Well Since We Can't Login Lets Share Some Druid Pain

I am about to hit lvl 90. Today on my druid I have found 7 Vasily’s helms, 2 werebear unique chest, and 1 werewolf unique chest. Still no Tempest Roar 8( Anyone else have any luck?

are you doing high nightmare dungeons? thats such a small amount of uniques its not even funny

Not far off 90 myself. But still tinkering with build as I had to change it around T30 N Dungeons. It’s hard finding specific (good roll) aspects that I need. Tons of Vasily helms and a few Insatiable Fury’s but not much else of note.
What’s your build like? I avoid meta so I was doing a Wolf/Bear shift which gave me a lot of fortify and healing but lacked damage, now I have some sort of Grizzly Rage build but I don’t like the slower primary attack.