What are you looking forward to in Season 3?

Only a couple days now. I’m pretty excited, being my 2nd season in any game ever.

Even though it’s a main feature, I really don’t care for the construct / Seneschal. But I’m not a big fan of followers & companions and stopped playing summoning classes in RPGs for a while now. But since it’s a central theme of the season, I guess we’ll see how it goes. :man_shrugging:

I am looking forward to the Vaults, Gauntlet and Leaderboards (when the latter two arrive). They sound interesting, with meaningful rewards, and I’ve been waiting for more challenging endgame content. I hope they keep a bunch of this stuff like AoZ so we have a lot of different stuff to do, if we ever get bored of one activity and feel like jumping into something else. As time goes on, I suspect there’s gonna be a lot of content to partake in. Too bad it’s pretty bare right now.


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Looking forward to honest objective feedback from a normal person, whether it is worth it to play this season or not.

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Good luck with that.:joy:


I have a few on my friends list. I did not mean in here. :smile:


It ending so we can get to the itemization changes in season 4. Or us being 1 season closer to the itemization changes in season 5 that got pushed back from season 4.


Nothing really. I’m not that excited but I’m gonna make another Firewall Sorc, so I can post something on my YT channel. Some folks are interested in knowing how the build performs in S3. So it’s more for the followers and not for me. In S2 it was good (and not broken).

After that, I’ll be playing Last Epoch again and PoE 1 in PC ( PoE 1 doesn’t support cross save so I gotta start from zero again because my char was in Xbox)

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I’m looking forward to that as well, but one season at a time I guess. I just want to play / try something different and see all the changes. Getting tired of the Rogue and want to play a Druid.

I’m looking forward to see which of the previous seasonal powers get tuned into items in the mid season update. I’m also looking forward to answers to questions I have about things like the Helltide changes, the Gauntlet, the beta test for new expansion content / features (dungeons / the merc), the new universal aspect and more than anything else: the gameplay of the build I’m going to play.

Honorable mention: the +1 stash tab.

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I like making new characters. However, I’, not looking forward to what I know I’ll to do in order to become competitive. Duriel…

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I think / hope it’s not gonna be as bad because now we know what to do and how to get it. But I feel ya there.

Got your back jack, whiners/hate be crazy. I’m looking forward to having a little beetle of joy. However objectively speaking, I see the same gameplay loop as before with nothing to do once you’ve hit 100 and completed NMD 100, except wait for the gauntlets and the leaderboards. I’ll still enjoy it, but I don’t expect it to be amazing, just more of the same.

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How can any other Person who doesnt know you Tell If it is worth for you?

Try IT for one month and then go Play Last Epoch…thats my opinion :slight_smile:

The steel for durial should be easier to get now that helltides are 24/7, but i am curious how they are gonna get parts to get the eggs that drop from variahan. Are they just gonna have us run tree dungeons repeatedly since vamptide is gonna be gone. Even then only one or two parts for tree turn ins seems like it would take forever to string a few varashan runs together to get eggs.

Seems like this season is gonna be clunky and not flow well….but of course everyone will have to wait and see.


this might sound like a troll reply, but… the end :sweat_smile:

i’m looking forward to S4 actualy (seeing how fast i got bored the previous seasons i don’t think i’ll be playing much this season)


Sir, the Blizzard marketing does not work on me. :hamster:

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Damn, I forgot about that. Yeah, you’re right. They also said one of the (new?) bosses will drop Duriel mats, giving us more than one way to get them. But the greatest chance of uber uniques will remain on Duriel.

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I’m just looking forward to experience something new/different. We’ll see if S3 delivers soon enough.

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looking forward to charge and new playstyles for barbarian
looking forward to new uniques
looking forward to the seneschal companion interactions
looking forward to NM 100 challenge rifts LOL


Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but i will give it a fair try. 1-50 was really fun in S2, so we will see if the same holds for season 3.

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looking forward to low online and ghost town after 1st week.