[Werewolf] Druid Critique

(These are just my opinions)

Background in Diablo
I’ve played d1, d2, and d3 probably more than any other game other than wow. Ranked 88 on the hardcore ladder as Fury in d2.

  • Movement. It feels very clunky. Like 2013 Warwick from LoL. I would prefer something more similar to the d2 movement as I feel it was way more fluid and didn’t look so awkward.

  • Shapeshifting. It should last way longer. I would honestly prefer it to last until an ability from a different type of form is used.

  • Passives. We shouldn’t have to waste points. Werewolf should move faster in form and werebear should get more health. I don’t believe we should have to waste talents on something that should just be obvious to the form.

  • Abilities. Werewolf seems very clunky. I feel as if I’m using 2 buttons(cause I am, like a lot of other classes). Blood Howl is okay, but i feel like i dont need it between potions and the healing from shred. It’s pretty much used for a spirit generator.

  • Model. I’m with the majority of the community and don’t really care for it. I don’t think it’s a huge issue, I would have just liked more options for body type instead of locking each class into one size.

I am really excited about this game because I see a lot of potential. I just hope they change things before release. This game has been in development for what seems like forever and I hope it shows the time put in.

Please Blizz, listen to the community :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading!


It took WoW devs decades to start actually listening to player feedback so don’t hold your breath.

Woah, constructive werewolf feedback… What is this? Where am I and what did you do with the internet trolls?

I agree immensely. I took the IAS point for blood howl and that’s literally what I use it for, aside from being OCD about my potions being 5/5. I also found that the movement issues can cause you to stare at an enemy instead of attacking if they are slightly around the corner from you. Shapeshifting is too short, and the movement speed bonus 100% should be an automatic passive for being in werewolf form. Also, I noticed that I don’t think the “brutal” vine creeper works with werewolf? Maybe I’m dumb or unlucky, but I don’t see a huge increase in my crits when it’s strangling stuff.

The model I have literally no opinion on. I loved the D2/D2R model, I love this model. They both look amazing to me. However, I’ve always been more of a “sleek and fast” style kinda guy.


I agree, but the diablo franchise is banking on the success of this game. There’s a bit more to lose in my opinion.

I’m skipping Blood Howl entirely. Wasted points that could be spent elsewhere. Wish that legendary aspect was one of the nodes to pick from instead. I’m skipping the entire Defense block. Druids don’t need any defense. There’s other ways to do damage migration or self heal.

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I have found a way to keep you can keep up the buff for the majority of the time. But again, super clunky.

(If you’re outside of town) While holding the Left click to move, press Shift+Space that the same time and you will attack and dash. The form last until there is 1 second on dash, then you just repeat.

Oh I’m way too lazy for that. But that shouldn’t be a necessity. I know there’s a legendary to make your form permanent wolf, but let’s be honest… that shouldn’t actually be a necessity either. I could honestly see them just adding it into a skill node. Maybe replace the movement speed one with “5% increased movement speed in werewolf form, and werewolf form becomes your default form instead of human”.

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I don’t think we should have a node for it, but I’d take that over nothing at all lol.

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I think the overall design and playstyle of Werewolf is fun. But the aspects are so overwhelmingly underwhelming surrounding Shred it’s almost a joke. This type of design seems almost on purpose and is very reminiscent of D3. Instead of you creating fun builds that work because of the games amazing design it just feels like Blizzard is shoving builds they create and come up with, down your throat.

There’s one aspect in particular for example where ‘Shred will pop Rabies Poisoning damage to surrounding enemies affected by Rabies but only if it dashes’. It is such a janky aspect to use in terms of playstyle, it’s downright useless, and its the same across the board for all Werewolf aspects. I could think of at least 5 different aspects right now that would be fun and strong for Werewolf. And this is what I mean by it feels almost done on purpose. Who created such a useless item, compared it to what other classes have going on and put it in the game without thinking “Wow. This is terrible and useless.” When you see game design like this it really starts to feel like it’s all on purpose.

The whole idea of shapeshifting in this game is entirely redundant and they missed the nail on the head. I could just as easily use any ability in any form because physically transforming into these forms and staying in them gives literally nothing. It’s all cosmetic. So in my opinion it’s a terrible and useless design and honestly was probably a whole lot of wasted time they could have put elsewhere. But I guess we have to roll with it now.

The druid is an extremely hard class to get right. It essentially is at least 2 different classes in 1 if not even more. But the simple truth is they fell short and hard in what the Werewolf is. I get that it’s only a beta and we are only level 25 but when you compare other classes and how they are performing in the beta compared to Werewolf you really can’t help but wonder what the future holds.


Another thing,
The barbarian has a passive skill that makes him move faster than the werewolf druid. This does not make any sense.

12% vs 9% Druid

I had a little think today about ‘brutal poison creeper’ you have mentioned. CSC increased by 20% against enemies strangled by Poison Creeper - but the active ability of Poison Creeper says VINES strangle all surrounding enemies… so maybe it could only proc every 7 seconds on enemies touched by passive ability that states: “A poison creeper periodically emerges…”. On the other hand more helpful with single targets rather then with multiple monsters as of a probability.