What are you looking forward to in Season 3?

Playing last epoch. This games has seriously sucked me in.

That’s not how it works. Until you stop finishing battle passes, they won’t have incentive to fix the game.

Well keep waiting. I been waiting for them to fix Overwatch 2. I only bought 2 battle pass there. Here I Probably buying the new one too. I will stop if this season is bad.

This season seems lack luster to season 2. I will play it and see if there are some interesting aspects that I am not seeing in the patch notes.
I hope vaults add some much needed difficulty.

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to play around with the seneschal powers… that’s pretty much it. The thought of farming Duriel again makes me want to die so I’m not going to go for any ubers.
I’ll probably play for around 2 weeks… or over a month if my friend plays as well.

Looking forward to season 4 :]

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This game is the worst main stream ARPG on the market and these devs are already recycling their unoriginal ideas from the first 2 seasons. The game is going to need until minimum season 5 to be playable for more than a week; that’s if Blizzard replaces this failed team.
Phil Spencer sure can pick 'em! lol.

It’s the same thing with a different coat of paint. You’ll rush to 70 and then there’s nothing to do except farm the bosses again to get loot that you’ll have nothing to do with. There are no changes with any real substance.

Hey i give at least a sarcastic feedback, after the clarification that we can in fact snapshot the whole constructs arsenal!

I view it as a Destiny in an ARPG setting. It’s the gameplay that makes it so addicting. Playing as a Rogue was quite a lot of fun purely from a gameplay standpoint. Just like Destiny is so crisp in terms of the feel of its shooting. Other than maybe Titanfall 2, I never played an FPS that felt so good that you could literally do the same thing over and over and still like it.

Although I think Destiny was better and felt more complete, even when it was released however many years ago.