on how summons/pets/conjured/companion damage/def work with stuff like on hit, on kill, what spells affect them, if something says “your damage is increased” does that mean it also increases the pet’s damage as well???


#1 is disabling multiplayer or getting rid of the lag caused by it.

I’d agree the UI is like top 3-5. But I’d take a lag free and bot free world over everything else.


Option to auto-skip all cutscenes, or at least cutscenes that you’ve seen before. Ideally I’d like this to apply to all flavor / flourishes that disable player control while they are happening (i.e., pauses between NPC responses).

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A more zoomed out camera. The camera is too tight.


I am a little torn on this. I guess a little more zoomed out would be okay but not like world boss level at all times though.

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I personally don’t feel like the UI was that bad… That said, I’m always up for more UI improvements!

Fair enough, but somewhere around the mid way point between that(World boss zoom) and current max would do nicely imo.

Solo play is in fact the Number 1 issue, but this is definitely up there.

when it comes to the UI i’m just wondering what lunacy drove the devs to plop the health and resource globes into the bottom-middle of the screen instead of the far right and far left sides of the screen, which would allow me to actually see whats directly south of my position.

the action bar is one thing, but its way less intrusive on the eyes compared to the health/resource globes.

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The #1 issue is stability Everything else can take a back seat to that.

You might like it, but I suspect that most of the players would be unhappy to see Diablo IV become a single-player only game with no online public multiplayer.

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