What are you looking forward to in Season 3?

I’m looking forward to not spending the next several months hoping in vain for the devs to fix things gonna play for like the first week until Feb 1 and then see ya.

I was excited until patch notes hit and minions got left in the dust which is a real failure of reading the room by Bliz. They have to know half the base wants to make a necro to go with construct but nope dint even take a chance to buff minions. It was minions time to shine but they punted instead.

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Looking forward to trying out the buff to Rabies. I like the skill, it just felt underwhelming.

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Right now I am looking at meteor sorc. The unique for it looks insane and I dont have fire sorc yet. Get some decent CD reduction and a 6 second roll on unique and you could hit 4 to 4.5 seconds on cooldown to summon absolute fire hell on enemies. So you would just gather mobs during that time. Maybe even try to sink it up with that element rotation ring. Looks fun.

Looking at the name Meteorcerer. Thoughts?

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I’m trying to say it but it just sounds like I’m stuttering and about to have an episode.

I am looking forward to the posts showing how views on twitch jumped proving that the game is popular. Then I look forward to the posts about how views on twitch drop a week later and how the game has ruined their life.

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Not overly hyped about it. Will give it a go but the game really needs the core issues fixed, better itemization, fun gameplay, WAY more class builds like every other ARPG on the market, more interesting skill choices, WAY more unique loot even set items. Seasons are just a smokescreen to keep players occupied till they fix these things.

nothing… i want a news class on D something we haven’t seem before

I agree with the general sentiments here; there isn’t a whole lot to look forward to. The follower system will probably be OK, but it’s not an attractive seasonal mechanic. Some of the new uniques are, and that’s what I look forward to, but that’s not going to hold people’s attention if they’re grinding the same stuff they were already not enjoying grinding.

I’m waiting for when the players collectively decide to speedrun vaults to fulfill requirements rather than care about those traps. I’ll be very surprised if the vaults don’t turn out to be a very unpopular activity.

I hate lab in POE and am just not a fan of traps. We have enough stuff to dodge on the ground already. The gameplay has these all over the place and they reduce your loot if you get hit by too many or something. They dont actually hurt you it seems like. I just dont like it.

gonna have to turn off damage numbers just to see the traps

Adding charge to my build.

I am curious to see how much dps the bug robot will add to your character.

Maybe use aspects I didn’t last season.

Honestly, all I care about is the new balance changes will tempt me try new builds. That’s it…and as a Necro I got disappointed once again with minion builds.

looking forward to finishing building one character quickly so I can go back to playing LE

The end of it, so S4 starts


Nothing. Low key browsing the forums and patch notes to see what is being implemented and how it is received.

Wont go back to D4 until I see some real changes. Have a feeling I will eventually stop browsing hoping for a change and just call it quit with d4 and blizz.

Playing a Druid to level 100, finishing the battle pass, and continue waiting for them to finish developing this game.

Playing last epoch. This games has seriously sucked me in.

That’s not how it works. Until you stop finishing battle passes, they won’t have incentive to fix the game.

Well keep waiting. I been waiting for them to fix Overwatch 2. I only bought 2 battle pass there. Here I Probably buying the new one too. I will stop if this season is bad.